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File metadata and controls

62 lines (47 loc) · 2.69 KB

Team Waterloo 2024 Wiki

Welcome! This repository houses the coding assets needed to build our team's wiki (HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, etc.) this year, all powered by the Astro static site generator.

Images, icons, and fonts are stored on using, while videos are embedded from iGEM Video Universe.

For up-to-date requirements, resources, help, and guidance, refer to

🛠️ Deployment

This project is configured for deployment on GitLab Pages, with an automation pipeline set up through GitLab CI/CD. Despite this, most of the commit history can be found on our GitHub repo, while only the most recent updates are reflected on GitLab.

For instructions on deploying Astro projects to GitLab Pages, refer to

💻 Getting Started

To work on this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine
git clone
cd waterloo
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run development server
npm run dev  # starts at 'http://localhost:4321/waterloo/'
  1. Build project for deployment
npm run build
npm run preview  # preview build locally, before deploying

Get help running the Astro CLI with npm run astro -- --help, and refer to the docs for info on other available commands:

🚀 Project Structure

|__ assets/             -> Static assets (images, fonts, etc.)
|__ node_modules/       -> Node.js dependencies
|__ src/                -> Source files 
│   ├── components/
│   ├── layouts/
│   └── pages/
|__ public/             -> Generated files after building 
|__ .gitignore          -> Ignored files and directories
|__ .gitlab-ci.yml      -> CI/CD configuration for automated build and deployment
|__ astro.config.mjs    -> Astro configuration file
|__ LICENSE             -> License CC-by-4.0 (all wikis MUST have this license)
|__ package-lock.json   -> File for locking specific versions of dependencies
|__ package.json        -> Project dependencies and scripts
|__           -> This README file
|__ tsconfig.json       -> TypeScript configuration file
|__ env.d.ts            -> Type definitions for environment variables