Version v18.0.0 (released 2025-02-13)
- Promote to stable release
- administration: fix UI
Version v18.0.0.dev2 (released 2025-01-23)
Version v18.0.0.dev1 (released 2024-12-12)
- setup: change to reusable workflows
- setup: bump major dependencies
- service: allow passing custom expires_at
Version v17.8.1 (released 2025-01-16)
- Revert "notifications: add comment notification for record and membership"
- This is actually a breaking change since it introduces a new set of notification templates that will potentialy not be styled if overridden in an instance's overlay.
Version v17.8.0 (released 2025-01-15)
- organizations: updated knownOrganizations to use id
- notifications: add comment notification for record and membership
Version v17.7.1 (released 2024-12-13)
- schema: skip unknown fields when loading organizations
Version v17.7.0 (released 2024-12-13)
- service: allow passing custom expires_at
Version v17.6.1 (released 2024-12-11)
- mappings: add identifiers to parent organizations
- Adds the missing identifiers property to parent communities.
Version v17.6.0 (released 2024-12-09)
- notifications: add comment notification for subcoms
- fix new subcommunity title
- ui: refactored and generalized OrganizationsList
- affiliations: added identifiers in orgs
- schema: added orgs in ui schema
- fix: extend invitation request expiry
- tests: remove invenio-admin dependence
- Removes the dependence on the invenio-admin action need.
- Adds some more test cases for featured communities.
Version v17.5.1 (released 2024-11-28)
- settings-ui: fix organizations metadata payload
- Fixes a bug where organizations selected from the search in the profile form, should also submit the id so that it's linked to the affiliation vocabulary entry.
Version v17.5.0 (released 2024-11-27)
- subcommunities: implement invitation request
- Allows parent communities to create requests to invite other communities as their children.
- config: add LogoNotFoundError
- communities: config: Update static page URLs to prevent name collisions
Version v17.4.0 (released 2024-11-11)
- admin: change default number of results from 10 to 20
- UI/UX: improve display of ROR information in select field
Version v17.3.2 (released 2024-10-18)
- ui: avoid exceptions if organizations list and request membership are not defined
- ui: verified icon display logic change
Version v17.3.1 (released 2024-10-18)
- communities-ui: make verified icon display depend on parent community
Version v17.3.0 (released 2024-10-17)
- Added verified icon and parent community
Version v17.2.0 (released 2024-10-16)
- subcommunities: updated page layout
Version 17.1.3 (released 2024-10-15)
- subcommunities: revert UI serializer config change
Version v17.1.2 (released 2024-10-11)
- chore: fix tests
- subcommunities: moved endpoint to communities resource
Version v17.1.1 (released 2024-10-10)
- setup: bump invenio-search-ui to fix dependency installation
Version v17.1.0 (released 2024-10-10)
- webpack: update axios and react-searchkit (due to axios upgrade) major versions
Version v17.0.0 (released 2024-10-08)
- mappings: updated awards with subj and orgs
Version v16.0.0 (released 2024-10-04)
- installation: bump invenio-vocabularies
Version v15.2.2 (released 2024-10-04)
- subcommunities: temporary fix for self link
Version v15.2.1 (released 2024-10-01)
- subcommunities: fix error getting whether children allowed
- subcommunities: added i18n translate messages
Version v15.2.0 (released 2024-09-27)
- Added subcommunities endpoint and page
Version v15.1.1 (released 2024-09-26)
- Return raw JSON instead of doing content negotiation for logo update responses.
