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! function(t, e){"object"==typeof exports && "object"==typeof module ? module.exports=e() : "function"==typeof define && define.amd ? define([], e) : "object"==typeof exports ? exports.Pickr=e() : t.Pickr=e()}(window, function(){return function(t){var e={}; function n(r){if (e[r]) return e[r].exports; var o=e[r]={i: r, l: !1, exports:{}}; return t[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), o.l=!0, o.exports}return n.m=t, n.c=e, n.d=function(t, e, r){n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e,{enumerable: !0, get: r})}, n.r=function(t){"undefined" !=typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag,{value: "Module"}), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule",{value: !0})}, n.t=function(t, e){if (1 & e && (t=n(t)), 8 & e) return t; if (4 & e && "object"==typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; var r=Object.create(null); if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default",{enumerable: !0, value: t}), 2 & e && "string" !=typeof t) for (var o in t) n.d(r, o, function(e){return t[e]}.bind(null, o)); return r}, n.n=function(t){var e=t && t.__esModule ? function(){return t.default}: function(){return t}; return n.d(e, "a", e), e}, n.o=function(t, e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)}, n.p="dist/", n(n.s=7)}([function(t, e, n){"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule",{value: !0}); var r=Object.assign || function(t){for (var e=1; e < arguments.length; e++){var n=arguments[e]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (t[r]=n[r])}return t}; e.createElementFromString=s, e.removeAttribute=c, e.createFromTemplate=function(t){return function t(e){var n=arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !==arguments[1] ? arguments[1] :{}; var r=c(e, "data-con"); var o=c(e, "data-key"); o && (n[o]=e); var i=Array.from(e.children); var a=r ? n[r]={}: n; var s=!0; var u=!1; var l=void 0; try{for (var p, d=i[Symbol.iterator](); !(s=(p=d.next()).done); s=!0){var h=p.value, v=c(h, "data-arr"); v ? (a[v] || (a[v]=[])).push(h) : t(h, a)}}catch (t){u=!0, l=t}finally{try{!s && d.return && d.return()}finally{if (u) throw l}}return n}(s(t))}, e.eventPath=function(t){var e=t.path || t.composedPath && t.composedPath(); if (e) return e; var n=t.target.parentElement; e=[t.target, n]; for (; n=n.parentElement;) e.push(n); return e.push(document, window), e}, e.bindClassUnderscoreFunctions=function(t){var e=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(t)), n=!0, r=!1, o=void 0; try{for (var i, a=e[Symbol.iterator](); !(n=(i=a.next()).done); n=!0){var s=i.value; "_"===s.charAt(0) && "function"==typeof t[s] && (t[s]=t[s].bind(t))}}catch (t){r=!0, o=t}finally{try{!n && a.return && a.return()}finally{if (r) throw o}}}, e.adjustableInputNumbers=function(t){var e=!(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !==arguments[1]) || arguments[1], n=function(t){return t >="0" && t <="9" || "-"===t || "."===t}; function r(r){for (var o=t.value, i=t.selectionStart, a=i, s="", c=i - 1; c > 0 && n(o[c]); c--) s=o[c] + s, a--; for (var u=i; u < o.length && n(o[u]); u++) s +=o[u]; if (s.length > 0 && !isNaN(s) && isFinite(s)){var l=r.deltaY < 0 ? 1 : -1, p=r.ctrlKey ? 5 * l : l, d=Number(s) + p; !e && d < 0 && (d=0); var h=o.substr(0, a) + d + o.substring(a + s.length, o.length), v=a + String(d).length; t.value=h, t.focus(), t.setSelectionRange(v, v)}r.preventDefault(), t.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"))}o(t, "focus", function(){return o(window, "wheel", r)}), o(t, "blur", function(){return i(window, "wheel", r)})}; e.once=function(t, e, n, r){return o(t, e, function t(){n.apply(this, arguments), this.removeEventListener(e, t)}, r)}; var o=e.on=a.bind(null, "addEventListener"), i=e.off=a.bind(null, "removeEventListener"); function a(t, e, n, o){var i=arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !