Feature Monitoring complements data validation capabilities by allowing you to monitor your feature data after been ingested into the Feature Store.
HSFS supports monitoring features on your Feature Group by:
- transparently computing statistics on the whole or a subset of feature data defined by a detection window.
- comparing statistics against a reference window of feature data, and configuring thresholds to identify anomalous data.
- configuring alerts based on the statistics comparison results.
After creating a Feature Group in HSFS, you can setup statistics monitoring to compute statistics over one or more features on a scheduled basis. Statistics are computed on the whole or a subset of feature data (i.e., detection window) already inserted into the Feature Group.
In addition to scheduled statistics, you can enable the comparison of statistics against a reference subset of feature data (i.e., reference window) and define the criteria for this comparison including the statistics metric to compare and a threshold to identify anomalous values.
!!! info "Feature Monitoring Guide" More information can be found in the Feature monitoring guide.