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WP1.2 Coordination Meeting August 13, 2019

Javier edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

Meeting Report WP1.2 ‘Modelica library for MPC’


Subject: WP1.2

Date: 13-08-2019

Location: Skype for Business

Minutes taken by: Lieve Helsen (KU Leuven)


Company/Organisation Participant

KU Leuven Lieve Helsen (WP Leader)

KU Leuven Filip Jorissen

KU Leuven Iago Cupeiro

KU Leuven Javier Arroyo

LBNL David Blum (co-WP Leader)

SINTEF Harald Taxt Walnum

PNNL Sen Huang


3.1. Status of the on-going work

a. Emulators – development and internal review (checklist)


Review checklist was modified by Dave, still to be finalized by Dave and Javier

b. KPI specification (particularly for IAQ)

For IAQ recommended CO2 values (Thresholds) will be used. We will use the time above threshold as evaluation criteria, thus expressed in ppm-hours CO2. If building with multiple zones, then calculate the value for each zone. This is to be further developed in WP1.1 for IBPSA Library (Check Michael).

c. BOP-TEST framework

LBNL submitted a proposal to DoE for a 3-years project to continue the BOP-TEST work. Oakridge National Lab is brought on-board (lab setups to test HVAC equipment, 2-stories office test building well equipped with sensors to be used as test case and associated calibration). Negotiation with DoE is ongoing, will be granted. CONGRATULATIONS!

d. MPC Library

Filip, Dave and Sen organized a separate call on this, short MoM made by Filip:

We decided to make a library with models that can be translated by JModelica, as this is the Modelica-based optimization tool in use by the current developer group. The library can be based on IBPSA but some parameters may have to be set to a fixed value, e.g. energyDynamics=SteadyState for the MixingVolume. We will add models as follows:

  1. Make a pull request where we copy the IBPSA code into the library.
  2. Make a second pull request if needed to make changes to the models required for optimization. Using this workflow it is easier afterwards to trace back how the models were changed. To limit overhead we do not have automated merging at this point. This may be added in the future. We will initially focus on fluid models but other models may be added in the future.

List of models that should be merged:

  • Medium: dryair and water
  • IdealSource
  • mixingvolume
  • Boundary models/sources
  • HeaterCooler_u, HeaterCooler_T
  • Temperature and mass flow rate sensor
  • ConstantEffectiveness.

In addition to these models, unit tests will be added. They will consist of an example model and a .mop file that defines an optimization problem. Continuous Integration testing (CI) will be set up to check the optimization results. We will have functional examples and dummy optimizations that simply check whether each component translates correctly in JModelica.

Distribution of work:

  • Dave: CI implementation
  • Filip: model copying and coordinate with Sen to:
  • Sen: set up example models and .mop files

Workflow: We start by merging the Boundary, media, mixing volume, ideal source models, which will allow developing a first example model that can be used to test the CI. Timing: first results by Rome meeting.

Further steps: Michael has made a repository. Name of library should be agreed on: IbpsaMpc. Filip will merge.

3.2. Meeting and Break-out sessions (BS) in Rome

Since Lieve’s presence will be limited (arrival late in the evening on Saturday and IBPSA Conference Committee meeting on Sunday), Dave will take over the coordination of WP1.2 in Rome. Proposal for break-out sessions:

a. BS 1 & 2: BOP-TEST hands-on practicum: we spend time first developing a simple test case together and preparing it for use in BOP-TEST. Then, we spend some time using BOP-TEST to interact with, control the test case and write example controllers. This is good for people to get guided experience with the developed software, provide feedback, and probably move forward with a better idea of how their emulator models can be used and MPC controllers integrated and tested (as an observer or as an actor). We need to make a list of prerequisites, things people need to do (e.g. install software) before the meeting (Action Dave & Javier: make tutorial)

b. BS 3: Emulator development updates: more in-depth discussions of some emulators that are more developed, and how to make it BOP-TEST ready (Action: Lieve checks who wants to take it up)

c. BS 4: MPC Library first results (Action: Filip, Dave, Sen)

d. BS 5: Action plan, database of research group that are working on MPC (model-based/data-based)

3.3. Initiatives joint papers - status MPC paper

a. MPC review paper: still to be reviewed by Lieve, Michael to be added as co-author.

3.4. Miscellaneous

a. IBO Workshop Boulder: attended by KU Leuven, LBNL, PNNL … less focus on MPC, more towards data-driven methods.

b. Update on IEA Annex Smart Buildings and Urban Districts (SDU): leader for MPC task was not yet found, Dave attends the workshop.

c. Update on Ventacity (LBNL): long term goal of implementing MPC in their platform. No follow up yet.

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