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2019 03 14 Task 3 Coordination Meeting
InaDJ edited this page Mar 27, 2019
13 revisions
- Contents
- Task 3 Coordination Meeting
- Building modelling subgroup meeting
- Network modelling subgroup meeting
Date: March 14, 2019, 3pm Brussels time (UTC+1)
- Preparation of Aachen meeting
- Join Skype Meeting
- Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App
- Join by phone
- +3216379898 (Heverlee) Dutch (Netherlands)
- +3216379897 (Heverlee) English (United States)
- Find a local number
- Conference ID: 787350
- Participants
- Present: Dirk Saelens, Ina De Jaeger (notes), Annelies Vandermeulen, Bram van der Heijde, Michael Mans, Alessandro Maccarini, Enora Garreau, Haris Shamsi, Igor Sartori
- Who's joining in Aachen:
- YES: Dirk, Ina, Alessandro, Annelies, Michael
- NO: Bram, Haris
- ?: Enora
- How to organise the break-out sessions?
- 6 sessions in total (2 on day 1 + 4 on day 2)
- 2 sessions to conclude the work on the buildings and the network
- Ina and Felix chair those slots
- Buildings
- Finalize the first common exercise
- Ina shows the latest results
- Very nice set of data (total of 7 models)
- Results look more and more aligned
- Ina highlights the main conclusions that I draw from this exercise
- Network
- 30-45 min would be sufficient (additional time can be used for the Buildings group if they need more)
- 1 session to introduce a template that will be used to collect application cases (Alessandro) + to have some free presentations
- Michael: Overview of automated network generation and simplification.
- Annelies: update on Modesto?
- Interesting to include some control in the DESTEST
- Ina: could present her BS Rome paper
- Enora: not really
- 2 sessions to define the next steps for the common exercise + to define the
- Dirk will first introduce his ideas, based on the BS Rome paper
- Participants pitch ideas what they want to do in the next exercise or as a contribution for the DESTEST (how to increase the complexity?)
- Only some minutes
- Please prepare (!)
- Maybe bring 2-3 slides
- These ideas will be used in the definition of the next common exercise
- You should be able to engage yourself, that's why there is the opportunity to propose yourself
- Michael proposes to send pitch ideas upfront (by March 22)
- Only bullet points
- Add to the Google Spreadsheet at Session 2.2 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1--xhKE7Z4S9f82sk4AG_yH-yBRcO1pvC1jBz7CdsRb0/edit#gid=421244930)
- 1 session to join other WPs (shared session with the others)
- Links with other groups
- Bram: there seems to be less activity in WP1.1 than in Annex60 > if we have any issues, please report them to that group, so they can get into it
- Dirk:
- Darren Robinson is leaving the project, but Gerald Schweiger will take over as leader for the GIS part
- Link with BIM is less strong
- Opportunity with the BOPTEST (1.2), but probably in a later stage
- Alessandro:
- Central plant model for a district heating network
- Bram:
- Substation models would be a useful contribution
- Other issues:
- Alessandro: Ina, should we have another Skype meeting for the buildings group before the Aachen meeting, so we can make sure we can conclude the exercise in Aachen?
- Yes > Ina sends Doodle for next week or week after
- Michael: I will set up another meeting for the Network group
- Alessandro: Ina, should we have another Skype meeting for the buildings group before the Aachen meeting, so we can make sure we can conclude the exercise in Aachen?
- Actions:
- Everyone: add pitch idea to Google spreadsheet (BS2.2)(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1--xhKE7Z4S9f82sk4AG_yH-yBRcO1pvC1jBz7CdsRb0/edit#gid=421244930)
- Everyone: add ideas for links/collaborations with other WPs to Google spreadsheet (BS2.3)(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1--xhKE7Z4S9f82sk4AG_yH-yBRcO1pvC1jBz7CdsRb0/edit#gid=421244930)
- Ina: set up Buildings meeting before Aachen meeting
- Michael: set up Network meeting before Aachen meeting
- Buildings meeting: Doodle
- Network meeting:
Date: March 26, 2019, 2 pm Brussels time (UTC+1)
- Preparation of Aachen meeting
- Finalize first modelling exercise
- Join Skype Meeting
- Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App
- Join by phone
- +3216379898 (Heverlee) Dutch (Netherlands)
- +3216379897 (Heverlee) English (United States)
- Find a local number
- Conference ID: 349894
Haris Shamsi, Enora Garreau, Alessandro Maccarini, Oystein Ronneseth, Michael Mans, Ina De Jaeger (notes)
- Latest results of the building models
- Trnsys model shows some weird behaviour for March, but is better for the other weeks > model is normally identical to DIMOSIM, so don't look further into it
- Still some differences in occupant schedule, but already so many iterations > leave as it is
- Good idea to write documentation
- Documentation consists of 2 parts: building definition in a clear format that contains all of the required data + report of the methodology, encountered issues and results
- Enora proposes GeoJSON for the format of the building definition. She'll give a short overview at Aachen meeting. We should find a template that fits for all futures buildings as well + also ask input of Task 2 (what do they propose?)
- Regarding the report: we should do that within the BS paper (research point of view) or a READ ME file (user point of view, which can be changed quickly + for modellers, it is nice to have a modelling guide on github)
- Maybe take the annex 60 report as a basis + discuss in Aachen
- Aachen meeting
- Keep the thing we did rather short, but focus on the future work
- In future work:
- gradually increase complexity
- network needs more diversity in heating loads and cooling loads > how can we generate more diverse heating and cooling loads, from easy to difficult?
- Igor worked a lot with load profiles. Maybe, he can share some > discuss in Aachen
- impact of coupled zones is low, compared to the impact of different set points and internal gains > number of zones depends on future building definition and its function
- Summary: in Aachen, we should
- Discuss a template to model all different building models (one format for all, see also Spreadsheet what should be included)
- Discuss outline (prepared by Ina) for the written report with the method and results (input can be found in other format)
- [LARGEST PART] Discuss the future steps, how to proceed?
- Everyone reads Annex 60 report
- Considering the large number of pages of the Annex 60 report, Ina proposes to only read the part on the DESTEST, which corresponds to section 10.4 DESTEST (find it in html version here).
- Ina prepares outline of our report (based on Annex 60)
- Enora prepares short overview of the GeoJSON format
Date: March 26, 2019, 10 am Brussels time (UTC+1)
- Preparation of Aachen meeting
- Finalize first modelling exercise
- Calculation of the right insulation thickness
- Re-simulate the excercise
Were send to ibpsa-project-1-application-and-dissemination@googlegroups.com
Alessandro Maccarini, Felix Bünning, Annelies Vandermeulen, Michael Mans
Finalizing first simulation exercise:
- Felix implemented a revised version of the insulation thickness calculation for the pipes
- With the right insulation, we got the same order of magnitude as with Dimosim
- Revision of the bypass modelling is need, Annelies is looking up some literature values for the bypass
- @all need to redo simulations with fixed insulation thickness and new bypass values until end of the week, send results to Michael
Preperation of the Aachen meeting:
- Michael prepares some new result plots and an outlook of future work (see below)
- Felix prepares some short introduction and what we already did until now
Future work suggestions:
- Combined heating and cooling with LTN
- Distributed energy sources
- Larger and meshed network (non symmetric)
- introduction of a more diverse load structure (new year of constructions, building types etc, direct link to the building modelling subgroup)
- @all think about the next layout (suggestions welcome)