A command line tool trying to replicate Discord, created using Dart and utilizing OOPS concepts.
git repo clone iamgoeldhruv/cliapp
COMMANDS: register: To register the user in the CLI tool.
login: To log in for registered users.
logout: Any active user can log out from the tool.
joinserver: Any logged-in user can join any existing server.
createserver: Any logged-in user can create a server.
addrole: The creator of that server can add roles to joined users in a server.
addcategory: The creator of the server or a user with admin role can create a category in a server.
addchannel: To create a channel inside a server or create an independent channel in a server.
sendmessage: We can DM users and DM in a category and in a channel in a server.
inbox: Any user can check their personal messages or see the messages in any server.
modusers: To show mod users in any channel.
showserver: To show the entire structure of the server.
exit: To exit the command line tool. It will automatically log out the active user.