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InPlayer's iOS API Client Wrapper


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 10.1+
  • Swift 4.2+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate InPlayerSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile

source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target name>' do
    pod 'InPlayerSDK'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Note: InPlayerSDK is build with submodules. So if you like you can add it like this in your Podfile:

pod 'InPlayerSDK' (all features, default)
pod 'InPlayerSDK/Core' (includes Core features - Account, Asset, Subscription)
pod 'InPlayerSDK/Payment' (includes Core and Payment modules)
pod 'InPlayerSDK/Notification' (includes Core and Notification modules)


This SDK has dependencies that it relies on. The list consists of:

 pod 'Alamofire', '5.0.0-rc.3'
 pod 'AWSIoT', '2.12.1' (only Notifications module)


Import InPlayerSDK to your file.


To intialize SDK and start using it, you must first do the following steps:

Create configuration object:

 let configuration = InPlayer.Configuration(clientId: "<YOUR CLIENT ID HERE>", referrer: "<REFERRER URL GOES HERE>" environment: <ENVIORMENT TYPE>)

Initialize InPlayer:

InPlayer.initialize(configuration: configuration)


InPlayerSDK consists out of five services: Account, Asset, Payment, Subscription and Notification.


Account related methods.


Authenticate method:

InPlayer.Account.authenticate(username: "<YOUR USERNAME>", password: "<YOUR PASSWORD>", success: { (authorization) in
    // Successfully logged in.
}, failure: { (error) in
    // Some error occured.

Asset related methods:


Get asset details:

InPlayer.Asset.getAsset(id: <ITEM_ID>, success: { (item) in
   // Successfully obtained item details.
}, failure: { error in
   // Some error occured.

Check asset access:

InPlayer.Asset.checkAccessForAsset(id: <ITEM_ID>), success: { (itemAccess) in
    // You have access to this asset
}, failure: { (error) in
    // Some error occured.            

Additionally when checking access for asset, in itemAccess.item there is content that can be plain string or json string. In order to parse the model accordingly and have access to its properties (every type has different properties), we encorage you to use it in this matter while in success block:

if let ContentType.accedo(asset) = itemAccess.item.parseContent() {
    // Parsed content is of type `accedo`, and the `asset` is the resource you can use it

Payment related methods:


Validate purchase:

InPlayer.Payment.validate(receiptString: <RECEIPT_STRING>, productIdentifier: <PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER>, success: {
    // Successfully validated receipt
}, failure: { (error) in
    // Some error occured

Subscription related methods:


Get account subscriptions:

InPlayer.Subscription.getSubscriptions(page: 1, limit: 10, success: { (list) in
    // Successfully obtained subscription list
}, failure: { (error) in
    // Some error occured

Notification service has three methods:

public static func subscribe(onStatusChanged: @escaping ( _status: InPlayerNotificationStatus) -> Void,       
                             onMessageReceived: @escaping (_ notification: InPlayerNotification) -> Void, 
                             onError: @escaping (_ error: InPlayerError) -> Void)


public static func unsubscribe()

public static func isSubscribed() -> Bool

Subscribe method:

InPlayer.Notification.subscribe(onStatusChanged: { (status) in
    // Notification status changed
}, onMessageReceived: { (message) in
    // Because message has type which is enum containing associated value, this is one of the ways to use it.
    if case let NotificationType.accessGranted(resource) = message.type {
        // Access was granted, you can use resource
}, failure: { (error) in
    // InPlayerError containing info about what happened


We are thankful for any contributions made by the community. By contributing you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct in the Contributing Guidelines.


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2018-present InPlayer.

See LICENSE for more information.