==arguments[4] ? arguments[4] :{}; e instanceof HTMLCollection || e instanceof NodeList ? e=Array.from(e) : Array.isArray(e) || (e=[e]), Array.isArray(n) || (n=[n]); var a=!0, s=!1, c=void 0; try{for (var u, l=e[Symbol.iterator](); !(a=(u=l.next()).done); a=!0){var p=u.value, d=!0, h=!1, v=void 0; try{for (var f, y=n[Symbol.iterator](); !(d=(f=y.next()).done); d=!0){var g=f.value; p[t](g, o, r({capture: !1}, i))}}catch (t){h=!0, v=t}finally{try{!d && y.return && y.return()}finally{if (h) throw v}}}}catch (t){s=!0, c=t}finally{try{!a && l.return && l.return()}finally{if (s) throw c}}return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)}function s(t){var e=document.createElement("template"); return e.innerHTML=t.trim(), e.content.firstChild}function c(t, e){var n=t.getAttribute(e); return t.removeAttribute(e), n}}, function(t, e, n){"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule",{value: !0}); var r=function(){return function(t, e){if (Array.isArray(t)) return t; if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) return function(t, e){var n=[], r=!0, o=!1, i=void 0; try{for (var a, s=t[Symbol.iterator](); !(r=(a=s.next()).done) && (n.push(a.value), !e || n.length !==e); r=!0);}catch (t){o=!0, i=t}finally{try{!r && s.return && s.return()}finally{if (o) throw i}}return n}(t, e); throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")}}(); function o(t){if (Array.isArray(t)){for (var e=0, n=Array(t.length); e < t.length; e++) n[e]=t[e]; return n}return Array.from(t)}e.hsvToRgb=c, e.hsvToHex=function(t, e, n){return c(t, e, n).map(function(t){return t.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")})}, e.hsvToCmyk=function(t, e, n){var r=c(t, e, n), o=r[0] / 255, s=r[1] / 255, u=r[2] / 255, l=void 0, p=void 0, d=void 0; return l=a(1 - o, 1 - s, 1 - u), p=1===l ? 0 : (1 - s - l) / (1 - l), d=1===l ? 0 : (1 - u - l) / (1 - l), [i(100 * (1===l ? 0 : (1 - o - l) / (1 - l))), i(100 * p), i(100 * d), i(100 * l)]}, e.hsvToHsl=function(t, e, n){var r=(2 - (e /=100)) * (n /=100) / 2; 0 !==r && (e=1===r ? 0 : r < .5 ? e * n / (2 * r) : e * n / (2 - 2 * r)); return [i(t), i(100 * e), i(100 * r)]}, e.parseToHSV=function(t){var e={cmyk: /^cmyk[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)/i, rgba: /^(rgb|rgba)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]*?([\d.]+|$)/i, hsla: /^(hsl|hsla)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]*?([\d.]+|$)/i, hsva: /^(hsv|hsva)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]+(\d+)[\D]*?([\d.]+|$)/i, hex: /^#?(([\dA-Fa-f]{3,4})|([\dA-Fa-f]{6})|([\dA-Fa-f]{8}))$/i}, n=function(t){return t.map(function(t){return /^(|\d+)\.\d+|\d+$/.test(t) ? Number(t) : void 0})}, i=void 0; for (var a in e) if (i=e[a].exec(t)) switch (a){case "cmyk": var s=n(i), c=r(s, 5), h=c[1], v=c[2], f=c[3], y=c[4]; return h > 100 || v > 100 || f > 100 || y > 100 ? null : [].concat(o(l(h, v, f, y)), [1]); case "rgba": var g=n(i), m=r(g, 6), b=m[2], w=m[3], k=m[4], S=m[5], A=void 0===S ? 1 : S; return b > 255 || w > 255 || k > 255 || A < 0 || A > 1 ? null : [].concat(o(u(b, w, k)), [A]); case "hex": var _=function(t, e){return [t.substring(0, e), t.substring(e, t.length)]}, C=i, O=r(C, 2), j=O[1]; 3===j.length ? j +="F" : 6===j.length && (j +="FF"); var H=void 0; if (4===j.length){var P=_(j, 3).map(function(t){return t + t}), x=r(P, 2); j=x[0], H=x[1]}else if (8===j.length){var M=_(j, 6), E=r(M, 2); j=E[0], H=E[1]}return H=parseInt(H, 16) / 255, [].concat(o(d(j)), [H]); case "hsla": var T=n(i), B=r(T, 6), L=B[2], R=B[3], D=B[4], F=B[5], N=void 0===F ? 