Releases: igfuw/libcloudphxx
Convergence paper
distributed memory implementation
Code used in the paper:
P. Dziekan and P. Zmijewski
"University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.0: Adaptation of a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical model for heterogeneous computing clusters"
GCCN paper: revision
Code used in simulations presented in the revised version of the paper:
P. Dziekan, J. Jensen, W. Grabowski and H. Pawlowska
"Impact of Giant Sea Salt Aerosol Particles on Precipitation in Marine Cumuli and Stratocumuli”.
The release contains some beta features.
KiD-A paper
Code used when preparing KiD-A simulations for the intercomparison paper.
To be used only for simulating KiD-A.
ICMW2020 Pi chamber
Code used for modeling the Pi Chamber case using University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model for the International Cloud Modeling Workshop 2020.
GCCN paper
Code used in simulations presented in the paper:
P. Dziekan, J. Jensen, W. Grabowski and H. Pawlowska
"Impact of Giant Sea Salt Aerosol Particles on Precipitation in Marine Cumuli and Stratocumuli”.
UWLCM paper
Code used in simulations presented in the paper:
P. Dziekan, M. Waruszewski and H. Pawlowska
"University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 1.0: a modern Large-Eddy Simulation tool for warm cloud modeling with Lagrangian microphysics”
submitted to Geoscientific Model Development.
Version of the code submitted to GMD review with manuscript about chemistry extension of libcloudph++
Merge pull request #327 from pdziekan/delayed_advection Delayed advection
Version of libcloudph++ used in the PhD thesis of Jaruga
This version contains the aqueous phase chemistry module of the Lagrangian scheme (@trontrytel):
- six trace gases are included: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitric acid
- chemical processes cover dissolving of trace gasses into water drops and their further dissociation into ions and oxidation of the dissolved sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid.
Additionally this version contains (@pdziekan):
- different advection schemes for super-droplets
- different initialization options (constant multiplicity, more accurate initialization, initialization by specifying the radius and concentration)
- more accurate sub-steps
- aerosol sources
- different collision kernels and terminal velocities for super-droplets
- simulations using many GPUs