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- [awesome Window Manager configuration](#awesome-window-managerawesome-configuration)
awesome Window Manager configuration
awesome is awesome. I use it on all Arch Linux desktop/laptop machines that I have control over (admittedly, it is not designed for handheld smartphones/tablets).
Me using it to demo Figurehead.
Search YouTube for "awesome wm" to see awesome in action.
Among my favorites features:
- keyboard driven workflow (again, see this in action on YouTube).
- customizable through the Lua programming language.
- one-key-combo switching between tiling and stacking window management styles.
- the ability to do dynamic tagging (meaning it is not enabled by the default configuration---at least up to v3.5.4 (Brown Paper Bag) released on 2 April 2014).
This repo holds my personal take of awesome's configuration. Hightlights:
- persistent dynamic tagging across (both regular and randr-induced) restarts.
- dynamic tagging means tags can be created/moved/renamed/deleted on the fly without touching the configuration.
- persistent means tags and the clients/programs associated with each tag is preserved across awesome restart.
- this is the feature I have desired for that is lacking in current default configuration.
- Emacs-inspired universal argument: Specify a numeric argument for, e.g., repetition or precise resizing. Idea/prototype credit: @AnthonyAaronHughWong in #3.
- confirmation before quit/restart to minimize data loss accidents.
- you have to type "yes" (case insensitive) before quitting/restarting.
- this minimizes the chance that you lose your work by accidents.
- keybindings for tuning transparency (using
), stay-on-top, sticky.- these features combined, along with tiling and floating layouts, allow you to type in one window while seeing the content of others.
- keybindings to my preferred applications.
- only cycle through the most sensible (IMHO) layouts.
- keybinding optimized for Arch Linux over Thinkpad W530 (my current workhorse).
- Install awesome with your preferred package manager. Example:
sudo pacman -S awesome --needed --noconfirm
on Arch Linux. - Clone this repo to
cd $HOME/.config && git clone awesome
- Setup .xinitrc or Display Manager accordingly.
These dependencies are mostly derived from the application keybindings. Some are needed to enable basic features like theming (feh
), Desktop Entry Specification-style autostart (dex
), audio setup (alsa-utils
), backlight (xorg-xbacklight
), Webcam (cheese
), music player (mpd
and mpc
), screen lock (xscreensaver
), network management (network-manager-applet
), terminal (sakura
), task manager (lxtask
), and screen setup (arandr
), etc..
On Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm feh dex xdg-utils screenfetch scrot xcompmgr kdeaccessibility wmname
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm alsa-utils gnome-alsamixer xorg-xbacklight xf86-input-synaptics cheese mpd mpc workrave
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm xscreensaver networkmanager network-manager-applet mate-power-manager arandr xfce4-appfinder xfce4-screenshooter gnome-control-center lxtask
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm pcmanfm gvfs udisks udiskie lxsession lxappearance xarchiver
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm sakura terminator conky gksu launchy
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm gvim emacs firefox chromium putty remmina synergy
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm fcitx-im fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-configtool
- populate your
with Desktop Entry Specification-style autostart files (optionally withOnlyShowIn=awesome
if you only want them to auto-start in awesome). - my autostart setup can be found here.
Take a look at the "rc.lua" configuration file ($HOME/.config/awesome/rc.lua
; perhaps by pressing the keybinding Modkeyc which will open rc.lua
with the primary editor---for me, Vim).
Most keybindings are prefixed with the Modkey. This config associates Modkey to X Window's Mod4. On many machines, this associates the Super_L (tip: use xmodmap
in terminal emulator to verify/change this), which usually translate to the (intuitively) Windows key.
Some keybinding requires further input (e.g., rename a tag), which will grab the key focus from your application. The Esc key is used to cancel partial input.
Universal Argument (UniArg), inspired by the namesake Emacs feature, supplies a positive numeric argument to the following command. Depending on the context, it may supply a number of repetitions (search for uniarg:key_repeat
in rc.lua
) or a numeric argument (search for uniarg:key_numarg
in rc.lua
) such as percentage of volume adjustment or pixels to resize the client window. For example, with the UniArg being 3, "open terminal" operation (ModkeyEnter by default) will open 3 terminals.
Universal argument is activated when inputing a great-than-1 integer, and is deactivated when inputing a less-than-2 integer or a non-number. When universal argument is deactivated, the default behavior kicks in, which follows some heuristics to do sensible things such as the "extend client by 1/7 of the margin" and "shrink client by 1/11 of client width and leave client width at least 50 pixels" behavior for client window side expansion/shrinking documented below.
