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Validator Manual

This manual describes the process of spinning up an SGN node and joining the network as a validator.

NOTE: The manual assumes familiarity with Unix command line and blockchain validator nodes. Prior experience with Cosmos SDK and Ethereum transactions will be helpful.

Table of Contents

If you only intend to run an SGN node to sync and verify the blocks, stop after run node with systemd.

Prepare machine and install dependencies

We run on Ubuntu Linux amd64 with Amazon EC2 as an example. Feel free to experiment with other VPS or physical server setups on your own.

  1. Start an EC2 machine with the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image. We recommend using c6a.2xlarge if available in the region or c5.2xlarge (8 vCPUs, 16GB RAM and 10Gbps network bandwidth) with an EBS volume of at least 500GB. Use the appropriate security groups and a keypair that you have access to.

  2. Install go (at least 1.16):

    sudo snap install go --classic

    Install gcc and make :

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc make

    (Optional) If you are on Ubuntu and choose to use cleveldb, install libleveldb-dev. NOTE: Even though cleveldb has been reported to be more performant, we have observed possible memory leak and DO NOT recommend using it.

    sudo apt install libleveldb-dev
  3. Set $GOBIN and add $GOBIN to $PATH. Edit $HOME/.profile and add:

    export GOBIN=$HOME/go/bin; export GOPATH=$HOME/go; export PATH=$PATH:$GOBIN

    to the end, then:

    source $HOME/.profile
  4. (Optional) Install geth:

    sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ethereum

Setup binary, config and accounts

  1. From the /home/ubuntu directory, download and install the sgnd binary:

    curl -L | tar -xz
    # To use with cleveldb on Ubuntu, download
    mv sgnd $GOBIN
  2. From the /home/ubuntu directory, clone the sgn-v2-networks repository:

    git clone
    # sgn-partnernet-1000 for testnet and sgn-3 for mainnet
    cd sgn-v2-networks/<network-name>
  3. Copy the config files:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.sgnd/config
    cp * $HOME/.sgnd/config
  4. Initialize the new validator node:

    node-name is a name you specify for the node.

    # Remove existing genesis.json first
    rm $HOME/.sgnd/config/genesis.json
    # Initialize default genesis.json and config.toml
    sgnd init <node-name> --chain-id <network-name> --home $HOME/.sgnd
    # Overwrite genesis.json and config.toml with the ones from sgn-v2-networks
    cp genesis.json config.toml $HOME/.sgnd/config
    # Create an empty Tendermint snapshots directory
    mkdir -p $HOME/.sgnd/data/snapshots

    Backup the generated Tendermint key files $HOME/.sgnd/config/node_key.json and $HOME/.sgnd/config/priv_validator_key.json securely. Make sure the keys are never committed to any repo.

  5. Fill out the fields in the Tendermint config file $HOME/.sgnd/config/config.toml with the correct values:

    Field Description
    moniker The node-name you decided
    external_address <public-ip:26656>, where public-ip is the public IP of the machine hosting the node
    db_backend goleveldb or cleveldb depending on the binary used

    Currently, the Celer foundation nodes restrict the access to port 26656-26657, so please report your public IP to the Celer team to get whitelisted.

  6. Add a Cosmos SDK / Tendermint validator account:

    sgnd keys add <node-name>

    Input a passphrase for the keyring. Backup the passphrase along with the displayed mnemonic phrase securely. Make sure they are never committed to any repo.

    To view the account created, run:

    sgnd keys list

    Make a note of the sgn-prefixed account address.

  7. Prepare an Ethereum gateway URL. You can use services like Infura, Alchemy or run your own node.

  8. Prepare an Ethereum key as the validator key, which will be used for initializing the validator and occasional operations such as withdrawing rewards. Therefore, the validator key does not need to stay online.

    The validator key can be prepared via one of the two ways:

    • Using a local keystore JSON file (easier setup)

      Currently, the advantage of a local keystore JSON is that operations can be done via the command line. However, it will require saving a passphrase in clear text on the machine running the node, so please be careful about access control.

      Assuming geth is installed, the keystore JSON file can be generated via:

      geth account new

      Backup the passphrase securely. Save the JSON file as $HOME/.sgnd/eth-ks/val.json:

      mkdir $HOME/.sgnd/eth-ks
      cp <path-to-keystore-json> $HOME/.sgnd/eth-ks/val.json
    • Using MetaMask / hardware wallet (better security)

      This approach is more secure than a local keystore, but it will require interacting with the staking contract via Etherscan.

      Please reserve a dedicated account on MetaMask. If using a hardware wallet, make sure it is compatible with MetaMask.

  9. Prepare another Ethereum key as the signer key, which will be used for signing cross-chain transactions and needs to stay online.

