All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Added (by @ybaktir)
- nx.draw(G)
- G.nodes
- G.edges
- G.clear() to delete all the data, acts similar to G.delete_all()
- len(G) to display number of nodes
- G.remove_node()
Changed (by @ybaktir)
- reorganized the entire file structure to better separate the algorithms files from the graph files.
- changed with new figures, dependencies
- all the $nodeLabel, $relationshipType params changed to $node_label and $relationship_type for better code readibility
- updated G.load_got() to fix constraint errors
- updated G.load_euroads() to fix constraint errors
- updated G.load_twitter() to fix constraint errors
- updated G.add_edge() to enable property assignment
- updated G.add_node() to enable property assignment
- No removals
Known Issues (by @ybaktir)
- len(G) doesn't return the correct value, uses config restrictions
- after G.load_got() and after nx.draw(G), some of the relationship labels don't show on the visualization
Added (by @ybaktir)
- G.delete_all()
- G.load_got()
- G.load_euroads()
- G.load_twitter()
Changed (by @ybaktir)
- All "apoc" based code is moved to Graph Data Science library aka "gds" since apoc is not supported by neo4j 4.x.
- All {params} syntax moved to $params syntax since {params} no longer supported.
- Updated
- Updated the examples file.
Removed (by @ybaktir)
- Removed functionality of harmonic centrality, average clustering as they are not supported by gds.
- Removed test file as it was hard to maintain the code because of too many changes. The file will back in the future versions.