Build a machine learning model to classify buy and sell signals for AAPL stock using technical indicator data on SMA, EMA, MACD and RSI.
git clone
- Yahoo Finance daily AAPL stock price from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019
- date = Date of trading day
- open = Price of the first trade of the day
- close = Price of the last trade of the day
- adjclose = Final close price after accounting for corporate actions
- low = Minimum trade price of the day
- high = Maximum trade price of the day
- volume = Number of shares transacted on the day
- ticker = 'AAPL' ticker
- Random Forest Classifier
- Decision Tree Classifier
- Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifier
- Logistic Regression
- LogisticRegression was the best out of the 4 models to classify buy and sell signals based on provided technical indicators, with a very high prediction accuracy of 0.956.
- Tree-based models are more prone to overfitting, hence we must use hyperparameter tuning to mitigate it.
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