1 : F; return L > 360 || R > 100 || D > 100 || N < 0 || N > 1 ? null : [].concat(o(p(L, R, D)), [N]); case "hsva": var V=n(i), X=r(V, 6), Y=X[2], I=X[3], K=X[4], W=X[5], z=void 0===W ? 1 : W; return Y > 360 || I > 100 || K > 100 || z < 0 || z > 1 ? null : [Y, I, K, z]}return null}; var i=Math.round, a=Math.min, s=Math.max; function c(t, e, n){t=t / 360 * 6, e /=100, n /=100; var r=Math.floor(t), o=t - r, a=n * (1 - e), s=n * (1 - o * e), c=n * (1 - (1 - o) * e), u=r % 6, l=[c, n, n, s, a, a][u], p=[a, a, c, n, n, s][u]; return [i(255 * [n, s, a, a, c, n][u]), i(255 * l), i(255 * p)]}function u(t, e, n){var r, o=void 0, c=void 0, u=a(t /=255, e /=255, n /=255), l=s(t, e, n), p=l - u; if (r=l, 0===p) o=c=0; else{c=p / l; var d=((l - t) / 6 + p / 2) / p, h=((l - e) / 6 + p / 2) / p, v=((l - n) / 6 + p / 2) / p; t===l ? o=v - h : e===l ? o=1 / 3 + d - v : n===l && (o=2 / 3 + h - d), o < 0 ? o +=1 : o > 1 && (o -=1)}return [i(360 * o), i(100 * c), i(100 * r)]}function l(t, e, n, r){e /=100, n /=100; var s=1 - a(1, (t /=100) * (1 - (r /=100)) + r), c=1 - a(1, e * (1 - r) + r), l=1 - a(1, n * (1 - r) + r); return s=i(255 * s), c=i(255 * c), l=i(255 * l), [].concat(o(u(s, c, l)))}function p(t, e, n){return e /=100, [t, i(2 * (e *=(n /=100) < .5 ? n : 1 - n) / (n + e) * 100), i(100 * (n + e))]}function d(t){var e=t.match(/.{2}/g).map(function(t){return parseInt(t, 16)}), n=r(e, 3); return u(n[0], n[1], n[2])}}, function(t, e, n){"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule",{value: !0}), e.default=function(){var t=arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !==arguments[0] ? arguments[0] :{}, e={options: Object.assign({onchange: function(){return 0}, className: ""}, t), _ontap: function(t){var n=e.options; n.elements.forEach(function(e){return e.classList[t.target===e ? "add" : "remove"](n.className)}), n.onchange()}, destroy: function(){r.off(e.options.elements, "click", this._ontap)}}; return r.on(e.options.elements, "click", e._ontap), e}; var r=function(t){if (t && t.__esModule) return t; var e={}; if (null !=t) for (var n in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) && (e[n]=t[n]); return e.default=t, e}(n(0))}, function(t, e, n){"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule",{value: !0}), e.default=function(t){var e={options: Object.assign({lockX: !1, lockY: !1, onchange: function(){return 0}}, t), _tapstart: function(t){r.on(document, ["mouseup", "touchend", "touchcancel"], e._tapstop), r.on(document, ["mousemove", "touchmove"], e._tapmove), e.trigger(t), t.preventDefault()}, _tapmove: function(t){var n=e.options, r=e.cache, o=n.element, i=e.wrapperRect, a=0, s=0; if (t){var c=t && t.touches && t.touches[0]; a=t ? (c || t).clientX : 0, s=t ? (c || t).clientY : 0, a < i.left ? a=i.left : a > i.left + i.width && (a=i.left + i.width), s < i.top ? s=i.top : s > i.top + i.height && (s=i.top + i.height), a -=i.left, s -=i.top}else r && (a=r.x, s=r.y); n.lockX || (o.style.left=a - o.offsetWidth / 2 + "px"), n.lockY || (o.style.top=s - o.offsetHeight / 2 + "px"), e.cache={x: a, y: s}, n.onchange(a, s)}, _tapstop: function(){r.off(document, ["mouseup", "touchend", "touchcancel"], e._tapstop), r.off(document, ["mousemove", "touchmove"], e._tapmove)}, trigger: function(t){e.wrapperRect=e.options.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(), e._tapmove(t)}, update: function(){var t=arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !==arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, n=arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !==arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0; e._tapmove(new MouseEvent("mousemove",{clientX: e.wrapperRect.left + t, clientY: e.wrapperRect.top + n}))}, destroy: function(){var t=e.options, n=e._tapstart; r.off([t.wrapper, t.element], "mousedown", n), r.off([t.wrapper, t.element], "touchstart", n,{passive: !1})}}; e.wrapperRect=e.options.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); var n=e.options, o=e._tapstart; return r.on([n.wrapper, n.element], "mousedown", o), r.on([n.wrapper, n.element], "touchstart", o,{passive: !1}), e}; var r=function(t){if (t && t.__esModule) return t; var e={}; if (null !=t) for (var n in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) && (e[n]=t[n]); return e.default=t, e}(n(0))}, function(t, e, n){"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule",{value: !0}), e.HSVaColor=void 0; var r=function(){function t(t, e){for (var n=0; n < e.length; n++){var r=e[n]; r.enumerable=r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable=!0, "value" in r && (r.writable=!0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r)}}return function(e, n, r){return n && t(e.prototype, n), r && t(e, r), e}}(), o=function(t){if (t && t.__esModule) return t; var e={}; if (null !=t) for (var n in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) && (e[n]=t[n]); return e.default=t, e}(n(1)); e.HSVaColor=function(){function t(){var e=arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !==arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, n=arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !==arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, r=arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !==arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, o=arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !==arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1; ! function(t, e){if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this, t), this.h=e, this.s=n, this.v=r, this.a=o}return r(t, [{key: "toHSVA", value: function(){var t=[this.h, this.s, this.v, this.a]; return t.toString=function(){return "hsva(" + this[0] + ", " + this[1] + "%, " + this[2] + "%, " + this[3] + ")"}, t}},{key: "toHSLA", value: function(){var t=o.hsvToHsl(this.h, this.s, this.v).concat([this.a]); return t.toString=function(){return "hsla(" + this[0] + ", " + this[1] + "%, " + this[2] + "%, " + this[3] + ")"}, t}},{key: "toRGBA", value: function(){var t=o.hsvToRgb(this.h, this.s, this.v).concat([this.a]); return t.toString=function(){return "rgba(" + this[0] + ", " + this[1] + ", " + this[2] + ", " + this[3] + ")"}, t}},{key: "toHEX", value: function(){var t=o.hsvToHex(this.h, this.s, this.v).concat([this.a]); return t.toString=function(){var t=1===this[3] ? "" : Number((255 * this[3]).toFixed(0)).toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, "0"); return "#" + (this.slice(0, 3).join("").toUpperCase() + t)}, t}},{key: "toCMYK", value: function(){var t=o.hsvToCmyk(this.h, this.s, this.v); return t.toString=function(){return "cmyk(" + this[0] + "%, " + this[1] + "%, " + this[2] + "%, " + this[3] + "%)"}, t}},{key: "clone", value: function(){return new t(this.h, this.s, this.v, this.a)}}]), t}()}, , function(t, e, n){}, function(t, e, n){"use strict"; var r=function(){function t(t, e){for (var n=0; n < e.length; n++){var r=e[n]; r.enumerable=r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable=!0, "value" in r && (r.writable=!0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r)}}return function(e, n, r){return n && t(e.prototype, n), r && t(e, r), e}}(); n(6); var o=l(n(0)), i=l(n(1)), a=n(4), s=u(n(3)), c=u(n(2)); function u(t){return t && t.__esModule ? t :{default: t}}function l(t){if (t && t.__esModule) return t; var e={}; if (null !