Version v15.1.0 (released 2024-09-26)
- subcommunities: handle vnd.inveniordm.v1+json
- resource: remove response handler from featured communities
- members-search: fix negative paging
- closes #1136
- bug: fix display of non-ROR orgs and fix commas
- UX: link org name to ROR
Version v15.0.0 (released 2024-08-26) - improve communities mapping with edge_ngram analyzer and accent analyzer
Version v14.10.0 (released 2024-08-26)
- fixes defaults for COMMUNITIES_CUSTOM_FIELDS
- deprecated record_policy in favour of record_submission_policy
- add new policy to allow only members of a community to submit records
Version v14.9.0 (released 2024-08-22)
- bump invenio-vocabularies
Version v14.8.0 (released 2024-08-22)
- bump invenio-requests
Version v14.7.0 (released 2024-08-22)
- package: bump react-invenio-forms
Version 14.6.1 (released 2024-08-09)
- permissions: implement missing excludes clause in ReviewPolicy generator
Version 14.6.0 (released 2024-08-09)
- settings-ui: [#855] set membership policy
- fix(logo): not fully deleted
- user_moderation: dispatch Celery tasks for each community operation
- review policy: allow all community members to submit records to community without review
- permissions: add member policy generator
- invitation: Update RichEditor to use inputValue
- services: use and adjust vnd.inveniordm.v1+json http accept header
Version 14.5.1 (released 2024-06-28)
- subcommunity: updated fieldpaths and error handling
- subcommunity: updated error mapping in the ui
Version 14.5.0 (released 2024-06-28)
- subcommunities: pass "payload" to request creation
Version 14.4.0 (released 2024-06-28)
- subcommunity: updated fieldpaths in the ui
- subcommunities: fix request redirect url
- errors: added subcommunities errors
- subcommunities: check for parent children allow
Version 14.3.0 (released 2024-06-27)
- subcommunities: made the request form overridable
- subcommunities: pass community object
- subcommunities: added auto-accept to request
- request: added subcommunity type as a function to entry point
- profile: rename award label
Version 14.2.0 (released 2024-06-24)
- subcommunities: fixed redirect url after new request
- subcommunities: add notifications
- subcommunities-ui: explicitly sort by newest first in form dropdown
- bug: return 404 if community cannot have children
- bug: filter out communities that have a parent or can have children (#1154)
- bug: allow adding existing communities
Version 14.1.0 (released 2024-06-20)
- mappings: add dynamic mappings for user profiles and preferences
- community-ui: improve creation UX
- cast slug to lowercase
- subcommunities: initial minimal feature implementation
- ui: fixed tombstone dumping
Version 14.0.0 (released 2024-06-04)
- installation: bump invenio-vocabularies
Version 13.0.3 (released 2024-05-15)
- components: fix parent update permissions
Version 13.0.2 (released 2024-05-07)
- groups: moved groups config and permission generator to invenio-users-resources
Version 13.0.1 (released 2024-04-15)
- fix: community theme and menus visibility
Version 13.0.0 (released 2024-04-10)
- ext: space-out community menu items
- systemfields: dump @v field during indexing
- members modal: generalise to be reusable
- records: optimize performance of is_verified
- models: fix memberships querying
Version 12.2.0 (released 2024-03-23)
- application: fix before_first_request deprecation
Version 12.1.1 (released 2024-03-12)
- components: fix backwards compatibility with community children
Version 12.1.0 (released 2024-03-06)
- global: implement access.members_visibility field
- services: added bulk update parent method (#1112)
- custom_fields: added custom vocab flag
Version 12.0.1 (released 2024-03-04)
- bump react-invenio-forms
- reorder the community's menu items
- move filter_dict_keys util to invenio-records
Version 12.0.0 (released 2024-02-19)
- major version bump on invenio-users-resources (through invenio-requests)
Version 11.1.1 (released 2024-02-19)
- mappings: change "dynamic" values to string
- ui: removed console.log from communitiesCarousel (#1077)
Version 11.1.0 (released 2024-02-19)
- mappings: add parent.children
- dump: add children allow
- services: use update service method for setting the parent
- mappings: fix key
- mappings: fix type mismatch for funding.award.number
Version 11.0.0 (released 2024-02-16)
- systemfields: add children
- systemfields: index communities in records
- horizon: community home page (#1081)
Version 10.1.0 (released 2024-02-09)
- parent_community: dereference parent community
- parent: dereference in systemfield
- theme: handle null values
- parent_community: fix derefencing
Version 10.0.0 (released 2024-02-09)
- mappings: update to
- systemfields: add parent community
- community: add theme.enabled flag
- community: rename theme.config to to facilitate indexing
- records: expose theme field in search
- mappings: add "parent" community and normalize funding
- global: always serialize Community.theme
- models: add index on bucket_id
Version 9.0.0 (released 2024-01-31)
- installation: bump dependencies
Version 8.0.0 (released 2024-01-16)
- global: add support for community theming
- adds new data field called theme
- adds specific template loader that handles themed templates per community
- enables feature only for system user at the moment programmtically
- disables indexing of community theme information
Version 7.18.0 (released 2023-12-12)
- replaced ckeditor with tinymce due to license issue
- split CommunitiesCardGroup definition and rendering
- changed "featured-communities" id on communities frontpage to "new-communities". WARNING: If you are overriding invenio-communities/frontpage.html, make that change in your template.
