A package for generating Antarctic ocean forcing for the ISMIP7 activity
To generate the ocean forcing data, you need the conda
package manager. If
you don't have a conda base environment, please download and install
If you already have conda
installed but aren't sure if you have the
channel, please run:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
Then, this repository can be cloned and a conda environment can be set up with the required packages as follows:
mkdir ismip7
cd ismip7
git clone git@github.com:ismip/ismip7-antarctic-ocean-forcing.git main
cd main
conda create -n ismip7_dev --file dev-spec.txt
conda activate ismip7_dev
python -m pip install -e . --no-deps --no-build-isolation
pre-commit install
To use this environment, you simply run:
conda activate ismip7_dev
Note: if the conda
command is not found, conda
was not added to your
or equivalent. You will need to run something like:
source ~/miniforge3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate
to ge the base environment with the conda