=t) for (var n in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) && (e[n]=t[n]); return e.default=t, e}function p(t){if (Array.isArray(t)){for (var e=0, n=Array(t.length); e < t.length; e++) n[e]=t[e]; return n}return Array.from(t)}var d=function(){function t(e){! function(t, e){if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this, t), this.options=Object.assign({useAsButton: !1, disabled: !1, comparison: !0, components:{interaction:{}}, strings:{}, default: "fff", position: "middle", adjustableNumbers: !0, showAlways: !1, appendToBody: !1, closeWithKey: "Escape", onChange: function(){return 0}, onSave: function(){return 0}}, e), this.options.components.interaction || (this.options.components.interaction={}), o.bindClassUnderscoreFunctions(this), this.initializingActive=!0, this.inputActive=!1, this.color=new a.HSVaColor, this.lastColor=new a.HSVaColor, this._buildRoot(), this._rePositioningPicker(), this._buildComponents(), this._bindEvents(), this.options.comparison || (this.root.button.style.transition="none", this.options.useAsButton || (this.root.preview.lastColor.style.transition="none")), this.setColor(this.options.default), this.initializingActive=!1}return r(t, [{key: "_buildRoot", value: function(){var t=this.options; "string"==typeof t.el && (t.el=document.querySelector(t.el)); var e=function(t){var e=t.components, n=t.strings, r=t.useAsButton, i=function(t){return t ? "" : 'style="display:none" hidden'}, a=o.createFromTemplate('\n <div data-key="root" class="pickr">\n \n ' + (r ? "" : '<div data-key="button" class="pcr-button"></div>') + '\n\n <div data-key="app" class="pcr-app">\n <div class="pcr-selection">\n <div data-con="preview" class="pcr-color-preview" ' + i(e.preview) + '>\n <div data-key="lastColor" class="pcr-last-color"></div>\n <div data-key="currentColor" class="pcr-current-color"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div data-con="palette" class="pcr-color-palette">\n <div data-key="picker" class="pcr-picker"></div>\n <div data-key="palette" class="pcr-palette"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div data-con="hueSlider" class="pcr-color-chooser" ' + i(e.hue) + '>\n <div data-key="picker" class="pcr-picker"></div>\n <div data-key="slider" class="pcr-hue pcr-slider"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div data-con="opacitySlider" class="pcr-color-opacity" ' + i(e.opacity) + '>\n <div data-key="picker" class="pcr-picker"></div>\n <div data-key="slider" class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div data-con="interaction" class="pcr-interaction" ' + i(e.interaction) + '>\n <input data-key="result" class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" ' + i(e.interaction.input) + '>\n\n <input data-arr="options" class="pcr-type" data-type="HEX" value="HEX" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.hex) + '>\n <input data-arr="options" class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBa" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.rgba) + '>\n <input data-arr="options" class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLa" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.hsla) + '>\n <input data-arr="options" class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVa" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.hsva) + '>\n <input data-arr="options" class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.cmyk) + '>\n\n <input data-key="save" class="pcr-save" value="' + (n.save || "Save") + '" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.save) + '>\n <input data-key="clear" class="pcr-clear" value="' + (n.clear || "Clear") + '" type="button" ' + i(e.interaction.clear) + ">\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n "); return