There are two modes of universal argument: Regular and persistent. Regular universal argument only applies to the next operation, while persistent universal argument applies to all following operations until changed or deactivated.
key combo | function | comment |
Modkeyu | prompt for universal argument | see above paragraphs for details |
ModkeyShiftu | prompt for persistent universal argument | see above paragraphs for details |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyCtrlr | restart | "r" for restart; used for apply updated "rc.lua" config file |
ModkeyShiftq | quit | "q" for quit; used for apply updated "rc.lua" config file |
Modkey\ | system info popup | |
Modkeyf1 | open help in browser | |
CtrlShiftEsc | open task manager | lxtask |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeySpace | change to next layout | |
ModkeyShiftSpace | change to prev layout |
mouse action | function |
left button | change to next layout |
right button | change to prev layout |
scroll up | change to prev layout |
scroll down | change to next layout |
only the following layouts are enabled
layout | comment |
floating | allow window stacking; the default |
tile | tiling with master on the left |
fair | fair allocation of screen space |
fullscreen | the focused client fullscreened |
magnifier | the focused client centered but not fullscreened |
in the floating mode, the following mouse actions on client window are enabled
mouse action | function |
Modkeyleft button | move client |
Modkeyright button | resize client |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyCtrlj | focus on the next screen | "j" is easy to reach |
ModkeyCtrlk | focus on the prev screen | "k" is easy to reach |
Modkeyo | send client to the other screen | |
ModkeyCtrlo | send tag to next screen | |
ModkeyCtrlShifto | send tag to prev screen |
key combo | function | comment |
Modkeyf2 | prompt a program to launch | inherited from awesome defaults |
Modkeyr | prompt a program to launch | "r" for run |
Modkeyf3 | toggle touchpad | depend on synclient from xf86-input-synaptics |
Modkeyf4 | prompt Lua code to be eval-ed in awesome | inherited from awesome defaults |
Modkeyc | edit "rc.lua" with the primary editor | "c" for configuration file |
ModkeyShift/ | show main menu | |
Modkeyx | show main menu | MSFT Windows key |
ModkeyX | show main menu | MSFT Windows key |
Modkey; | toggle task action menu | |
ModkeyShift; | toggle tag action menu | |
Modkey' | choose from clients on current tag | |
ModkeyCtrl' | prompt to choose from clients on current tag | |
ModkeyShift' | choose from all clients | |
ModkeyShiftCtrl' | prompt to choose from all clients | |
Modkey` | lock screen with screensaver | |
ModkeyEnter | launch user terminal | |
ModkeyAltEnter | launch root terminal |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyCtrlAltt | toggle tag persistence | tags persist across exit/restart by default |
key combo | function | comment |
Modkeya | create a new tag after the current one and view it | "a" for add |
ModkeyShifta | create a new tag before the current one and view it | "a" for add |
ModkeyShiftd | delte the current tag if there is no client on it | "d" for delete |
ModkeyShiftr | rename the current tag | "r" for rename |
key combo | function | comment |
Modkeyp | view previous tag | "p" for previous |
Modkeyn | view next tag | "n" for next |
Modkeyz | view last tag | |
Modkeyg | prompted for a tag to view | with tag name completion with Tab |
Modkey+[1-9,0] | view the first-ninth, tenth tag | prompt for "add a new tag" if not already existed |
ModkeyCtrl+[1-9,0] | view also the first-ninth, tenth tag | prompt for "add a new tag" if not already existed |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyCtrlp | move the current tag backward by 1 position | |
ModkeyCtrln | move the current tag forward by 1 position |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyShiftc | kill focused client | |
Altf4 | kill focused client | MSFT Windows key |
Modkeyf | toggle fullscreen status | hides statusbar |
Modkeym | toggle maximized status | leaves statusbar visible |
ModkeyLeft | move window to left half screen | leaves statusbar visible |
ModkeyRight | move window to right half screen | leaves statusbar visible |
ModkeyUp | move window to top half screen | leaves statusbar visible |
ModkeyDown | move window to bottom half screen | leaves statusbar visible |
ModkeyAltLeft | extend client to the left | by 1/7 of the margin |
ModkeyAltRight | extend client to the right | by 1/7 of the margin |
ModkeyAltUp | extend client to the top | by 1/7 of the margin |
ModkeyAltDown | extend client to the bottom | by 1/7 of the margin |
ModkeyAltShiftLeft | shrink client from right | by 1/11 of client width; leave client width at least 50 pixels |
ModkeyAltShiftRight | shrink client from left | by 1/11 of client width; leave client width at least 50 pixels |
ModkeyAltShiftUp | shrink client from bottom | by 1/11 of client height; leave client height at least 50 pixels |
ModkeyAltShiftDown | shrink client from top | by 1/11 of client height; leave client height at least 50 pixels |
ModkeyShiftm | minimize | minimized client need mouse click on tasklist to restore |
ModkeyCtrlSpace | toggle floating status | |
Modkeyt | toggle ontop status | |
Modkeys | toggle sticky status | |
Modkey, | toggle horizontal maximized status | |
Modkey. | toggle vertical maximized status | |