    The signer key can be prepared via one of the two ways:

    • Using a local keystore JSON file (easier setup)

      Follow the same steps as preparing the validator key. Save the JSON file as $HOME/.sgnd/eth-ks/signer.json.

    • Using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) (better security)

      For better security, we support using AWS KMS to manage the signer key. Follow this doc to set it up.

  10. Fill out the fields in the SGN-specific config file $HOME/.sgnd/config/sgn.toml with the correct values:

    Field Description
    eth.gateway The Ethereum gateway URL obtained from step 7
    eth.signer_keystore The path to the signer Ethereum keystore file in step 9, or the format required by AWS KMS setup
    eth.signer_passphrase The passphrase of the signer keystore, or the format required by AWS KMS setup
    eth.validator_address The Ethereum address of the validator key prepared in step 8
    sgnd.passphrase The Cosmos keyring passphrase you typed in step 6
    sgnd.validator_account The sgn-prefixed validator Cosmos SDK account added in step 6
  11. Fill in the missing gateway URLs in $HOME/.sgnd/config/cbridge.toml with the corresponding JSON-RPC URLs for the chains. In general, we recommend using paid provider services instead of the public endpoints for better reliability.

Run validator with systemd

We recommend using systemd to run your validator. Feel free to experiment with other setups on your own.

  1. Prepare the sgnd system service:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/log/sgnd
    sudo touch /var/log/sgnd/tendermint.log
    sudo touch /var/log/sgnd/app.log
    sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/sgnd.service

    Add the following to /etc/systemd/system/sgnd.service:

    Description=SGN daemon
    ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/go/bin/sgnd start \
      --home /home/ubuntu/.sgnd/

    With this setup, tendermint.log contains Tendermint logs (i.e. block height, peer info, etc.) while app.log contains SGN-specific logs.

  2. Create /etc/logrotate.d/sgn and add the following:

    /var/log/sgnd/*.log {
        maxsize 30M
        rotate 30
  3. Add an entry to /etc/crontab to make logrotate run every 6 hours:

    30 */6  * * *   root    logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
  4. Currently, we require using Tendermint state sync to sync your node. Follow the instructions in this doc to prepare the node receiving the snapshot with up-to-date-node-ips taken from the seeds field in $HOME/.sgnd/config/config.toml. Stop short of starting the node.

  5. To support Aptos on sgn-3, we require running a sidecar reverse proxy service for sgnd.

    Prepare the sgn-aptos-proxy-server binary:

    mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/bin
    curl -L | tar -xz
    mv sgn-aptos-proxy-server /home/ubuntu/bin

    Prepare the config TOML file:

    cp /home/ubuntu/sgn-v2-networks/sgn-3/sgn_proxy_aptos.toml /home/ubuntu/.sgnd/config

    Prepare the Aptos proxy service:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/log/sgn-proxy/aptos
    sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/sgn-proxy-aptos.service

    Add the following to /etc/systemd/system/sgn-proxy-aptos.service:

    Description=SGN Aptos proxy service
    ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/bin/sgn-aptos-proxy-server /home/ubuntu/.sgnd/config/sgn_proxy_aptos.toml

    Enable and start the Aptos proxy service:

    sudo systemctl enable sgn-proxy-aptos.service
    sudo systemctl start sgn-proxy-aptos.service

    You will likely see No Aptos account specified, running in watch-only mode. from the output log, which is normal.

  6. To support Sui on sgn-3, we require running a sidecar reverse proxy service for sgnd.

    Prepare the sgn-sui-proxy-server binary:

    mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/bin
    curl -L | tar -xz
    mv sgn-sui-proxy-server /home/ubuntu/bin

    Prepare the config TOML file:

    cp /home/ubuntu/sgn-v2-networks/sgn-3/sgn_proxy_sui.toml /home/ubuntu/.sgnd/config

    Prepare the Sui proxy service:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/log/sgn-proxy/sui
    sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/sgn-proxy-sui.service

    Add the following to /etc/systemd/system/sgn-proxy-sui.service:

    Description=SGN Sui proxy service
    ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/bin/sgn-sui-proxy-server /home/ubuntu/.sgnd/config/sgn_proxy_sui.toml

    Enable and start the Sui proxy service:

    sudo systemctl enable sgn-proxy-sui.service
    sudo systemctl start sgn-proxy-sui.service

    You will likely see No Sui account specified, running in watch-only mode. from the output log, which is normal.

  7. Enable and start the sgnd service:

    sudo systemctl enable sgnd.service
    sudo systemctl start sgnd.service

    Now the node should start the state sync. Monitor tendermint.log for the progress:

    tail -f /var/log/sgnd/tendermint.log

    You can tell the node is synced when a new block shows up about every 5 seconds.

  8. (Currently unsupported) If you choose not to setup state sync, the node will perform a traditional "fast sync" instead. In this mode it replays and verifies all historical transactions starting from genesis.

