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2021 05 07 Virtual Expert Meeting Agenda
Time: May 7 and May 12, 2021, 7am-11am Pacific Daylight Time
Registration is required by April 30, 2021, using this form.
Location: Web meeting via Zoom. Link: https://rwth.zoom.us/j/96846626522?pwd=V2hrdFJBQ21XUEVmREM5TVpFekplZz09
Meeting-ID: 968 4662 6522
Passcode: 919394
Search for local connection option: https://rwth.zoom.us/u/ab2ajjHoTW
Important information for Zoom Log-in names:
Slides will be available at https://github.com/ibpsa/project1/tree/master/meetings/2021-05-07-expert-meeting-virtual.
7:00 Brief overview and logistics (Michael Wetter, Christoph van Treeck, Avichal Malhotra)
Zoom setup, breakout rooms, participant names.
7:20 Presentations from activities, recent work and overview of this meetings breakout groups (each 10 min plus 5 questions, 5 min buffer)
- WP 1.1 Modelica library for design and operation (Michael Wetter)
- WP 1.2 Model Predictive Control (Lieve Helsen and David Blum)
- WP 2.1 City Quarter Information Modeling (James O'Donnell, Gerald Schweiger)
- WP 2.2 BIM (Christoph van Treeck)
- WP 3.1 District energy DESTEST (Dirk Saelens)
- WP 3.2 Application (Alessandro Maccarini)
Overview of breakout groups.
8:55 Project 1 publications
- Text for acknowledgement section.
9:00 Break
9:10 Breakout groups 1
10:00 Short break and switch to next breakout groups
10:05 Breakout groups 2
11:00 Breakout groups adjourn
7:00 Organization of the day (Michael Wetter and Christoph van Treeck)
7:10 Panel discussion about needs for increased adoption of Modelica by buildings community, in particular design firms
9:00 Short break and switch to next breakout groups
9:05 Breakout groups 3
9:50 Break and switch to main meeting
10:00 Brief report from breakout groups, and next steps (5 min each, 35 min total includes 5 min buffer)
- WP 1.1 Modelica library for design and operation (Michael Wetter)
- WP 1.2 Model Predictive Control (Lieve Helsen and David Blum)
- WP 2.1 City Quarter Information Modeling (Gerald Schweiger)
- WP 2.2 BIM (Christoph van Treeck)
- WP 3.1 District energy DESTEST (Dirk Saelens)
- WP 3.2 Application (Alessandro Maccarini)
10:35 Planning of next expert meeting, discussion of possible continuation after summer 2022
10:55 Next steps
11:00 Adjourn