Depending on the serving tool used to deploy a trained model, resource allocation can be configured at different levels. While deployments on Docker containers only support a fixed number of resources (CPU and memory), using Kubernetes or KServe allows a better exploitation of the resources available in the platform, by enabling you to specify how many CPUs, GPUs, and memory are allocated to a deployment. See the compatibility matrix.
If you have at least one model already trained and saved in the Model Registry, navigate to the deployments page by clicking on the Deployments
tab on the navigation menu on the left.
Deployments navigation tab
Once in the deployments page, you can create a new deployment by either clicking on New deployment
(if there are no existing deployments) or on Create new deployment
it the top-right corner. Both options will open the deployment creation form.
A simplified creation form will appear including the most common deployment fields from all available configurations. Resource allocation is part of the advanced options of a deployment. To navigate to the advanced creation form, click on Advanced options
Advanced options. Go to advanced deployment creation form
In the Resource allocation
section of the form, you can optionally set the resources to be allocated to the predictor and/or the transformer (if available). Moreover, you can choose the minimum number of replicas for each of these components.
??? note "Scale-to-zero capabilities"
Deployments with KServe enabled can scale to zero by choosing 0
as the number of instances.
Resource allocation for the predictor and transformer
Once you are done with the changes, click on Create new deployment
at the bottom of the page to create the deployment for your model.
=== "Python"
import hopsworks
project = hopsworks.login()
# get Hopsworks Model Registry handle
mr = project.get_model_registry()
# get Hopsworks Model Serving handle
ms = project.get_model_serving()
=== "Python"
from hsml.resources import PredictorResources, Resources
minimum_res = Resources(cores=1, memory=128, gpus=1)
maximum_res = Resources(cores=2, memory=256, gpus=1)
predictor_res = PredictorResources(num_instances=1, requests=minimum_res, limits=maximum_res)
=== "Python"
from hsml.resources import TransformerResources
minimum_res = Resources(cores=1, memory=128, gpus=1)
maximum_res = Resources(cores=2, memory=256, gpus=1)
transformer_res = TransformerResources(num_instances=2, requests=minimum_res, limits=maximum_res)
=== "Python"
my_model = mr.get_model("my_model", version=1)
my_predictor = ms.create_predictor(my_model,
# transformer=Transformer(script_file,
# resources=transformer_res)
# or
my_deployment = ms.create_deployment(my_predictor)
[Resource Allocation]({{{ hopsworks_version }}}/generated/model-serving/resources_api/)
??? info "Show supported resource allocation configuration"
| Serving tool | Component | Resources |
| ------------ | ----------- | --------------------------- |
| Docker | Predictor | Fixed |
| | Transformer | ❌ |
| Kubernetes | Predictor | Minimum resources |
| | Transformer | ❌ |
| KServe | Predictor | Minimum / maximum resources |
| | Transformer | Minimum / maximum resources |