ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.1.3 and v4.1.4
- IBX-2784: Toolbox redesign (#415)
- IBX-2918: Improvement collapse panel (#429)
- IBX-2000: Added search into URL Wildcard tab (#2042)
- IBX-2995: Fixed parameters order for AuthenticationSuccessHandler (#2051)
- IBX-2995: Fixed parameters order for AuthenticationSuccessHandler (#2051)
- IBX-2000: Aligned URLWildcard search codebase with 4.x
- IBX-2878: Cutted change path label button (#423)
- IBX-2871: Wrong spacing on some admin pages (#421)
- IBX-2760: Number input - clear X button overlaps with the number (#424)
- IBX-2414: Button "create" - wrong priority (#426)
- IBX-2869: [Navigation menu] Field groups navigation menu cannot unselect 2nd choice (#425)
- IBX-2910: Fix font family in headlines (#427)
- IBX-2880: Changed CredentialsExpiredListener to expect PasswordExpiredException (#2045)
- IBX-2920: Fixed rolled-up styles (#430)
- IBX-857: Added call invalidateSize on each map when tab clicked and if tab contains any map (#2047)
- IBX-2928: Provided tooltip fallback for Content fieldtype description (#2048)