diff --git a/include/libcloudph++/blk_1m/rhs_columnwise.hpp b/include/libcloudph++/blk_1m/rhs_columnwise.hpp
index 6ab16ab0..db8db3ee 100644
--- a/include/libcloudph++/blk_1m/rhs_columnwise.hpp
+++ b/include/libcloudph++/blk_1m/rhs_columnwise.hpp
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ namespace libcloudphxx
namespace blk_1m
+ enum class ice_t {iceA, iceB};
// expects the arguments to be columns with begin() pointing to the lowest level
// returns rain flux out of the domain
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ namespace libcloudphxx
const cont_t &rhod_cont,
const cont_t &ri_cont,
const real_t &dz,
- const std::string& ice_type
+ const ice_t& ice_type
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ namespace libcloudphxx
if (dot_ri != NULL) // i.e. all but first (top) grid cell
flux_t flux_out = real_t(0) * si::kilograms / si::cubic_metres / si::seconds;
- if (ice_type == "iceA")
+ if (ice_type == ice_t::iceA)
// terminal momenta at grid-cell edge (to assure precip mass conservation)
flux_out += -real_t(.5) * ( // averaging + axis orientation
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ namespace libcloudphxx
) * (*ri * si::kilograms / si::kilograms) / (dz * si::metres);
- else if (ice_type == "iceB")
+ else if (ice_type == ice_t::iceB)
// terminal momenta at grid-cell edge (to assure precip mass conservation)
flux_out += -real_t(.5) * ( // averaging + axis orientation
@@ -166,14 +168,14 @@ namespace libcloudphxx
// the bottom grid cell (with mid-cell vterm approximation)
flux_t flux_out = real_t(0) * si::kilograms / si::cubic_metres / si::seconds;
- if (ice_type == "iceA")
+ if (ice_type == ice_t::iceA)
flux_out += - (*rhod * si::kilograms / si::cubic_metres) * formulae::velocity_iceA(
*ri * si::kilograms / si::kilograms,
*rhod * si::kilograms / si::cubic_metres
) * (*ri * si::kilograms / si::kilograms) / (dz * si::metres);
- else if (ice_type == "iceB")
+ else if (ice_type == ice_t::iceB)
flux_out += - (*rhod * si::kilograms / si::cubic_metres) * formulae::velocity_iceB(
*ri * si::kilograms / si::kilograms,