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WP 2.2 Coordination Meeting, November 19, 2018

e.fichter edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 1 revision


July 10, 5:00pm CET/MEZ (= 17:00 German time = 8:00am Pacific time)


  • Christoph van Treeck (RWTH E3D)
  • Jérôme Frisch (RWTH E3D)
  • Eric Fichter (RWTH E3D)
  • Avichal Malhotra (RTWH E3D)
  • Christian Waluga (liNear GmbH)
  • Karl-Heinz Häfele (KIT)
  • James O'Donnell (UCD)
  • Hasan Sayegh (PhD of Etienne Wurtz)
  • Matheus (PhD of Roberto Lamberts)


  • Christoph van Treeck greets all participants of today's TelCo
  • General Information regarding WP 2:
    • Darren Robinson, subtask-leader of WP 2.1 is currently very busy and is for the moment unable to continue with the lead of the package. In one of the next TelCos we will discuss the future progress of the subtask 2.1
    • The date for the next face-to-face 3rd expert meeting is fixed to April 3rd-4th, 2019 in Aachen, Germany. The main wiki page is updated and further information will follow.
  • Discussion of the state of the defined "Tasks and Definitions" during the last expert meeting (the current state can be found on
    • Eric installed a new repository on GitHub for code management and development. It can be accessed via
    • This repository will be used during development. After completion, the final state will be moved to the main repository of IBPSA Project 1 main repository.
    • The toolchain for the geometric processing used in WP 2.2 is described on the main page on
    • Everybody is invited to use and test the current toolchain and contribute to codes under
    • Database/repository of test cases
      • KIT and E3D proposed a database-based version control of test files. KIT developed a database for scanning meta data of IFC files. E3D currently hosts the version of the database which can be accessed by contributing members of IBPSA Project 1 under
      • Access is granted on contribution base; please contact Eric Fichter ( for access.
      • IFC files can be provided in git under . Please adhere to the existing file structure.
      • The provided files will be automatically scanned by a server at RWTH Aachen and the IFCStat database will be populated with the meta data of these files
      • Tasks for contributors: please provide example files which contain certain test scenarios
    • Information Delivery Process
    • Geometric Problems
      • Definition of classes of problems
      • A detailed structuring of the geometric problems will be discussed during a workshop at the 3rd expert meeting
    • Space boundary algorithms
      • A review of the existing space boundary algorithms existing in SBT or other software should be done during the next meeting in Aachen
      • Some cases should be elaborated:
        • What happens with a correct model containing non-accurate space boundaries?
        • What happens with a non-correct model containing non-accurate space boundaries?
      • A new definition of space boundaries based on IFC4 spatial elements will be necessary to cope with certain models and geometries.
    • MVD for BPS
      • In order to contribute to a development of a new MVD, two approaches can be taken:
        • Top-down driven approach, where domain specific knowledge will be analyzed and contributes to an MVD
        • Bottom-up driven approach, using different tests and checking what can be integrated into an MVD
        • As a result a huge mind-map of the MVD can be created giving an overview of the greater picture
      • Unfortunately, MVDs can currently not be applied by practitioners nowadays. This has to change before they will actively contribute to further developments.
      • In one of the future expert meetings, a dedicated workshop should be organized in order to define the extent of the new MVD. After this workshop, work can be distributed to certain partners for creating the MVD. No single person can create this alone.
    • IFC Schema and HVAC Modelling
      • David will provide information in the next days

Next Steps

  • Test the proposed code pipeline described in
  • Upload IFC example files to the repository
  • Analyze existing space boundary tools
  • Implement new algorithms in the given code pipeline.
  • Think about "crazy" space boundary algorithms
  • Think about how to analyze "crap" models.
  • Results should be presented latest in the 4th expert meeting in fall 2019 in order to discuss possible improvements
  • Next TelCo should be organized in the end of January beginning of February 2019.

Thanks for the participation.

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