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Automatize the link between GLOBIOM and G4M. The stages of the link are documented and coded in the R notebook GLOBIOM-G4M-link.Rmd. To preview the notebook and its possible output, visit this page or load GLOBIOM-G4M-link.nb.html into a web browser.

Getting set

  1. Clone the repository to a working directory able to hold some gigabytes. If you use the Git command line client use
    git clone --recursive <repository URL>
    to also clone the Condor_run_R and DownScale submodules. You can access the repository URL and other clone options by clicking on the 'Code' drop-down menu at the top right of the GitHub repository page.

  2. Check that the Condor_run_R and DownScale subdirectories have content. If not, the clone did not clone the Git submodule that lives there. To still get it, with the command line Git client do
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    from the root of the cloned repository.

  3. The submodule URLs as configured in the .gitmodules file of this repository are https-based. You may want or need to use ssh authentication instead. To do so you can have Git automatically substitute ssh equivalents for GitHub https URLs by issuing the following global configuration change command:
    git config --global "url.ssh://" ""
    Note that the --global switch makes the configuration change apply to your global git config instead of the repositorie's git config.

  4. Checkout a GLOBIOM branch from subversion by running the checkout.bat script from the command prompt or your bash shell with a Trunk commit/revision number as only argument. The link has been tested with Trunk commit/revision 3554. You may wish to change the Subversion URL in checkout.bat to check out a different branch. The branch should be close to the Trunk version of GLOBIOM for it to be likely to work.

    For the script to work, the svn Subversion command line client must be accessible via your PATH environment variable (on-path). On Windows, the Subverison command line client is an optional advanced installation option when installing TortoiseSVN.
    If you don't have svn on-path, perform the svn step in checkout.bat with a graphical client like TortoiseSVN, making sure the working copy goes into a GLOBIOM subdirectory of the root level of your clone of this repository. Also, make a Condor subdirectory of GLOBIOM.

    ⚠️Caution: To make sure that Git does not try to track changes in the GLOBIOM subdirectory, it is ignored via an entry in the .gitignore file. But this means that the content of the GLOBIOM directory should be separately managed by you with aid of Subversion.

  5. With GAMS 32.2, run the GLOBIOM precompilation GLOBIOM/Data/0_executebatch_total.gms and thereafter the model GLOBIOM/Model/0_executebatch.gms up to the scenarios stage 6 (comment out the stages >= 6). This will provide a restart file in the GLOBIOM/Model/t directory that is used by the notebook to perform parallel scenario (stage 6) runs on the Limpopo cluster.

    Make sure you have a single GAMS installation directory in your path, preferably the lastest GAMS version available.

  6. Install the R dependencies if needed. See below.

R Dependencies

The notebook depends on:

  • R 4.0.0 or higher.
  • The tidyverse curated R package collection.
    • The dplyr package is part of the tidyverse, but make sure you have at least version 1.0.3 installed. Use packageVersion("dplyr") to determine the installed version.
  • fs, for smooth file system handling. Probably already installed when installing the tidyverse. Try to load it with library(fs). When that fails, install via install.packages("fs").
  • gdxrrw, an R package for reading/writing GDX files from R.
  • On Windows only: Rtools.

Please read these instructions for details on how to install them.

Managing submodules

Specific commits of the submodule repositories are referenced by the link. These should be used, and sometimes change as newer versions of the submodules become available, are tested, and become referenced by the link. However, submodules do not automatically update when pulling/fetching the parent Git repository of the GLOBIOM-G4M-link even when changes to submodule references are pulled in.

To update submodules or a submodule, issue:

git submodule update[ -- <name of submodule>]

Alternatively, you can cd into the subdirectory of a submodule and there issue git fetch/merge/pull to update it as per normal Git practice. But do not change the branch or current checked out commit since the parent repository has referenced a vetted/tested commit: anything else may break the link.

When using git status or git log from a submodule subdirectory, you may see that the remote repository of the submodule is ahead by several commits, and that you have a "detached HEAD". Don't worry, this is because the submodules are typically behind the latest changes in the remote repository.

To view the status of the submodules, issue:

git submodule status

from the root directory of the link.

Running the notebook

Double click on GLOBIOM-G4M-link.Rproj to open the project in RStudio. In the 'Files' tab, double click GLOBIOM-G4M-link.Rmd to open the notebook. Read the instructions contained in the notebook, and run its chunks. Typically, you will run the chunks in first-to-last order, but if a chunk fails, you may need to re-run it.

When you run the notebook, the output HTML file (GLOBIOM-G4M-link.nb.html) will be updated.


Automatize the link between GLOBIOM and G4M






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