Claim validator status

  1. Contact the Celer team to get whitelisted for a validator spot.

  2. Run sgnd ops view params to check the staking contract parameters. Take notes of the following two values:

    • Min validator tokens: the minimum delegated tokens to become a bonded validator.
    • Min self delegations: the minimum self-delegated tokens become a bonded validator.
  3. Send enough CELR for the intended self delegation to your validator address, and some ETH for gas to both the validator and signer addresses.

    For testnet, obtain some Goerli ETH from places like the Paradigm faucet. Contact the Celer team for some Goerli test CELR tokens.

  4. Initialize the validator by calling initializeValidator on the Staking contract and updateSgnAddr on the SGN contract.

    Example below sets a _commissionRate of 6% and _minSelfDelegation (must be equal or greater than the min self delegations value obtained at step 2) of 10000 CELR.

    • For validator key on local keystore JSON file: use command line

      sgnd ops validator init --commission-rate 0.06 --min-self-delegation 10000 --keystore ~/.sgnd/eth-ks/val.json --passphrase <val-ks-passphrase>
    • For validator key on MetaMask / hardware wallet: interact through etherscan.

      First, approve CELR tokens to the Staking contract:

      • Go to Etherscan for either Goerli or mainnet, search for the celr contract address taken from eth.contract_addresses in $HOME/.sgnd/sgn.toml. You should see the verified CelerToken contract on the corresponding network.

      • Make sure the validator address is selected on your MetaMask / hardware wallet. Click on the "Write Contract" button under the "Contract" tab, click on "Connect to Web3" to connect your wallet.

      • Find the approve method.

        For spender, put the staking contract address taken from eth.contract_addresses in $HOME/.sgnd/sgn.toml.

        For amount, put at least the amount of CELR tokens intended for self delegation times the decimals of CELR, which is 1e18. Eg. 10000000000000000000000 for 10000 CELR. Feel free to approve more.

        Click "Write" and send the transaction.

      Then, initialize the validator with a self delegation:

      • Find the Staking contract on Etherscan and connect the validator address to "Write Contract".

      • Find the initializeValidator method.

        For signer, put the address of the signer key.

        For minSelfDelegation, put the amount of CELR tokens for self delegation times 1e18.

        For commissionRate, put the intended commission rate times 10000. Eg. 600 would represent 6%.

        Click "Write" and send the transaction.

      Finally, register the sgn-prefixed validator account address on the SGN contract:

      • Find the SGN contract on Etherscan using the sgn address taken from eth.contract_addresses in $HOME/.sgnd/sgn.toml and connect the validator address to "Write Contract".

      • Find the updateSgnAddr method.

        Run the command sgnd ops validator address, paste the output value after sgn acct address in hex into the sgnAddr field on Etherscan.

        Click "Write" and send the transaction.

    Note that it will take some time for the existing SGN validators to sync your new validator. Afterwards, verify your validator status:

    sgnd query staking validator <val-eth-address>
  5. Update validator description:

    echo $COSMOS_KEYRING_PASSPHRASE | sgnd tx staking edit-description --website "your-website" --contact "email-address"

    Note that COSMOS_KEYRING_PASSPHRASE here is the passphrase for the keyring used in sgnd keys add.

    After a while, verify the updated description:

    sgnd query staking validator <val-eth-address>
  6. Delegate more tokens if your _minSelfDelegation is smaller than min validator tokens value obtained at step 2. The additional delegation can come from any key.

    • Using CLI with local keystore JSON file

      sgnd ops delegator delegate --validator <val-eth-address> --amount <amount> --keystore <path-to-keystore-file> --passphrase <ks-passphrase>
    • Using staking web with MetaMask / hardware wallet

      Connect your wallet to the SGN staking website (testnet, mainnet), choose your validator node, and then follow the process after click the Delegate button.

  7. Verify validator status. Run following command a few minutes after your validator has enough delegations.

    sgnd query staking validator <val-eth-address>

    If you have delegated enough tokens to qualify as a bonded validator, you should see that your validator has the status of BOND_STATUS_BONDED.

    You can verify that your validator is in the Tendermint validator set:

    sgnd query tendermint-validator-set

    You should see an entry with address matching the sgn consensus address printed as the output of sgnd ops validator address.

    You can also verify the delegation:

    sgnd query staking delegation <val-eth-address> <val-eth-address>

    NOTE: The Staking contract implements a basic decentralization check. If you somehow delegated too many CELR tokens so that your validator has more than 1/3 of the total stakes, you will not be able to bond the validator. Contact the Celer team to resolve the situation and refer to next step to bond the validator manually.

  8. (Optional) If something went wrong and your validator is not bonded automatically, you can do so manually through the following command

    sgnd ops validator bond

    After a while, verify the status:

    sgnd query staking validator <val-eth-address>

    You should see that your validator has the status of BOND_STATUS_BONDED.