Version 7.17.0 (released 2023-11-10)
- assets: add overridable id to profile form
- assets: increase the char limit on community page description
Version 7.16.5 (released 2023-11-07)
- views: always show add community menu
Version 7.16.4 (released 2023-11-01)
- schema: avoid loading None value in custom fields
- translation: fix ngettext function expected parameter
Version 7.16.3 (released 2023-10-27)
- ui: fix identity in jinja filter
Version 7.16.2 (released 2023-10-26)
- community logo: fix rendering a placeholder
Version 7.16.1 (released 2023-10-25)
- community-settings: bump curation policy and page length to 5k chars
Version 7.16.0 (released 2023-10-25)
- community-settings: use custom URL field
- emails: removed html tags from strings
- featured: make new upload btn optional
Version 7.15.3 (released 2023-10-23)
- schema: bump allowed curation policy and page length to 5k chars
Version 7.15.2 (released 2023-10-13)
- ui: allow trailing slashes
Version 7.15.1 (released 2023-10-11)
- community: fix deletion modal fields UI
Version 7.15.0 (released 2023-10-10)
- header: add manage community button
Version 7.14.0 (released 2023-10-04)
- default community: add possibility to set to None
- searchapp: reduce the pagination options to 10 and 20
Version 7.13.1 (released 2023-10-02)
- communities: replace lru_cache with invenio_cache to ensure that cache expiration using a TTL is correctly handled
Version 7.13.0 (released 2023-10-02)
- notifications: add notifications on invitation actions
- settings menu: rename curation policy menu item to review policy
- settings: remove hidden divider from pages
- fix service utility to cache community's slug
- add service utility to cache community's slug
- service: fix sort param modifying sort options variable
- community settings: toggle danger zone area based on permissions
- services: add community deletion
- moderation: delete communities of blocked user
- administration: add community deletion and restore actions
- resource: add revision check on delete header
- ui: add accessibility attributes
- ui: allow redirecting to another page when clicking on the community's list item
- fix an issue with wrongly updating users in the db when fetching community's members
- resources: add etag headers
- communities: implement service methods for deletion
- CommunityCompactItem: add external icon and target blank
- communities-profile: fix custom funding form
- github: drop python 3.7 as it has reached end of life
- communities: add data model for community deletion
- members: remove rendering of HTML for member description
- ui: safely render community description
- delete community modal: fix styling
- installation: bump invenio-vocabularies
- search bar: add aria-label
- a11y: added ids to TextFields
- service: exclude created requests from search
- components: fix visibility permission check on edit
- oai-pmh: take oai sets prefix from config
- communities: add is_verified field to sort communities based on owner verified status
- user-moderation: implement on_approve action to reindex user communities
- permissions: extract base permissions
- add user moderation callback hooks
- UI improvements
- members and invitations: Add invite button to members tab, a11y fixes, UI fixes
- ui: align search with "My account" header
- templates: access message and mark subject for translation
- inject create permissions to communities search
- notifications: add member invitation notification
- ui: fix mobile version
- actions: reorder actions
- tests: fix users update
- cache: adds unmanaged groups to be cached and loaded in the identity
- adds identity cache
- add groups as community members
- assets: display metrics on deletion modal
- notifications: add member recipient generator
- tests: add notification member recipient generator test case
- services: add extra_filter param
- services: provide explicit scan params
- schemas: use parent class for CommunityGhostSchema stub
- configure number of items in communities carousel
- add placeholder in communities carousel
- introduce a configuration to disallow the creation of a restricted community
- fix a11y for tabs and modals in communities settings
- update mappings of members and invitations
- add configurable community permission policy
