jMonkeyEngine v3.7.0-alpha1
342 commits
to master
since this release
A non-production release, for development and testing only, not intended to be used in any product. Largely untested, without complete/reliable documentation, and without SDK support. Vital features may be missing. The feature set, API, and serialization format might change before the next release.
Changes relative to v3.6.1-stable:
Potential breaking changes: N/A
New features:
- UBO/SSBO Improvements, Structs, BufferObject and sub data update by @riccardobl in #1782
- Expand support for GL ES / WebGL compatible formats. by @riccardobl in #2101
- Lwjgl3 canvas by @tonihele in #1868
- LwjglCanvas using lwjgl-jawt by @JNightRide in #2153
- Adds SingleLayerInfluenceMask by @codex128 in #2043
- Accelerated env baking on the GPU by @riccardobl in #1165
- Create by @pspeed42 in #2193
Bugs and defects addressed:
General improvements:
- update the "gson" library to v2.10.1 by @stephengold in #2183
- update copyright years in the license by @stephengold in #2182
- solve issue #2178 (PBRTerrainTest typo) by @stephengold in #2181
- solve issue #2177 (PBRTerrainAdvancedTest typo) by @stephengold in #2180
- document issue #2089 (scale factors assumed positive) by @stephengold in #2156
- #2176 Make LWJGLBufferAllocator use nmemCalloc() instead of nmemAlloc() by @JosiahGoeman in #2179
- solve issue #2184 (smart quotes in log messages) by @stephengold in #2185
- #2174 deprecate key classes in JME3-vr. by @richardTingle in #2175
- com.jme3.anim.tween.action.Action: basic javadoc by @Scrappers-glitch in #2019
- com.jme3.anim.tween.action.BaseAction: basic javadoc by @Scrappers-glitch in #2020
- Move NoiseLib.glslib to more appropriate location by @yaRnMcDonuts in #2189
- update GitHub actions: setup-java to v4, wrapper-validation-action to v2 by @stephengold in #2192
- IBLGLEnvBaker: don't share a logger with IBLHybridEnvBakerLight by @stephengold in #2187
- BoundingSphereDebug: removed the unused variable radius and its getter method getRadius() by @capdevon in #2196
- update the Gradle wrapper to v7.6.4 by @stephengold in #2197
- #2194 add ClipAction.getAnimClip() method, remove ClipAction.reset() method by @capdevon in #2195
Full Changelog: v3.6.1-stable...v3.7.0-alpha1