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Incognia API Go Client

test workflow

Go lightweight client library for Incognia APIs.


go get



First, you need to obtain an instance of the API client using New. It receives a configuration object of IncogniaClientConfig that contains the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required Default
ClientID Your client ID Yes -
ClientSecret Your client secret Yes -
Timeout Request timeout No 10 seconds
HTTPClient Custom HTTP client No http.Client

For instance, if you need the default client:

client, err := incognia.New(&incognia.IncogniaClientConfig{
    ClientID:     "your-client-id",
    ClientSecret: "your-client-secret",
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("could not initialize Incognia client")

or if you need a client that uses a specific timeout:

client, err := incognia.New(&incognia.IncogniaClientConfig{
    ClientID:     "your-client-id",
    ClientSecret: "your-client-secret",
    Timeout:      time.Second * 2,
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("could not initialize Incognia client")

or if you need a custom HTTP client:

transport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
transport.MaxIdleConns = 1000
transport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
transport.MaxConnsPerHost = 200

httpClient := &http.Client{
    Timeout:   time.Second * 2,
    Transport: transport,

client, err := incognia.New(&incognia.IncogniaClientConfig{
    ClientID:     "your-client-id",
    ClientSecret: "your-client-secret",
    Timeout:      time.Second * 2,
    HTTPClient:   httpClient,
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("could not initialize Incognia client")

Incognia API

The implementation is based on the Incognia API Reference.


Authentication is done transparently, so you don't need to worry about it.

Registering Signup

This method registers a new signup for the given installation and address, returning a SignupAssessment, containing the risk assessment and supporting evidence:

assessment, err := client.RegisterSignup("installation-id", &incognia.Address{
    AddressLine: "20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
    StructuredAddress: &incognia.StructuredAddress{
        Locale:       "en-US",
        CountryName:  "United States of America",
        CountryCode:  "US",
        State:        "NY",
        City:         "New York City",
        Borough:      "Manhattan",
        Neighborhood: "Midtown",
        Street:       "W 34th St.",
        Number:       "20",
        Complements:  "Floor 2",
        PostalCode:   "10001",
    Coordinates: &incognia.Coordinates{
        Lat: -23.561414,
        Lng: -46.6558819,

To provide additional parameters like policy id (optional) and account id (optional), use the RegisterSignupWithParams method:

assessment, err := client.RegisterSignupWithParams(&incognia.Signup{
	InstallationID: "installation-id",//required
	Address: &incognia.Address{//optional, use nil if you don't have an address
        AddressLine: "20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
        StructuredAddress: &incognia.StructuredAddress{
            Locale:       "en-US",
            CountryName:  "United States of America",
            CountryCode:  "US",
            State:        "NY",
            City:         "New York City",
            Borough:      "Manhattan",
            Neighborhood: "Midtown",
            Street:       "W 34th St.",
            Number:       "20",
            Complements:  "Floor 2",
            PostalCode:   "10001",
        Coordinates: &incognia.Coordinates{
            Lat: -23.561414,
            Lng: -46.6558819,
    AccountID: "account-id",//optional, use empty string if you don't have an account id
    PolicyID:  "policy-id",//optional, use empty string if you don't have a policy id

Registering Payment

This method registers a new payment for the given installation and account, returning a TransactionAssessment, containing the risk assessment and supporting evidence.

assessment, err := client.RegisterPayment(&incognia.Payment{
    InstallationID: "installation-id",
    AccountID:      "account-id",
    ExternalID:     "external-id",
    PolicyID:       "policy-id",
    Coupon:         &incognia.CouponType{
        Type:        "coupon-type", //it should be percent_off or fixed_value
        Value:       55.02,
        MaxDiscount: 30,
        Id:          "identifier",
        Name:        "coupon-name",
    CustomProperties: myCustomPropertiesMap
    Addresses: []*incognia.TransactionAddress{
            Type: incognia.Billing,
            AddressLine:    "20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
            StructuredAddress: &incognia.StructuredAddress{
                Locale:       "en-US",
                CountryName:  "United States of America",
                CountryCode:  "US",
                State:        "NY",
                City:         "New York City",
                Borough:      "Manhattan",
                Neighborhood: "Midtown",
                Street:       "W 34th St.",
                Number:       "20",
                Complements:  "Floor 2",
                PostalCode:   "10001",
            Coordinates: &incognia.Coordinates{
                Lat: -23.561414,
                Lng: -46.6558819,
    Value: &incognia.PaymentValue{
        Amount:   55.02,
        Currency: "BRL",
    Methods: []*incognia.PaymentMethod{
	    Type: incognia.GooglePay,
            Type: incognia.CreditCard,
            CreditCard: &incognia.CardInfo{
                Bin:            "292821",
                LastFourDigits: "2222",
                ExpiryYear:     "2020",
                ExpiryMonth:    "10",

