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145 lines (124 loc) · 6.34 KB

File metadata and controls

145 lines (124 loc) · 6.34 KB

Zay-ES Core v1.7.0 (unreleased)

  • Added EntityCriteria to encapsulate the component types and filters for an entity query.
  • Added EntityData and EntitySet methods that take EntityCriteria objects.
  • Added a Query interface and base implementations.
  • Implemented query joins for SQL-based queries. Should improve performance for multi-component finds.
  • Added a stats collector to DefaultEntityData along with a threshold based watchdog implementation.
  • Deprecated some constructors that should no longer be used.
  • Added 'direct purge' support to DefaultEntitySet to better coordinate with server-side filter purges.

Zay-ES Core v1.6.0 (latest)

  • Modified SqlEntityData to allowing specifying the max string size for the StringIndex (default is still 50 characters)
  • Modified StringTable to automatically upgrade the table if the specified max size is larger than the current column size.
  • Added EntityData.removeComponents() and implementations to various default implementations. Allows removing more than one component at a time similar to the way setComponents() can set more than one at a time.
  • Added SqlComponentFactory and refactored the SqlEntityData classes to use it. This allows overriding the default result set -> component creation to customize it for different object types.
  • Modified Name to be able to auto-truncate if the name exceeds the storage limit (80 characters), else it will throw an illegal argument exception.
  • Switched some SuppressWarnings("unchecked") with SafeVarargs.
  • Added CreatedBy.filter() for easily creating a ComponentFilter for createdBy.
  • Added an IndexedField annotation to mark fields that should use indexing when available.
  • Updated the es.sql code to look for IndexedField and create indexes for types with IndexedField fields.
  • Added basic support for primitive array types in the SQL layer.
  • Fixed a bug in the SQL layer when saving components with no fields.
  • Updated ComponentTable to automatically add new table fields with 'null' values.
  • Updated FieldTypes.PrimitiveField to support null DB values default to 0.
  • Added a Name.filter() convenience method.

Zay-ES Core v1.5.0

  • Added some trace logging to DefaultEntityData.removeEntity() and DefaultEntityData.removeComponent()
  • Added the PersistentEntityData interface to allow EntityData implementations to implement persistence-specific methods.
  • Modified SqlEntityData to implement the PersistentEntityData interface.
  • Added PersistentEntityData.markPersistentType() for indicating that a component should be persistent even if it doesn't implement the PersistentComponent interface. Sometimes a library component's persistability is not black and white between one codebase and another and requiring interface implementation was too restrictive.
  • Modified the sql ComponentTable class to work with non-public type constructors.
  • Fixed sql ComponentTable to handle components with no fields.
  • Added a proper toString() method to DefaultWatchedEntity.
  • Fixed redundant EntityChange events from being sent if EntityData.removeEntity() is used.

Zay-ES Core v1.4.0

  • Upgraded the build to use gradle 7.4.2
  • Migrated publishing to maven central instead of jcenter

Zay-ES Core v1.3.2

  • Updated StringIndex javadoc to provide more information.

Zay-ES Core v1.3.1

  • Fixed MemStringIndex.getStringId(string, false) to return -1 instead of throwing an NPE if the string has no ID.
  • Modified DefaultEntityData.addEntityComponentListener() to throw an IllegalArgumentException for null listeners.

Zay-ES Core v1.3.0

  • MemStringIndex fixed to consider the boolean 'add' parameter.
  • Set sourceCompatibility to 1.7 and turned on detailed 'unchecked' warnings
  • Fixed a ton of 'unchecked' related issues. Many of the generic method signatures have changed.
  • Some javadoc formatting fixes.

Zay-ES Core v1.2.1

  • Upgraded the project to be JDK 1.7 and source 1.7 based.
  • Added the ability to get a WatchedEntity which acts like an entity except can be watched for changes in a way similar to a whole EntitySet. Useful for single-entity focused systems like player displays/controls.
  • Deprecated the EntitySet.applyChanges(Set) method as it's not really possible to accurately return the changes that caused the set to be in its new state... especially not without a proper ordering. The network code that relies on this method has been reworked to do it more correctly.
  • DefaultEntityData.getEntities() now delegates loading of the entities to the set instead of hand-rolling it. (The DefaultEntitySet was already capable of loading its own data.)
  • DefaultEntitySet's Transaction.completeEntity() method was moved to the outer class so that subclasses can override how incomplete entities are resolved by the set.

Zay-ES Core v1.1.1

  • Fixed the DefaultEntitySet logger to log to the appropriate category.
  • Added some defensive entityId parameter checks to DefaultEntityData getComponent and setComponent.
  • Added an in-memory StringIndex implementation and include it by default in DefaultEntityData if it hasn't been extended.

Zay-ES Core r1202

  • Reformatted source code to be closer to normal Java coding conventions.
  • Added some Javadoc here and there.
  • Removed unused methods update() and clear() from DefaultEntity

Zay-ES Core r1200

  • Removed the direct DefaultEntityData reference from DefaultEntity
  • Removed the direct reference to DefaultEntityData from DefaultEntitySet.
  • Added a protected isReleased() method to DefaultEntitySet so subclasses can check released state.
  • Added a protected method for accessing the change queue.
  • Added a method to DefaultEntitySet.Transaction for directly injecting added entities. (Useful for when entities are loaded asynchronously.)
  • Added an internal optimization to DefaultEntitySet that avoids attempting to re-retrieve a component that was removed.
  • Added a protected registerComponentHandler() method to DefaultEntityData so that subclasses can customimze component handler implementations.
  • Removed the SpiderMonkey dependency from core Zay-ES
  • Converted direct log4j references to slf4j.