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Building PyRosetta from Source
Following instructions from PyRosetta online documentation. All installs are local to the user.
It is recommended that one uses the default binaries provided by PyRosetta. However, the following scenarios are reasons for installing PyRosetta from source
- You need to have bindings for your own custom C++ code that is not part of Rosetta master branch
- PyRosetta needs to run custom-build Python (for example if you would like to use some Python packages from MacPorts, Fink or Homebrew who deploy its own version of Python)
- You need to use a different version of Python
- You can't install GLIBC required by pre-build binaries
- You are running on a 32Bit system
Download Academic Version of Rosetta software, and extract the archive
tar xvzf rosetta_bin_linux_####.##.#####_bundle.tgz ~/rosetta_bin_linux
To easily install all of the following dependencies, run the following:
cd rosetta_bin_linux/
cd tools/PyRosetta.develop/
This should take some time. If at the end everything installs correctly, skip to Building PyRosetta. Otherwise, keep reading the following subsections.
Install Python >= 2.5. Most systems come with this installed, but if not, head to https://www.python.org/
Like Python, most systems have this installed by default. Install Cmake from here if not
./bootstrap --prefix=~/Applications/
make install
mkdir gccxml-cvs
cd gccxml-cvs
cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML co -D 2009-04-15 gccxml
mkdir gccxml-build
cd gccxml-build
cmake ../gccxml -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/Applications/
make && make install
Download PyGCCXML and Py++ archives from SourceForge, and extract the zip file.
unzip pygccxml-1.0.0.zip
cd pygccxml-1.0.0
python setup.py install --user
cd ..
unzip Py++-1.0.0.zip
cd Py++-1.0.0
python setup.py install --user
Check that all of the above are installed correctly
>>> import pygccxml, pyplusplus
>>> print pygccxml.__version__, pyplusplus.__version__
If installed correctly, the output is
1.0.0 1.0.0
Install Boost (download from http://boost.org or http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/). Most Linux distributions will come with boost. If so, skip to the next step. If not, run the following commands
tar xvzf boost_1_58_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_58_0/
./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/home/<username>/Applications/
./b2 install --prefix=/home/<username>/Applications/
In the bootstrap command, the prefix must be an absolute path
Test the installation by navigating to ~/rosetta_bin_linux/main/source/src/python/bindings/
and run
./BuildBindings.py -I ~/Applications/include -L ~/Applications/lib -L ~/./local/lib
(This takes a very long time, there are lots of files to build)
After successfully deploying PyRosetta build environment copy generated BuildPyRosetta.sh in to main Rosetta source dir: /rosetta/main/source/BuildPyRosetta.sh and run it within this dir in order to build PyRosetta.
Lab & Design Documentation
Measurement Interlab Study
sgRNA Swap
Target Plasmid Construction
Gibson Assembly of pCAMBIA
Math Modelling
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV)
CaMV Spread within Arabidopsis
CRISPR/Cas9 Targeting
Modelling Viral Assembly
Modelling Viral Spread
Coding Guide
Designing sgRNA Targets for CaMV Immunity
PyMOL/PyRosetta for Windows
PyMOL/PyRosetta for Linux
PyMOL/PyRosetta for Mac
Modelling Resources
Modelling Cas9 in PyRosetta
Building PyRosetta from Source
PyRosetta Fold Tree
ABM Software Comparison
Policy & Practices
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