*** Description ***
This is a Openerp - Outlook syncronizer. Sincronize contacts, task and appointments
To install you need:
- Install the openerp module (kooltuo_module)
- Install de adding in Outlook
*** Install the Module ***
To install the module its simple:
- Copy the kooltuo_module in the openerp-server addon folder (or use a symlink)
- Use the module manager to update you module database
- Use the openerp installer system
*** Install the Addin ***
To install the addin you need to install in your windows
- Python 2.6.6 32Bit.
- pywin32.
- wxPython.
After this copy the addin folder in a system folder and use the command:
c:\> python addin.py
Note: We are working in a py2exe installer to bypass this step
*** Uninstall the Addin ***
To uninstall the adding in the shell go to the addin folder and execute
c:\> python addin.py --unregister
We allways appreciate patchs and bugs info. If you want to contribute you can post your bugs in
or in our group list
*** Debugging de adding *** To debug the app in the registration time use the --debug option as:
c:\> python addin.py --debug
Once made the install use the win32traceutil.py (cames with the win32com) as a listener to see the debug.
If you find a bug please post it with the dump.