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2019 02 07 library development

Michael Wetter edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 5 revisions

IBPSA Modelica Library Coordination

Date: February 7, 2019, 8am-9am Pacific Times

The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the development

Meeting information

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Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,6614042296# or +16465588656,6614042296#

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Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 661 404 2296 International numbers available:


  1. Block to overwrite and to send control signals (
  2. Update about refactoring of regression tests.
  3. New media R290, R32 and CO2 from Aachen (Christian). Expansion valve and compressor model for refrigerant circuits
  4. Weather data reader: (
  5. Linearized actuator model.
  6. Library restructuring:
  7. Open pull requests and issues at


Massimo Cimmino
Antoine Gautier
Bram van der Heijde
Jianjun Hu
Moritz Lauster
Filip Jorissen
Christian Vering
Stefan (Aachen)
Ryan Rogers
Michael Wetter


Block to overwrite control signals

Being used now in BOPTEST. Next is to make a pull request.

Regression test

Philip suggests for Simplified* examples to use from_dp = true for valves.

Next: Merge changes in BuildingsPy to its master branch.

New media R290

Developed regressions for media. Next is to impose conditions on transition.

Avoid using inverse annotation to allow result comparison across tool.

Next finish development and then put on a development branch of IBPSA. Should be finished by Aachen before end of March.

Weather data reader

Refactor based on

Linearized actuator model

Use of smoothMin causes inflection point that can cause problem with Newton solver. Perform sensitivity study on the old pressure independent damper.

Work on new, pressure-dependent actuator, and put it on IBPSA branch for review/further discussion.

Library restructuring

No activity. Remove from next agenda until work starts.

Open issues


New action items


Previous action items

  1. Moritz to clean up examples of weather data reader in October, then do code review. See also, and
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