a.interaction.options.find(function(t){return !t.hidden && !t.classList.add("active")}), a.interaction.type=function(){return a.interaction.options.find(function(t){return t.classList.contains("active")})}, a}(t); this.root=e, t.useAsButton ? (t.appendToBody=!0, this.root.button=t.el) : t.el.parentElement.replaceChild(e.root, t.el), t.appendToBody && document.body.appendChild(e.app), t.disabled && this.disable(), t.showAlways ? e.app.classList.add("visible") : this.hide()}},{key: "_buildComponents", value: function(){var t=this, e=this.options.components, n={palette: new s.default({element: t.root.palette.picker, wrapper: t.root.palette.palette, onchange: function(e, n){var r=t.color, o=t.root, i=t.options; r.s=Math.round(e / this.wrapper.offsetWidth * 100), r.v=Math.round(100 - n / this.wrapper.offsetHeight * 100); var a=r.toRGBA().toString(); this.element.style.background=a, this.wrapper.style.background="\n linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, " + r.a + "), transparent), \n linear-gradient(to left, hsla(" + r.h + ", 100%, 50%, " + r.a + "), rgba(255, 255, 255, " + r.a + "))\n ", i.comparison || (o.button.style.background=a, i.useAsButton || (o.preview.lastColor.style.background=a)), o.preview.currentColor.style.background=a, t.inputActive || t._updateOutput(), o.button.classList.remove("clear")}}), hueSlider: new s.default({lockX: !0, element: t.root.hueSlider.picker, wrapper: t.root.hueSlider.slider, onchange: function(r, o){e.hue && (t.color.h=Math.round(o / this.wrapper.offsetHeight * 360), this.element.style.backgroundColor="hsl(" + t.color.h + ", 100%, 50%)", n.palette.trigger())}}), opacitySlider: new s.default({lockX: !0, element: t.root.opacitySlider.picker, wrapper: t.root.opacitySlider.slider, onchange: function(n, r){e.opacity && (t.color.a=Math.ceil(r / this.wrapper.offsetHeight * 100) / 100, this.element.style.background="rgba(0, 0, 0, " + t.color.a + ")", t.components.palette.trigger())}}), selectable: new c.default({elements: t.root.interaction.options, className: "active", onchange: function(){t.inputActive=!1, t.components.palette.trigger()}})}; this.components=n}},{key: "_bindEvents", value: function(){var t=this, e=this.root, n=this.options, r=[o.on(e.interaction.clear, "click", function(){n.useAsButton || (e.button.style.background="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)"), e.button.classList.add("clear"), n.showAlways || t.hide(), n.onSave(null, t)}), o.on(e.preview.lastColor, "click", function(){return t.setHSVA.apply(t, p(t.lastColor.toHSVA()))}), o.on(e.interaction.save, "click", function(){!t._saveColor() && !n.showAlways && t.hide()}), o.on(e.interaction.result, ["input", "focus"], function(e){t.setColor(e.target.value, !0), t.inputActive=!0}), o.on([e.palette.palette, e.palette.picker, e.hueSlider.slider, e.hueSlider.picker, e.opacitySlider.slider, e.opacitySlider.picker], "mousedown", function(){return t.inputActive=!1}), o.on(window, "resize", this._rePositioningPicker)]; if (!n.showAlways){r.push(o.on(e.button, "click", function(){return t.isOpen() ? t.hide() : t.show()})); var i=n.closeWithKey; r.push(o.on(document, "keyup", function(e){return t.isOpen() && (e.key===i || e.code===i) && t.hide()})), r.push(o.on(document, "mousedown", function(n){o.eventPath(n).includes(e.app) || o.once(document, "mouseup", function(){return t.hide()})}))}n.adjustableNumbers && o.adjustableInputNumbers(e.interaction.result, !1), this.eventBindings=r}},{key: "_rePositioningPicker", value: function(){var t=this.root, e=this.root.app; if (this.options.appendToBody){var n=t.button.getBoundingClientRect(); e.style.position="fixed", e.style.marginLeft=n.left + "px", e.style.marginTop=n.top + "px"}var