C++ library of algorithms for representing cloud microphysics in numerical models. A 1.0 version was released in June 2015 and the library is still in active development.
Currently, the library covers three warm-rain schemes: the single- and double-moment bulk schemes, and the particle-based scheme with Monte-Carlo coalescence and aqueous phase chemistry.
A 2D prescribed-flow simulation of a drizzling stratocumuls cloud using the particle-based Monte-Carlo scheme from libcloudph++. Particle collisions enabled after a two-hour spin-up period, total time 2.5 hours.
The code is available for download from [a github repository][git-libcloudph].
It is released under the terms of [GNU GPL v3][www-gpl].
Copyright: University of Warsaw.
The library is built upon [Thrust][www-thrust] and [Boost][www-boost] (notably Boost.units). It requires a C++11 compiler and will benefit from availability of CUDA (OpenMP is used if CUDA is not available).
Documentation for libcloudph++ 1.0 was published as [a research paper in Geoscientific Model Development][doi-libcloudphxx-gmd].
For a list of developers see the [CREDITS][www-libcloud-credits] file in libcloudph++ repository.
Development was funded by [Polish National Science Centre][www-ncn] grants no. 2011/01/N/ST10/0183 (PRELUDIUM), 2012/06/M/ST10/00434 (HARMONIA) and 2014/15/N/ST10/05143 (PRELUDIUM).