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Pablo Novas edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 8 revisions

Welcome to HackDash Wiki

Getting started for develop

You need to have installed NodeJS 0.10+ and Mongo DB 2.4+.

Install Grunt client

npm install -g grunt-cli

Clone this project

git clone

Install dependencies

cd hackdash/
npm install

if npm install fails, check your NodeJS version and permissions to run npm (maybe sudo?)

Project configuration

Copy the file called config/config.json.sample to config/config.json and keys.json.sample to keys.json.

Open your config/config.json file and set yur config settings.

The keys.json file allows different auth providers. You need to fill at least one of those to make your users LogIn. email + password login is not available at the moment.

At the moment 4 different auth providers are allowed: Twitter, Facebook, Meetup and Github. Choose the services you want and fill the file with your credentials.

For example to get Twitter credentials you need to go to Twitter dev and create a new application.

Keep in mind that the callback url format is /auth/{provider}/callback while you generate the provider credentials.

Compile Client scripts

cd client/
npm install

Run Server

If this is the first time, you will need to run the metrics module once so you will get the json counters.

$ cd metrics/
$ npm install && npm start
>>>>>  Runing Fri May 29 2015 17:31:41 GMT
>>>>> Finished Fri May 29 2015 17:31:41 GMT
$ cd..

This will place a json file with all counters.

Now start server

npm start

Running Server Tests

Copy your file called config/config.json to config/config.test.json and set the database name into another (so it wont destroy your local test data)

npm test

Further reading

You may now check out some docs about the project:

Project Overview
Website Map
Restful API docs

Happy coding!

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