Linja is a board game designed by Steffen Mülhäuser, author of other successful games such as Karo and SIX. Exclusively for two players, it is suitable for ages 8 and up, thanks to its simple and accessible rules.
This project implements artificial intelligence, which automatically moves the black pieces to find the best move for the machine.
- 7 bamboo branches that delimit the game lines.
- 24 wooden pieces (12 per player in black and red).
Players must advance their pieces to cross the bamboo branches and reach the last row, overcoming the opponent's pieces. The game ends when one player's checkers surpass those of the other player.
Set up Preparation: Place the bamboo branches on the table and distribute the pieces.
Turns: Each player takes two actions per turn:
Move a pawn:
- The active player advances one of his pieces to the next row. He may move any of his pawns, but may not occupy a row that already contains six pieces (regardless of colour).
- On entering a row, the player counts how many pieces are in that row (not counting the one he has just moved). This number determines the movement points for the next action.
- If a player advances to an empty row, his turn ends immediately, and he does not get any points for the next action.
Advance with a pawn:
- With the movement points obtained, the player chooses any piece of his own to move it as many rows as he has obtained points.
- The player cannot end his move on a row with six pieces, but he can move beyond it.
- If he reaches the seventh row (where the opponent's initial pieces are), the move stops there, without counting additional points.
Players must be strategic, avoiding falling into empty rows and maximising their advance while blocking their opponent.
- Stylish Design: Combines quality components with an attractive, compact design, ideal for play on any table.
- Strategy and Simplicity: Although the rules are simple, the game offers a good level of strategy, perfect for getting started in the abstract game genre.