An clinic api created using Go following a clean code architecture approach.
Uses MySql as database, but due to design followed is so easy to change to a different one (just implement repository interfaces and inyect new implementation).
Security implemented using JWT. Endpoints securized through Negroni middleware.
Perfomance test done using k6's. Result report can be seen from
afterInfluxDB acts
(see README in perfomance folder). -
Prometheus is also included in order to catch some metrics.
All can be launched from included docker compose.
Initial migration adds a user with email
and passadmin
. -
To test endpoints firstly call login endpoint with valid user and grab token in order to include it as bearer token in securized endpoints calls.
Api is exposed in 3001 port.
Front can be found in this repo.
make build-api-prod
make test
make generate-docker
make launch-docker
- Send email when sign up or user recovery password.
- Log done actions.
- Kubernetes deployments.