Releases: jake1164/ShelterViewer
Releases · jake1164/ShelterViewer
Updated to use github action
VaultMap Formatting
- Formatted the vault map to represent the same layout as the game
- Colored the rooms by room type to make them different from each other
- Fixed a bug when you refreshed on loaded page it would give an exception before loading the main loading page.
Missing Dweller Sort Features?
Merge pull request #17 from jake1164/feature/room-table-fields Added Vault row / col and sort by that by default
0.5.11 Dweller and Room page features
Added Dweller Info
- Added list of dwellers in a room display with a button to display the dweller info
- On Dweller grid added the room trait and if the room trait is in dwellers maximum trait I mark it green
- Cleaned up the pet display to show relevant info only.
Added display for Room Speed (sum of dwellers key trait)
- Populated Color Theme (it still sucks)
- Added all content to Room Info Popup (need to eventually weed it down)
- Display the Room Speed (Sum of Dwellers assigned Room Trait Value)
Added Room info. Trait, correct name
Finished mapping the Room Info to include all rooms.
Now displays the room name as per
With this info I can now display more of the room specific info that is not supplied in the vault.sav file.
Added MAUI and base rooms.json data file
This is the first version that includes a MAUI version with lots of little changes to make MAUI work correctly.
Added basic rooms.json data file, however, the room type needs to be synced.
This release is mostly to make sure the version works and I can still deploy.
Added Max Stat to dweller list
Added the maximum stat which includes the armor mod to the dweller list and made it so you an sort based on the actual maximum stat.
Dweller Update
- Sorted dwellers by Age (Id)
- Added searching on the Dweller list.
- Hooked up Next / Previous Dweller on Dweller Info Dialog.