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This toolset implements a testing framework for closed-loop industrial automation systems. The framework is based on model checking and includes (1) test suite generation based on several coverage criteria, and (2) test case execution. As input data, the framework requires the formal model of the closed-loop system in Promela and NuSMV languages, and the temporal specification (LTL or CTL) to be satisfied for the system. The temporal specification is checked on the generated test cases during the second stage of the framework.

Two sets of example models (elevator, pick-and-place manipulator) with varying complexity are available to play with the framework.


To build the toolset, you need JDK 1.8 (or greater) and ant. On the other hand, the precompiled version is already supplied, so only JRE 1.8 (or greater) will suffice.

The toolset is intended to work on Linux. In Windows 10, a possible solution to run the toolset is to use Linux Subsystem.

To run the toolset, model checkers NuSMV 2.6.0 and SPIN 6 are needed (must be accessible in command line as "NuSMV" and "spin"). If you work in Linux Subsystem, you need Linux versions of the tools accessible under these names.

Included tools

This toolset includes the following tools:

The files and provide additional functions for the ease of work with the tool. You can play with the commands in the end of these files to run the framework on the elevator and the pick-and-place manipulator (PnP) examples.

Building and running

You can use the precompiled version of the toolset as described above, but you can also build it yourself with the following command:


To run the toolset, use the following command:

java -jar jars/<tool-name>.jar

Alternatively, use the files and as described above.

Troubleshooting, questions, etc.

Email Igor Buzhinsky (


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