Paywall v3 Staging url:
Paywall v3 Sandbox url:
Paywall v3 Live url:
Install the package from npm and import it in your project.
npm install --save @inplayer-org/paywall
Alternately include the script like so:
<script src=""></script>
// Basic example InPlayerPaywall(merchantUUID, [Object{id, ...options}])
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
options: {
preselectedFeeId: 4410, // optional, a price option to be selected by default and effectively skip the Price Options screen
noInject: true, // optional
noPreview: false, // optional
brandingId: "597", // optional
showPreviewPrices: true, // optional
registerFirst: true, // optional, false by default, if true it sets the Register screen as default, as opposed to the Login screen
<div id="inplayer-brightcove-5784466086001" class="inplayer-paywall" />
// This id is an external one, the type has to be specified as well.
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
external: {
type: 'brightcove',
id: 5784466086001,
options: {
preselectedFeeId: 4410, // optional, a price option to be selected by default and effectively skip the Price Options screen
noInject: true, // optional, false by default, if true the asset content will not be injected
noPreview: false, // optional
brandingId: "597", // optional
showPreviewPrices: true, // optional
registerFirst: true, // optional
// Basic example InPlayerPaywall(merchantUUID, [Object{id, ...options}])
<div id="custom-asset-container" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
containerId: 'custom-asset-container', // optional, for using a custom asset container as opposed to the default 'inplayer-40112'
options: {
noPreview: false,
brandingId: "597",
- noPreview
- brandingId
- showPreviewPrices
- enableDarkMode
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
// No preview option, branding option and show prices preview option
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
options: {
noPreview: true, // false by default - the preview won't show if enabled
brandingId: "51424", // Enables usage of branding different than the default one
showPreviewPrices: true, // false by default - the prices preview will be shown in the preview if enabled
enableDarkMode: true // false by default
- default paywall language
- show/hide the user menu
- show/hide the logo in the modal
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
// InplayerPaywall(merchant UUID, [Object{id, ...opts}], {...opts})
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
language: 'de', // sets the fallback language, 'en' by default
hideUserMenu: true, // false by default, hides the user menu dropdown (false by default)
hideLogo: true, // false by default, hides the logo in the modal header (false by default)
registerFirst: true, // optional, false by default, if true it sets the Register screen as default, as opposed to the Login screen
// Hide or customise the footer links
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
// InplayerPaywall(merchant UUID, [Object{id, ...opts}], {...opts})
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
footerLinks: [{ text: 'Custom text', url: '//' }], // optional, array of footer links to replace the default ones
hideFooterLinks: true, // false by default, if true footer links will not be displayed
hideProtectedBy: true, // false by default, if true the 'Protected by InPlayer' label will not be displayed
// Paywall options regarding authentication
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
// InplayerPaywall(merchantUUID, [Object{id, ...opts}], {...opts})
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
oauthAppKey: 'some-key', // optional, merchantUUID will be used by default
ssoDomain: 'https://appkey.sso.domain.url', // optional, providing a valid SSO domain enables the SSO feature
- setLanguage
- setLoginScreen
- setRegisterScreen
- logoutUser
- showMyAccount
- showCreditCardDetails
- showChangePassword
- showPaywall
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
paywall.setLanguage('en'); // sets the active paywall language
paywall.setLoginScreen(); // displays the paywall login screen
paywall.setRegisterScreen(); // displays the register screen
paywall.logoutUser(); // logs out the logged in user
paywall.showMyAccount(); // displays the my account screen (the user needs to be authenticated)
paywall.showCreditCardDetails(); // displays the Credit Card Details screen (the user needs to be authenticated)
paywall.showChangePassword(); // displays the Change Password screen (the user needs to be authenticated)
options: {
asset: { ...asset }, // optional
} // optional
}); // displays the paywall (same as when you would click on the buy button)
- checkUserAccess - check if the user has access for the specified combination of assetId, clientId and accessFeeId
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
async paywall.checkUserAccess(assetId, clientId, accessFeeId);
- addAssets - adds assets to the paywall instance
- removeAssets - removes specified assets from the paywall instance. IMPORTANT: They have to be specified exactly as they were added - if containerId was specified on adding, it would also have to be specified on removal
- removeAllAssets - removes all assets from the paywall instance. IMPORTANT: The paywall instance remains "alive" and other assets can be added to it at any later time
- hasAsset - returns a boolean indicating whether the paywall instance contains a specified asset (either having been added by using the
method or when the paywall instance was created) - destroy - destroys the paywall instance. After this the instance can no longer be used in any way
- isDestroyed - a boolean indicating whether the instance has been destroyed
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
id: 40113,
options: {
brandingId: 569.
