This directory illustrates how to run YOLOv8 Segmentation through the MAX Engine. Specifically, this example uses Ultralytics YOLO with opencv to segment images from the webcam.
This example will change depending on if you have a webcam or not. If you have a webcam, the example will capture the webcam and display a window running live segmentation.
If you do not have a webcam, the example will segment
a downloaded video file
and generate output.mp4
If you have magic
, you can run the
following command:
magic run bash
Create a Conda environment, activate that environment, and install the requirements:
# Create a Conda environment if you don't have one
conda create -n max-repo
# Update the environment with the environment.yml file
conda env update -n max-repo -f environment.yml --prune
# Run the example
conda run -n max-repo --live-stream bash
The webcam version of this example depends on opencv-python
and its ability to render GUIs.
The dependencies for this are not always installed on linux.
Downloading these dependencies is distro dependent. On Ubuntu, it should be:
apt install -y libgl1
To get an idea of the performance difference between the ONNX Runtime and MAX Engine,
you can run the webcam script with/without the --onnx
The model execution time is printed as part of the window title. Note, it can take a bit for the execution time to stabilize.
MAX Engine:
./ webcam
ONNX Runtime:
./ webcam --onnx
: Downloads YOLOv8n-seg from ultralytics and exports it as ONNX. -
: Example program that runs the full YOLO segmentation pipeline through the MAX Engine on images from the webcam or video files. Use--help
to see the various commands.