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File metadata and controls

79 lines (63 loc) · 3.34 KB

☀ This project is a fork-off of the much simpler /itsN1X/8678_twitter_followings codebase. What follows is the legacy README from the aforementioned repository code. For instructions specific to this version, consider reading the README file after the triple linebreak.


Just a small Data Mining episode lmao ✁

oki oki jk jk

What is this? (itsN1X / 8678_twitter_followings)

It is a half-attempt to get all the people I followed on twitter into a "Twitter""List".

What this is 'not':

  • It is not an automation.
  • It is not a Node.js example/script/app/Ramen.


  • Your "Twitter Data" Request it from here
  • Your favourite Text Editor (mine is ed or Pencil-on-Paper:)
  • A browser! (Please note: JavaScript is needed \ enabled)

ኒ How to get this done?

  • Get your archive.
  • Navigate (cd) into /data.
  • Edit the following.js to rename window.YTD.following.part0 (beginning with a letter, and no punctuations. KISS)
  • Now, clone this repository locally. (Or into the /data directory with the following.js file!)
  • [Optional] Copy your following.js file where you cloned our repository.
  • Finally, open the viola.html file. Viola! There you a have a long list, separated by a line after 100 numbers!

Next : Into the tweetdeck!

  • Log into TweetDeck
  • Make a new "Coloumn" containing the 'List' you want.
  • Now, go to the coloumn settings.
  • Select "Edit List".
  • Tap on the icon next to "Add members".
  • When you see an input box, simply paste the numbers from above steps! (Maximum 100 numbers at once)

What are these numbers?

These numbers are nothing bit the "Twitter's 'AccountId' for each user". So, its basically a unique identifier for each user. Therefore, it makes any 'change in usernames' or "screenname" immaterial. (Since an account follows an 'AccountId' and not an "@username" in the backend systems;)

Thanks !

This is an advanced version of /itsN1X/8678_twitter_followings codebase.

What does it do?

This version is aimed at finding friends non-friends. Twitter defines friends as the two accounts mutually following each other.
This piece of software lets you find your friendsnon-friends.


  • Your followers.js
  • Your following.js


In the end, you will be handed over a list of AccountIds that can be imported into a twitter list via something like TweetDeck or something something.
The file you shoot up this time is called the heartbreak.html. All other steps are same as the previous versions.


Thanks !


  • @itsN1X on every network imaginable on tim's www
  • github / itsN1X The source Organization for the general public

(C) 1996-* <14BME0333/> itsN1X :: PPA / xenon921


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