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Avalon(A) — Bring deepness to your web apps

version: 1.2.0

Avalon(A) allows you to easily add 3d to a set of html elements to simulate a deepness effect (see preview). To make this 3d effect noticeable, all html elements pertaining to the transformed layer (basically the root container to which the 3d effect get applied to) - rotate on their x and y axis according to mouse movements.



  • GSAP 1.9.2+ (GreenSock Animation Platform) TweenLite and CSSPlugin modules



<div id="frame-3d"> <!-- 3d Frame -->
    <div id="avalona-inner-frame"> <!-- transformed layer -->
        <div id="half-circle" data-avalonA-transform="ox: 0.5; oy: 0.35; z:-300"></div>
            <div id="square" data-avalonA-transform="z:75; rx:20.32; ry:5; rz:-10.2">
                <div id="inner-square" data-avalonA-transform="z:150"></div>
        <div id="circle" data-avalonA-transform="x:100; y:150; z:200;rx:45"></div>

It is mandatory to have at least the 3d Frame and transformed layer defined when Avalon(A) initialization occurs. Within the 3d Frame, the element div having the id avalona-inner-frame becomes the transformed layer.

data-avalonA-transform attribute value has the following structure:

x: x translation; y: y translation; z: z translation; rx: x rotation; ry: y rotation; rz: z rotation; ox: x origin transform; oy: y origin transform; oz: z origin transform

All properties are optional.


    AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame').start();


Constructor options

It is possible to pass an object along with the id of the 3d Frame to set options:

	AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame', {option: value}).start();

Changes the name of the attribute used to define layer transformations. Default value is data-avalonA-transform.


A function that affects the amount of rotation triggered by the mouse movements on the y axis.

AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame', {fy: function(rotation){
	return rotation * 2;
} }).start();

Default function as no effect on the rotation value.


A function that affects the amount of rotation triggered by the mouse movements on the x axis. Default function as no effect on the rotation value.


When available, restrict mouse movements tracking to this area: moving outside the area reset the transformed layer rotation.

var options = {
	activeArea: {
		position: {
			x: 'auto',
			y: '15%'
		attachment: 'scroll',
		width: '150px',
		height: 100
AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame', options).start();

Enable the debug option to display the area ( for development purpose only ).

  • numeric like 200
  • length like '200px'
  • percent like '30%'
  • numeric like 100
  • length like '100px'
  • percent like '20%'

Set the position of the area. Possible values:

  • 'auto' means that the area will be centered within the browser window. (default)
  • {x: value, y: value} where value can be
    • null
    • 'auto'
    • numeric
    • length
    • percent

Act like css position: absolute|fixed. Possible values:

  • 'fixed' same as css position: fixed. (default)
  • 'scroll' like css position: absolute, the area will scroll along with the transformed layer

Animates the transformed layer when mouse is outside the active area – meaning the actual activeArea or simply the 3d Frame when no activeArea is provided. The animation plays as well when the mouse is iddle.

The animation object must have the following api:

animation: {
	play: function(transformedLayer){
		// animation code goes here

	pause: function(){
		// pause code goes here

As the example shows, the play() method received as first argument the transformed layer, thus one can animate any attribute of this element – not just the rotation.


The delay, in milliseconds, after which the user is considered idle when there is no mouse movements:

  • Default value is 1000
  • 0 is equivalent to default
  • Any negative value means infinite

When the user is idle, the animation resumes – if any – and endrotation event is triggered.


Enable debug logs and display when set to true.



Fetch 3d Frame and transformed layer from the DOM and apply initial setup.

Return layers (see layers property).


Set disabled flag to false and call refresh().


Alias for enable().


Flatten transformed layer, remove mouse movement tracking, unable events and pause animation.

refreshTransform( [target : selector OR html node] )

Update transformations according to new values of data-avalonA-transform. When target is provided, only first matching html node get updated.


Stop animation – if any – and disable events if Avalon(A) is "enabled".


Resume animation – if any – and enable events if Avalon(A) is "enabled".



Provides all nodes picked up while running start() or refresh() or enable() method. It has the following structure:

	"#<layer-id-1>": <Layer>,
	"#<layer-id-2>": <Layer>,
	".<layer-class-1>": <Layer>[],
	".<layer-class-2>": <Layer>[],
	all: <Layer>[]

The layers property references all transformed html elements by their ids (#layer-id), their css classes (.layer-class) and all elements are also referenced under all, including those not having neither id nor class attribute.

Each html element is wrapped by a Layer object — private to the lib, meaning you can't directly instanciate one — so that it is more convenient to manipulate transform properties.

