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Today I Learned Template


A GitHub Pages template for creating your own Today I Learned (TIL) website. Document and share your daily learnings in an organized and searchable way. This project is inspired by and some others that I found.


  • 📝 Write TILs in Markdown
  • 🔍 Full-text search functionality
  • 🏷️ Tag support with dedicated tag pages
  • 📱 Responsive design
  • 🚀 Fast and lightweight
  • 🐳 Docker support for easy development
  • 🔄 Automated GitHub Pages deployment with CI/CD
  • ⚡ Optimized build performance with caching
  • 🛡️ Secure deployment with GitHub Actions

Getting Started

  1. Click "Use this template" to create your own repository

  2. Update _config.yml with your site information:

    • Change title, html_title, site_name, and description
    • Update baseurl to match your repository name
    • Update url if using a custom domain
  3. Add your TILs in the _til directory following the format:

    layout: post
    title: "Your TIL Title"
    date: YYYY-MM-DD
    tags: [tag1, tag2]
    Your content here in Markdown
  4. Enable GitHub Pages in your repository settings:

    • Go to Settings > Pages
    • Set source to main branch
    • Save changes

Customizing Your TIL Site

Site Configuration

  1. Update _config.yml with your preferences:

    title: "Today I Learned"
    html_title: "TIL - Your Daily Learning Notes"
    site_name: "Today I Learned"
    description: "A collection of things I learn day to day"
    baseurl: ""  # If using GitHub Pages with custom domain
    url: ""      # Your site URL
  2. Customize the appearance:

    • Modify assets/css/syntax.css for code highlighting
    • Edit _layouts/post.html for post layout
    • Update index.html for the main page layout
  3. Optional configurations:

    • Add Google Analytics by updating the tracking ID in _config.yml
    • Customize the search functionality in search.html
    • Modify tag display in tags.html

Creating New Posts

Option 1: Manual Creation

  1. Create a new file in the _til directory with the format:

  2. Add the front matter:

    layout: post
    title: "Your TIL Title"
    date: YYYY-MM-DD
    category: Category
    tags: [tag1, tag2]
  3. Write your content in Markdown below the front matter

Option 2: Using the Command Line

  1. From your project root, run:

    # Replace the title with your post title (use quotes for multiple words)
    DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) TITLE="your-title" && touch "_til/$DATE-$"
  2. This is an example template for your new post:

       layout: post
       title: "Your Title Here"
       date: YYYY-MM-DD
       category: Category
       tags: [tag1, tag2]
       ## What I Learned
       Brief description of what you learned.
       ## Why It's Useful
       Explain why this knowledge is valuable.
       ## References
       Any references for your TILs

Categories vs Tags

When creating a new TIL post, you'll need to specify both a category and tags. Here's how to use them:


  • Use one category per post
  • Categories represent the main technology or domain of your learning
  • Should be a single word or simple term
  • Examples: Jekyll, Docker, Git, Python, AWS


  • Can use multiple tags per post
  • Tags are more specific descriptors or sub-topics
  • Help in detailed classification and searching
  • Examples: deployment, caching, optimization, security

Example frontmatter:

layout: post
title: "Docker Layer Caching Tips"
date: 2025-01-08
category: Docker
tags: [containers, optimization, caching, deployment]

Best Practices

  1. Keep titles clear and concise
  2. Use relevant tags for better organization
  3. Include code examples when applicable
  4. Add references to source materials
  5. Use headers to organize content
  6. Include practical examples or use cases

Local Development


Running the Site

  1. Clone your repository:

    git clone <your-repository-url>
    cd <repository-name>
  2. Start the development server:

    docker-compose up
  3. Visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser

The site will automatically rebuild when you make changes to any source files.

Docker Commands

  • Stop the server:

    docker-compose down
  • Rebuild the container (after Gemfile changes):

    docker-compose up --build
  • View logs:

    docker-compose logs


This project includes automated CI/CD through GitHub Actions:

  1. Continuous Integration:

    • Automatically builds the Jekyll site on every push and pull request
    • Verifies all pages and links are working (no 404s)
    • Runs comprehensive link checking
  2. Status Checks:

    • Build status is displayed via the CI badge at the top of this README
    • Failed builds prevent merging to protect against broken deployments

To use the CI:

  1. No setup required - it works automatically after pushing to GitHub
  2. Update the badge URL in this README by replacing [username] with your GitHub username
  3. View detailed build logs in your repository's Actions tab


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.