A lightweight, type-safe library for managing async state in Zustand stores. Similar to React Query or SWR, but specifically designed for Zustand's architecture and patterns.
Managing async state in React and other frontend frameworks typically requires duplicative code that is error-prone and grows in complexity as the fetching needs of your app change over time. Zustand is almost a great solution for fetching application state, but inevitably requires loading states, error states, and more advanced logic to be handled:
(before zFetch)
const store = create(
immer<State & StateActions>((set, get) => {
return {
result: { isLoading: false, isError: false, data: null },
fetchResult: async () => {
if (get().isLoading) return;
set((state) => {
result.isLoading = true;
try {
res = await fetchSomeData(params);
if (!res.ok) throw ;
set((state) => {
state.result = res;
} catch {
set((state) => {
state.isError = true;
} finally {
set((state) => {
state.isLoading = true;
zFetch provides a light and type-safe extension to the Zustand api to manage these basic states, and provide additional async state management helpers:
import { zFetch, fetcherState } from "zFetchLib"
const store = create(
immer<UserState & UserActions>((set, get) => {
const { fetcher } = zFetch(set, get)
return {
user: {
likes: fetcherState(),
followers: fetcherState()
fetchFollowers: fetcher(() => ({
path: "user.followers", // Set the location to store fetched data
query: fetchFromUserApi, // Type safe query: Success case should return the expected type at user.followers
For managing collections of entities:
const useStore = create((set, get) => {
const { recordFetcher } = zFetch(set, get)
return {
users: fetcherRecord<string, User>(),
fetchUser: recordFetcher((id: string) => ({
path: 'users',
key: id,
query: () => fetch(/api/users/${id}).then(r => r.json())
Transform fetch results and combine them with existing state. Useful for aggregating and/or transforming data.
// Use zFetch to fetch from a paginated api while managing page state
const useStore = create((set, get) => {
const { fetcher } = zFetch(set, get);
return {
posts: fetcherState<{ items: Post[]; nextPage?: string }>(),
fetchPosts: fetcher((page: string = "0") => ({
path: "posts",
errorOnEmptyResult: true,
query: () => fetch(`/api/posts?page=${page}`).then((r) => r.json()),
reduce: (prevState, newPosts) => ({
items: (prevState?.items ?? []).concat(newPosts.items),
nextPage: newPosts.nextPage,
Fetch options can be applied when creating a fetcher(), but can be overwritten on individual 'fetch' calls used outside of the store.
force?: boolean
- Force refetch even if data existsnoRefetch?: boolean
- Prevent refetching if data existserrorOnEmptyResult?: boolean
- Treat empty results as errors
- Core Functionality
- Comprehensive test coverage
- Proper TypeScript types and inference
- Basic built-in error handling
- Request deduplication
- Simple caching strategy
- Loading States
- Initial loading
- Refresh loading
- Error states
- Retry logic
- Exponential backoff
- Custom retry logic
- Data Management
- Cache invalidation
- Automatic revalidation
- Optimistic updates
- Error Handling
- Retry logic
- Error boundaries
- Timeout handling
MIT © Jackson Ernst