r=t.button.getBoundingClientRect(), o=e.getBoundingClientRect(), i=e.style; function a(t){switch (t){case "left": return -o.width + r.width; case "middle": return -o.width / 2 + r.width / 2; case "right": return 0}}o.bottom > window.innerHeight ? i.top=-o.height - 5 + "px" : r.bottom + o.height < window.innerHeight && (i.top=r.height + 5 + "px"); var s=parseInt(getComputedStyle(e).left, 10), c=a(this.options.position); o.left - s + c < 0 ? c=a("right") : o.left - s - c > window.innerWidth && (c=a("left")), i.left=c + "px"}},{key: "_updateOutput", value: function(){var t=this;!this.inputActive && this.root.interaction.type() && (this.root.interaction.result.value=function(){var e="to" + t.root.interaction.type().getAttribute("data-type"); return "function"==typeof t.color[e] ? t.color[e]().toString() : ""}()), this.initializingActive || this.options.onChange(this.color, this)}},{key: "_saveColor", value: function(){var t=this.root, e=t.preview, n=t.button, r=this.color.toRGBA().toString(); e.lastColor.style.background=r, this.options.useAsButton || (n.style.background=r), n.classList.remove("clear"), this.lastColor=this.color.clone(), this.initializingActive || this.options.onSave(this.color, this)}},{key: "destroy", value: function(){var t=this; this.eventBindings.forEach(function(t){return o.off.apply(o, p(t))}), Object.keys(this.components).forEach(function(e){return t.components[e].destroy()})}},{key: "destroyAndRemove", value: function(){this.destroy(); var t=this.root.root; t.parentElement.removeChild(t)}},{key: "hide", value: function(){return this.root.app.classList.remove("visible"), this}},{key: "show", value: function(){if (!this.options.disabled) return this.root.app.classList.add("visible"), this._rePositioningPicker(), this}},{key: "isOpen", value: function(){return this.root.app.classList.contains("visible")}},{key: "setHSVA", value: function(){var t=arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !==arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 360, e=arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !==arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n=arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !==arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r=arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !==arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1, o=arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !==arguments[4] && arguments[4]; if (t < 0 || t > 360 || e < 0 || e > 100 || n < 0 || n > 100 || r < 0 || r > 1) return !1; var i=this.components, s=i.hueSlider, c=i.opacitySlider, u=i.palette, l=s.options.wrapper.offsetHeight * (t / 360); s.update(0, l); var p=c.options.wrapper.offsetHeight * r; c.update(0, p); var d=u.options.wrapper, h=d.offsetWidth * (e / 100), v=d.offsetHeight * (1 - n / 100); return u.update(h, v), this.color=new a.HSVaColor(t, e, n, r), o || this._saveColor(), !0}},{key: "setColor", value: function(t){var e=arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !==arguments[1] && arguments[1], n=i.parseToHSV(t); if (n) return this.setHSVA.apply(this, p(n).concat([e]))}},{key: "getColor", value: function(){return this.color}},{key: "getRoot", value: function(){return this.root}},{key: "disable", value: function(){return this.options.disabled=!0, this.root.button.classList.add("disabled"), this}},{key: "enable", value: function(){return this.options.disabled=!1, this.root.button.classList.remove("disabled"), this}}]), t}(); d.utils={once: o.once, on: o.on, off: o.off, eventPath: o.eventPath, createElementFromString: o.createElementFromString, removeAttribute: o.removeAttribute, createFromTemplate: o.createFromTemplate}, d.create=function(t){return new d(t)}, d.version="0.2.0", t.exports=d}])});