- update mappings of members and invitations
- search: add query parser mappings and allowed terms list
- assets: change import components from invenio-vocabularies and react-invenio-forms
- improve UX of community deletion modal
- add custom fields of community to display on about page
- allow blank curation policy page and about page
- add extra filter to community service
- refactor requests components
- deny deletion of a community if there are open requests
- add ghost community when the community cannot be resolved
- upgrade community settings layout
- split pages configuration
- reorganise community details submenu
- reorder details fields
- rename service component configuration variable
- add configurable error handler
- requests: add community inclusion request tyoe
- rename permission policy for direct publish
- assets: add abstraction and reusability to search component
- access systemfield: update class attributes tuples into enums
- access systemfield: update validation to a class function
- service: add configurable components
- Custom fields: add multiple custom field widget loaders
- ui serializer: add permissions
- assets: refactor community components
- remove deprecated flask_babelex dependency and imports
- upgrade invenio dependencies
- profile: add about and curation policy tab
- generators: fix permission check for communities on serializers
- members: add support to read the memberships of an identity (service layer only)
- datamodel: add new access.review_policy subfield
- permisssions: add policy for direct publish
- a11y: add missing area labels
- detail: fix restricted label in community details page
- assets: remove namespace from requests overridable ids
- assets: normalise overridable ids
- featured: add feature flag for administration panel
- featured: add tooltip to featured community schema field
- featured: add overridable id to featured communities component
- assets: refactor eslint warnings
- community: details page styling adjustments
- permissions: add featured community list action to administration permissions
- community details search: add search results counter and sort
- Add identity to links template expand method.
- Add identity to field resolver pick_resolved_fields method.
- fixtures: add option to feature communities
- Add links to search results
- Add i18 translations
- Use centralized Axios configuration
- Ensure members service using bulk indexing in the rebuild_index method
- Added Jinja macro to render featured communities section
- Add logo to demo data
- Refactor styling
- Add featured communities carousel component
- Remove obsolete imports
- Upgrade invenio-assets
- Upgrade to node v18
- Add responsive classes to community request search
- Fix overflowing content
- Add OpenSearch v2
Version 3.0.1 (yanked)
- Drop Elasticsearch < 7
- Add OpenSearch v1
- Bugfix: display community logo in the header
- Add multiple destinations search bar
- Search: redesign community search result item
- Invitations: add helptext on member search
- Settings: add file logo size limit
- Add error handling for UUID
- Requests search: add expanded fields, re-design list view
- Community: update members table, add responsive width for grid columns
- Members: reserve space for success/error icon, clean up table class
- Global: fixes strings marked for translation
- Community header: add community visibility to header
- Dependencies: bump minor version of invenio-requests
- i18n: fix naming
- i18n: add german to list of languages
- Homepage: align searchbar and button
- Page subheader: add mobile class
- Resources: add UI serializer
- i18n: clean up translation strings
- Community logo: add fixed height for pictures
- Settings ui: fix state behaviour
- Members landing page: fix alignment
- Search bar: fix search event propagation
- UI: remove redundant components
- Members: style action dropdowns
- Global: pin sphinx package
- Global: add black formatter
Version 2.8.1 (released 2022-05-24)
- Rename featured communities section
Version 2.8.0 (released 2022-05-23)
- Remove invenio dependencies to depend only on rdm-records.
- Improve visual feedback when changing permissions.
- Align facets with new records-resources faceting paradigm.
- Initial public release.