Original Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BMVF9WK
Overall, folks are happy with IOT-directorate performance. There are some constructive comments/suggestions to think about. IoT-Directorates co-chairs and ADs have met and analysed the survey results together and as a result some action items have been identified. We also discussed the average frequency of reviews for IOT-directorate members. Please see the following the summary of observations and outcomes.
- In general, for most of the respondents the charter is clear.
- The IoT Directorate pre-ietf meetings are useful for the members.
- 1-2 days are needed to accept/reject a review request once assigned
- Each member of the IoT Directorate will require to do at least ONE review per quarter
- The charter needs an update and should be in-line with what the group does.
- Many express interests in helping out more than reviews; the expectations are that this group helps align IOT related activities within IETF.
- Some commented that the reviews should be limited to IoT-related drafts
- Some commented on pre-IETF timing issue (too early for West coast) -- Co-chairs moved the pre-IETF-111 meeting time a little later
- Other suggestions:The pre-meeting could use the time for more discussion and making decisions etc.
- Co-chairs to launch periodic discussions with external SDOs - it will be arranged separately from pre-IETF calls
- ADs will experiment with relevant Last call drafts assignment for IOT-DIR review ( so that more time can be allocated for an review )