Modkey[ | decrease opacity by 10% | need composite manager, e.g., xcompmgr |
Modkey] | increase opacity by 10% | need composite manager, e.g., xcompmgr |
ModkeyShift[ | disable composite manager | |
ModkeyShift] | enable composite manager |
key combo | function | comment |
Modkeyj | focus on the next client in current tag | "j" is easy to reach |
ModkeyTab | focus on the next client in current tag | MSFT Windows key |
Modkeyk | focus on the prev client in current tag | "k" is easy to reach |
ModkeyShiftTab | focus on the prev client in current tag | MSFT Windows key |
Modkeyy | jump to the urgent client | "y" next to "u" (taken by universal argument) for urgent |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyCtrlEnter | select current client as the master | master is featured on the screen |
ModkeyShiftj | swap current client with the next one | "j" is easy to reach |
ModkeyShiftk | swap current client with the prev one | "k" is easy to reach |
all these keys work on the single currently focused client
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyShiftp | send the client to the previous tag | "p" for previous |
ModkeyShiftn | send the client to the next tag | "n" for next |
ModkeyShiftg | move the client to the named tag | with tag name completion by Tab |
ModkeyCtrlShiftg | toggle the named tag for the client | with tag name completion by Tab |
ModkeyShift1-9,0 | move the client to {first-ninth, tenth} tag | prompt for "add a new tag" if not already existed |
ModkeyCtrlShift1-9,0 | toggle the {first-ninth, tenth} tag for the client | prompt for "add a new tag" if not already existed |
key combo | function | comment |
Modkey= | reset master width to 50% | "=" for equal partition of screen |
Modkeyl | increase master width by 5% | "l" towards right on keyboard |
Modkeyh | decrease master width by 5% | "h" towards left on keyboard |
ModkeyShiftl | increase number of masters by 1 | "l" towards right on keyboard |
ModkeyShifth | decrease number of masters by 1 | "h" towards left on keyboard |
ModkeyCtrll | increase number of columns by 1 | "l" towards right on keyboard |
ModkeyCtrlh | decrease number of columns by 1 | "h" towards left on keyboard |
key combo | function | comment |
ModkeyShift` | toggle the visibility of current client's titlebar |
shortcut keys are bound for most common apps; the keybinding is designed to be balanced between the left (pressing the Modkey) and the right hand (an additional easy to reach key).
key combo | app | my choice |
ModkeyAltEnter | root terminal | gksudo sakura |
Modkey` | screen saver/locker | xscreensaver |
ModkeyHome | screen saver/locker | xscreensaver |
ModkeyEnd | suspend | systemctl suspend |
ModkeyAltHome | hibernate (will confirm) | systemctl hibernate |
ModkeyAltEnd | hybrid sleep (will confirm) | systemctl hybrid-sleep |
ModkeyInsert | reboot (will confirm) | systemctl reboot |
ModkeyDelete | power off (will confirm) | systemctl poweroff |
Modkey/ | GUI appfinder | xfce4-appfinder |
key combo | app | my choice |
ModkeyAltl | file manager | pcmanfm |
Modkeye | file manager | pcmanfm; MSFT Windows key |
ModkeyE | file manager | pcmanfm; MSFT Windows key |
ModkeyEnter | user terminal | sakura |
ModkeyAltp | remote terminal | putty |
ModkeyAltr | remote terminal | remmina |
Modkeyi | primary editor | gvim |
ModkeyShifti | secondary editor | emacs |
Modkeyb | primary browser | chromium |
ModkeyShiftb | secondary browser | firefox |
ModkeyAltv | secondary browser | virtualbox |
ModkeyShift\ | screen magnifier | kmag |
PrtSc | screen shooter | xfce4-screenshooter |
- currently optimized for Thinkpad W530 keyboard layout
- take a look at the config for details.
mouse action | function |
left button | view the tag |
Modkeyleft button | move current client to the tag |
middle button | toggle whether to view the tag |
Modkeymiddle button | toggle the tag for current client |
right button | show tag action menu |
Modkeyright button | delete the tag if empty |
scroll up | view the prev tag |
scroll down | view the next tag |
mouse action | function |
left button | toggle task minimize status |
middle button | choose from clients on current tag |
Modkeymiddle button | choose from all clients |
right button | show task action menu |
scroll up | focus on prev task |
scroll down | focus on next task |
mouse action | function |
left button | choose from all clients |
middle button | show tag action menu |
right button | show main menu |
scroll up | view the prev tag |
scroll down | view the next tag |
mouse action | function |
left button | move the window |
right button | resize the window |
the five buttons on the upper right corner
button (fromt left to right) | function |
1 | toggle floating status |
2 | toggle maximized status |
3 | toggle sticky/show-in-all-tags status |
4 | toggle always-on-top status |
5 | close window |
The items can be changed with awesome-client
. Example:
customization.option.wallpaper_change_p=true -- enable random wallpaper choosing
customization.timer.change_wallpaper.timeout=7.5 -- choose a wallpaper every 7.5 seconds
value | type | meaning | default value |
customization.option.wallpaper_change_p | boolean | random wallpaper choosing enabled? | true |
customization.timer.change_wallpaper.timeout | number | randomly choose a wallpaper from the "wallpaper" directory after every this number of seconds | 15 |
- improve persistent dynamic tagging: preserve tag configuration (e.g., layout style and client positions)