The Layer instance has the following properties:

  • node – the raw html node
  • x – get/set the translateX style of the node
  • y – get/set the translateY style of the node
  • z – get/set the translateZ style of the node
  • rx – get/set the rotateX style of the node
  • ry – get/set the rotateY style of the node
  • rz – get/set the rotateZ style of the node
  • ox – get/set the x origin transform style of the node
  • oy – get/set the y origin transform style of the node
  • oz – get/set the z origin transform style of the node

The node style get updated – according to the x, y, z, ... getter/setter – only after calling either refreshTransform method (see refreshTransform()) or <Layer>.refresh(). Calling refreshTransform with no node argument also update the layers property: so if transformations has been added to a new node, this one will also end up as a Layer in the layers field.

The Layer instance has the following methods:

  • refresh() – to actually apply transformations

  • transform({[x:<x value>], [y:<y value>], [z:<z value>], ...}) – to set several transformations at once


It is possible to add event listeners like this

var options = {
	on: {
		event: function(){ /* event code goes here */ },
AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame', options).start();

or this

var a = AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame', options);
a.onevent = function(){ /* event code goes here */ };

Available events:


Triggered when transformed layer rotation starts.


Triggered when transformed layer rotation ends.


Triggered ONLY ONCE by start() or enable() BEFORE transformations gets actually applied.


Triggered every time by refresh() or refreshTransform() AFTER transformations has been applied.


Triggered every time Avalon(A) gets "enabled" – by enable() – AFTER transformations has been applied.

If Avalon(A) was already "enabled" by the time enable() gets called, the event is not triggered again.


Alias for enable event.


Provides a collection of preset animations.


Adds a balancing movement between two rotation angles.

  • GSAP 1.9.2+ (GreenSock Animation Platform) TweenMax module

Note that the TweenMax module includes the TweenLite one – see GSAP documentation for details.


Example 1

animation: AvalonAnimation.Balance()

Example 2

animation: AvalonAnimation.Balance({
  duration: 0.75,

    rx: 30,
    ry: -30

    rx: -90,
    ry: 30
  • duration (seconds)default value is 2.75
  • from: { rx: < rotation on X axis >, ry: < rotation on Y axis > } – default value is { rx: 0 , ry: -20 }
  • to: { rx: < rotation on X axis >, ry: < rotation on Y axis > } – default value is the negative version of from


Rotates like a spotlight.

  • GSAP 1.9.2+ (GreenSock Animation Platform) TweenMax and BezierPlugin modules

Note that the TweenMax module includes the TweenLite and BezierPlugin ones – see GSAP documentation for details.


Example 1

animation: AvalonAnimation.Spotlight()

Example 2

animation: AvalonAnimation.Spotlight({
  duration: 5,
  direction: 'ccw',
  angle: 10
  • duration (seconds)default value is 8
  • direction 'cw' (clockwise) or 'ccw' (counter-clockwise)default value is 'cw'
  • angle – default value is 20


Rotates a layer or a group of layers like electrons around an atom's nucleus.

  • GSAP 1.9.2+ (GreenSock Animation Platform) TweenMax module
animation: AvalonAnimation.Atom({
  duration: 20,
  selector: '.electron',
  axis: ['y','z']
  • duration (seconds)default value is 2.75

  • selector – every non-transformed (*) div within the transformed layer matching this selector will rotate, along with all his children.

  • axis – the axis on which elements will rotate (default values are x,y and z)

(*) non-transformed means not having the data-avalonA-transform attribute (or the one define through "tAttr" option).

SpeedTester utility

The SpeedTester (SpeedTester.min.js) allows you to check system performance before activating Avalon(A), thus preventing to undermine the usability of your website. It is meant to be used like this:

Main html document – preferably before loading any other scripts

	var speedTester = new SpeedTester(< how many times the test must be run (default 1) >);;

Main script – after document as been loaded

	if(results.fps > 30){
		AvalonA('frame-3d', 'avalona-inner-frame').start();
		console.warn('Your frame rate is too low, recommended: 30');

Browser compatibility

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox

Nothing happens on browsers that doesn't support 3d transform.

Using it with require.js

Avalon(A) is AMD compliant: if require.js is present, AvalonA function won't be exposed as a global variable but as a module having the same name. The same goes for AvalonAnimation plugin and SpeedTester utility.

As an AMD module, AvalonA requires tweenlite module. AvalonAnimation requires tweenmax,tweenlite and GSEasesmodules, where GSEases contains key/value pairs of standard greensock easing functions — the ones bundled with TweenMax.

GreenSock specifics

Keep in mind that since GreenSock bundles several modules within one file — indeed TweenMax file contains TweenMax as well as TweenLite, CSSPlugin, BezierPlugin, Eeasin, etc — it needs special care to be used with require.js.

Check out this code sample to understand how to use Avalon(A) and GreenSock with require.js.


see preview


A Js micro-framework to add 3d effect






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