- Build the image:
docker build .
- Run the image as a container:
docker run -p <machine-port>:<container-port> <image-id>
- Use the -d option start a detached container
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d <image-id>
this will "liberate" the terminal and keep running the container in the background - Stop the container:
docker stop <containers-name or containers-id>
The exposed ports by the container with the
label are sorted like:<local-machine-port-to>:<container-port>
- Run an interactive sesion from inside a container our hosting machine:
docker run -it <image>
eg:docker run -it node
- Get all the posible options from a command in docker we can add the
- See the running containers:
docker ps
- See all the containers:
docker ps -a
- Start stopped container:
docker start <cointainer-id/cointainer-name>
- See the logs of an specific container:
docker logs <cointainer-id>
. If we want see all the future logs we could use the-f
flag. - Delete a stoped container:
docker rm <docker-id>
, we could pass more that one container separated by space. - List all the images:
docker images
- Delete a image that is'n in use:
docker rmi <image-id>
, we could pass more that one image separated by space. - Remove all unused images:
docker image prune
- Remove all the stoped containers:
docker container rm $(docker ps --filter "status=exited" -q)
- Remove automatically an unused container:
docker run --rm <container-id>
- Get information from an image:
docker image inspect <image-id>
- Copy all files from a local folder into an a container:
docker cp folder/. <container-id>:/folder_into_container
- Copy all files from a container folder into an a local folder:
docker cp <container-id>:/folder_into_container folder
- Name and tag (could be the version) an image:
docker build -t <name>:<tag> .
- Name a container:
docker run --name <custom-name> <container-id>
- Push image to Dockerhub:
docker push <image_id>
- Pull image to Dockerhub:
docker push <image_id>
- Push image to private registry:
docker push <image_id> <host>:<name>
- Pull image to private registry:
docker push <image_id> <host>:<name>
- Re-tag images:
docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname
- Docker Hub recomend when you create a repository the next command:
docker push jhonbeltran/node-hello-world:tagname