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Id;Label;Forfattere;Titel;Udgivelsesaar;Journal;artikel nr.;group
n0;n0;Bruce, Bertram C.;"The Practice of Inquiry: A Pedagogical ""Sweet Spot"" for Digital Literacy?";2012;Computers in the Schools;1;adult
n1;n1;Buck, Gayle A.;Exploring the Potential of Using Explicit Reflective Instruction through Contextualized and Decontextualized Approaches to Teach First-Grade African American Girls the Practices of Science;2014;Electronic Journal of Science Education;2;adult
n2;n2;Decristan, Jasmin;Impact of Additional Guidance in Science Education on Primary Students' Conceptual Understanding;2015;Journal of Educational Research;3;adult
n3;n3;Delclaux, Monique;An Evaluation of Local Teacher Support Strategies for the Implementation of Inquiry-Based Science Education in French Primary Schools;2013;Education 3-13 International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education;4;adult
n4;n4;Desouza, Josephine M. Shireen;Conceptual Play and Science Inquiry: Using the 5E Instructional Mode;2017;Pedagogies: An International Journal;5;adult
n5;n5;Eckhoff, Angela;Partners in Inquiry: A Collaborative Life Science Investigation with Preservice Teachers and Kindergarten Students;2017;Early Childhood Education Journal;6;adult
n6;n6;Enyedy, Noel;Learning Physics through Play in an Augmented Reality Environment;2012;International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning;7;adult
n7;n7;Fridberg, Marie;Preschool Children's Collaborative Science Learning Scaffolded by Tablets;2018;Research in Science Education;8;children
n8;n8;García-Carmona, Antonio;Primary Pre-Service Teachers' Skills in Planning a Guided Scientific Inquiry;2017;Primary Pre-Service Teachers' Skills in Planning a Guided Scientific Inquir;9;adult
n9;n9;Gropen, Jess;Foundations of Science Literacy: Efficacy of a Preschool Professional Development Program in Science on Classroom Instruction, Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Children's Observations and Predictions;2017;Early Education and Developmen;10;adult
n10;n10;Hollingsworth, Heidi L.;"""Almost Everything We Do Includes Inquiry"": Fostering Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning with Preschool Teachers";2017;Early Child Development and Care;11;adult
n11;n11;Christine Howitt ;‘It’s a mystery!’ A case study of implementing forensic science in preschool as scientific inquir;2011;Australasian Journal of Early Childhood46;12;adult
n12;n12;Ilhan, Nail;Kindergarten Students' Levels of Understanding Some Science Concepts and Scientific Inquiry Processes According to Demographic Variables (The Sampling of Kilis Province in Turkey);2016;Cogent Education;13;children
n13;n13;Kallery, Maria;Typical Didactical Activities in the Greek Early-Years Science Classroom: Do They Promote Science Learning?;2009;International Journal of Science Education;14;adult
n14;n14;Lanphear, Jacquelyn;Inquiry and Intersubjectivity in a Reggio Emilia-Inspired Preschool;2017;Journal of Research in Childhood Education;15;both
n15;n15;Leonard, Jacqueline;Conducting Science Inquiry in Primary Classrooms: Case Studies of Two Preservice Teachers' Inquiry-Based Practices;2009;Journal of Elementary Science Education;16;adult
n16;n16;Leuchter, Miriam;"Designing Science Learning in the First Years of Schooling. An Intervention Study with Sequenced Learning Material on the Topic of ""Floating and Sinking""";2014;International Journal of Science Education;17;both
n17;n17;MacDonald, Kate;"Back to the ""Garten"": Ontario Kindergarteners Learn and Grow through Schoolyard Pedagogy";2018;Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education;18;children
n18;n18;Margett, Tessa E.;The Nature of Preschoolers' Concept of Living and Artificial Objects;2011;Child Development;19;children
n19;n19;McNerney, Karen;Developing a Framework of Scientific Enquiry in Early Childhood: An Action Research Project to Support Staff Development and Improve Science Teaching;2017;Early Child Development and Care;20;adult
n20;n20;Merritt, Eileen G.;Teachers' Integration of Scientific and Engineering Practices in Primary Classrooms;2018;Research in Science Education;21;adult
n21;n21;Metz, Kathleen E.;Narrowing the Gulf between the Practices of Science and the Elementary School Science Classroom;2008;Elementary School Journal;22;adult
n22;n22;Metz, Kathleen E.;Disentangling Robust Developmental Constraints from the Instructionally Mutable: Young Children's Epistemic Reasoning about a Study of Their Own Design;2011;Journal of the Learning Sciences;23;adult
n23;n23;Monteira, Sabela F.;The Practice of Using Evidence in Kindergarten: The Role of Purposeful Observation;2015;Journal of Research in Science Teaching;24;children
n24;n24;Peterson, Shira May;Supporting Young Children's Explanations through Inquiry Science in Preschool;2008;Early Childhood Research Quarterly;25;children
n25;n25;Philippou, Stavroula;"""The Exchange of Ideas Was Mutual, I Have to Say"": Negotiating Researcher and Teacher ""Roles"" in an Early Years Educators' Professional Development Programme on Inquiry-Based Mathematics and Science Learning";2015;Professional Development in Education;26;adult
n26;n26;Roehrig, Gillian H.;We Look More, Listen More, Notice More: Impact of Sustained Professional Development on Head Start Teachers' Inquiry-Based and Culturally-Relevant Science Teaching Practices;2011;Journal of Science Education and Technology;27;adult
n27;n27;Ala Samarapungavan;The Development and Validation of the Science Learning Assessment (SLA): A Measure of Kindergarten Science Learning;2009;Journal of Advanced Academics;28;children
n28;n28;Ala Samarapungavan;What Kindergarten Students Learn in Inquiry-Based Science Classrooms;2011;Cognition and Instruction;29;children
n29;n29;Senocak, Erdal;A Study on Development of an Instrument to Determine Turkish Kindergarten Students' Understandings of Scientific Concepts and Scientific Inquiry Processes;2013;Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice;30;children
n30;n30;Siry, Christina;"""Doing Science"" through Discourse-in-Interaction: Young Children's Science Investigations at the Early Childhood Level";2012;Science Education;31;children
n31;n31;Van Hook, Stephen J.;Lift, Squeeze, Stretch, and Twist: Research-Based Inquiry Physics Experiences (RIPE) of Energy for Kindergartners;2008;Journal of Elementary Science Education;32;children
n32;n32;Wastin, E. and H. S. Han (2014).;Action Research and Project Approach: Journey of an Early Childhood Pre-Service Teacher and a Teacher Educator;2014;Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research;33;both
n33;n33;Watts, M., et al. (2017);But Is It Science?;2017;Early Child Development and Care;34;adult
n34;n34;Wu, Su-Chiao;Inquiry-Based Mathematics Curriculum Design for Young Children-Teaching Experiment and Reflection;2016;EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education;35;adult