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rde1234 edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 4 revisions

Here's the information about the survey we've conducted

####Purpose: The intention of our survey is to explore people’s perspectives and general knowledge regarding the use of genetically modified organisms(GMOs) in our foods, at a local level. We are looking to understand what types of factors impact food choices and if they vary by age groups, political affiliation, level of education completed, gender etc. Our team wants to further investigate if for example, consumption trends of certain foods would be altered or not once they are labelled as organic or as GMOs. Since our iGem project for this year revolves around CRISPier plants, we are also looking to assess people’s awareness of the CRISPR-Cas9 mechanism amongst the many other types of common gene editing tools. This survey will be available to participants both online and on paper.

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