This method registers a new web payment for the given installation and account, returning a TransactionAssessment, containing the risk assessment and supporting evidence.

assessment, err := client.RegisterPayment(&incognia.Payment{
    RequestToken:   "request-token",
    AccountID:      "account-id",
    ExternalID:     "external-id",
    PolicyID:       "policy-id",

Registering Login

This method registers a new login for the given installation and account, returning a TransactionAssessment, containing the risk assessment and supporting evidence.

assessment, err := client.RegisterLogin(&incognia.Login{
    InstallationID:             "installation-id",
    AccountID:                  "account-id",
    ExternalID:                 "external-id",
    PolicyID:                   "policy-id",
    PaymentMethodIdentifier:    "payment-method-identifier",
    CustomProperties: myCustomPropertiesMap,

This method registers a new web login for the given account and request-token, returning a TransactionAssessment, containing the risk assessment and supporting evidence.

assessment, err := client.RegisterLogin(&incognia.Login{
    RequestToken:               "request-token",
    AccountID:                  "account-id",

Registering Payment or Login without evaluating its risk assessment

Turning off the risk assessment evaluation allows you to register a new transaction (Login or Payment), but the response (TransactionAssessment) will be empty. For instance, if you're using the risk assessment only for some payment transactions, you should still register all the other ones: this will avoid any bias on the risk assessment computation.

To register a login or a payment without evaluating its risk assessment, you should use the Eval *bool attribute as follows:

Login example:

shouldEval := false

assessment, err := client.RegisterLogin(&incognia.Login{
    Eval:           &shouldEval,
    InstallationID: "installation-id",
    AccountID:      "account-id",
    ExternalID:     "external-id",
    PolicyID:       "policy-id",

Payment example:

shouldEval := false

assessment, err := client.RegisterPayment(&incognia.Payment{
    Eval:            &shouldEval,
    InstallationID: "installation-id",
    AccountID:      "account-id",
    ExternalID:     "external-id",
    PolicyID:       "policy-id",
    Addresses: []*incognia.TransactionAddress{
            Type: incognia.Billing,
            AddressLine:    "20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
            StructuredAddress: &incognia.StructuredAddress{
                Locale:       "en-US",
                CountryName:  "United States of America",

Sending Feedback

This method registers a feedback event for the given identifiers (represented in FeedbackIdentifiers) related to a signup, login or payment.

occurredAt, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2024-07-22T15:20:00Z")
feedbackEvent := incognia.AccountTakeover
err := client.RegisterFeedback(feedbackEvent, &occurredAt, &incognia.FeedbackIdentifiers{
    InstallationID: "some-installation-id",
    AccountID:      "some-account-id",


Our library authenticates clients automatically, but clients may want to authenticate manually because our token route has a long response time (to avoid brute force attacks). If that's your case, you can choose the moment which authentication occurs by leveraging ManualRefreshTokenProvider, as shown by the example:

tokenClient := incognia.NewTokenClient(&TokenClientConfig{clientID: clientID, clientSecret: clientSecret})
tokenProvider := incognia.NewManualRefreshTokenProvider(tokenClient)
c, err := incognia.New(&IncogniaClientConfig{TokenProvider: tokenProvider})
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("could not initialize Incognia client")

go func(i *incognia.Client) {
  for {
      accessToken, err := tokenProvider.Refresh()
      if (err != nil) {
          log.PrintLn("could not refresh incognia token")

You can also keep the default automatic authentication but increase the token route timeout by changing the TokenRouteTimeout parameter of your IncogniaClientConfig.


Every assessment response (TransactionAssessment and SignupAssessment) includes supporting evidence in the type Evidence, which provides methods GetEvidence and GetEvidenceAsInt64 to help you getting and parsing values. You can see usage examples below:

var deviceModel string

err := assessment.Evidence.GetEvidence("device_model", &deviceModel)
if err != nil {
    return err


You can also access specific evidences using their full path. For example, to get location_permission_enabled evidence from the following response:

    "evidence": {
        "location_services": {
            "location_permission_enabled": true

call any type of GetEvidence method using the evidence's full path:

var locationPermissionEnabled bool
err := assessment.Evidence.GetEvidence("location_services.location_permission_enabled", &locationPermissionEnabled)
if err != nil {
    return err


You can find all available evidence here.

How to Contribute

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section.

What is Incognia?

Incognia is a location identity platform for mobile apps that enables:

  • Real-time address verification for onboarding
  • Frictionless authentication
  • Real-time transaction verification


License: MIT