c06c7d5 Create LICENSE
c37cbe9 Add binaries programs and report files on gitignore
0440a45 Improvements suggested by golangci-lint
fe62e5a Improvement on error handling and logs of errors
7af95a5 #29 Fix exit code 0 when error ocurred
0f26cae Merge pull request #30 from msAlcantara/master
27dfb40 Fix load files in directory with git prefix
6278589 Update README.md
99a5db0 Github Actions
83c54da android :bool #18
7800426 IOS : Exclude Folder "pods"
aee5631 insider can not run inside the some folder as the source to be analyzed
f6bad46 Readme update
22c1157 Readme update
74b2f88 correcting the report file name