external: {
type: 'brightcove',
id: '5784466086001',
containerId: 'bc-custom-asset-container-for-id-5784466086001',
options: {
brandingId: 564,
if (paywall.hasAsset({ id: 40113 })) {
id: 40113,
true =========================\ ______________________________________________________
]); \ / keep asset data (optional argument, false by default)
\/ If true, it tells the paywall instance to keep all the data of the asset(s) it's to unmount,
so the data can be reused if possibly the same assets are to be re-added (by using the .addAssets() method),
/\ making the asset re-mounting a bit faster by not making some of the backend API calls all over again
paywall.removeAllAssets( / \______________________________________________________
true =========================/
- allowRemoveAssets - true by default. If the user doesn't want to allow removal of assets at any point, they should set this option to false upon creating the paywall instance. It can't be changed later than that. Once set to false paywall.removeAssets() and paywall.removeAllAssets() will not work, but will display a non-blocking error message in the console
- allowDestroy - true by default. If the user doesn't want to allow destroying of the paywall instance at any point, they must set this options to fase upon creating the paywall instance. It can't be changed later than that. Once set to false paywall.destroy() will not work, but will display a non-blocking error message in the console
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112
allowRemoveAssets: false,
allowDestroy: false
- Additional CSS/JS scripts import
- Additional Query Params for asset initialization
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
options: {
noPreview: true, // false by default - the preview wont show if enabled
brandingId: "51424", // Enables usage of branding different than the default one
showPreviewPrices: true, // false by default - the prices preview will be shown in the preview if enabled
playerScripts: [
src: '',
type: 'script',
id: 'my-custom-id',
async: false // optional - whether the script should be loaded async (true by default)
parent: 'container-id' /* optional - the id of the element which should be the parent of the script, document.body by default
href: '',
type: 'style',
parent: 'container-id' /* optional - the id of the element which should be the parent of the css, document.head by default
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
options: {
noPreview: true, // false by default - the preview won't show if enabled
brandingId: "51424", // Enables usage of branding different than the default one
showPreviewPrices: true, // false by default - the prices preview will be shown in the preview if enabled
playerParams: {
language: 'en',
myParam: 'any value'
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
options: {
disableVoucher: true, // false by default, if true the voucher section will not be shown
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall('c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8',
id: 40112,
options: {
codeAccess: {
inputs: {
access_code: 'custom placeholder for the access_code input', // optional
customInput1: 'This string will be the placeholder of customInput1', // this is a custom input
customInput2: 'This string will be the placeholder of customInput2', // this is a custom input
codePattern: '{{customInput1}}-{{customInput2}}-{{access_code}}',
}, // optional, default value is { inputs: { access_code: 'Code' }, codePattern: '{{access_code}}' }
<div id="inplayer-40112" class="inplayer-paywall" />
const merchantUuid = 'c6f4002f-7415-4eb6-ab03-72b0f7aff0e8';
const accountData = {
id: 111,
email: '',
full_name: 'Demo Name',
referrer: 'Inplayer Dashboard',
metadata: {},
social_apps_metadata: [],
roles: [],
completed: true,
created_at: 123456789,
updated_at: 123456789,
uuid: 'uuid',
merchant_uuid: merchantUUID,
const signIn_signUp_mockupData = {
access_token: 'demo-mode-token',
refresh_token: 'demo-mode-refresh-token',
expires: '9999999999',
account: accountData,
const commonResponse = {
code: 404,
message: '',
var paywall = new InplayerPaywall(merchantUuid,
[{ id: 40112 }],
enabled: true, // false by default, true to enable demo mode
loggedInOnStart: true, // false by default, if true it only works with enabled: true
hasAccessOnStart: true, // false by default, if true it only works with enabled: true
mockups: {
Account: {
getAccountInfo: accountData,
signIn: signIn_signUp_mockupData,
signUp: signIn_signUp_mockupData,
getSocialLoginUrls: [],
requestNewPassword: commonResponse,
changePassword: {},
updateAccount: accountData,
sendPinCode: commonResponse,
validatePinCode: commonResponse,
Payment: {
getPaymentMethods: [
{ id: 1, method_name: 'Card', is_external: false },
createPayment: {},
Subscription: {
createSubscription: {},
Asset: {
checkAccessForAsset: assetId => ({
id: assetId,
account_id: 1,
customer_id: 1,
customer_uuid: '1',
ip_address: '1',
country_code: 'MK',
created_at: 123456789,
expires_at: 123456789,
starts_at: 123456789,
item: {
content: 'asset content here',
id: assetId,
merchant_id: 1,
merchant_uuid: merchantUuid,
is_active: true,
title: 'title',
access_control_type: {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
auth: true,
item_type: {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
content_type: 'html',
description: 'description',
age_restriction: undefined,
metadata: {},
created_at: 123456789,
updated_at: 123456789,