A demo crowdfunding application using Ethereum. Note: currently it's necessary to have Metamask downloaded to connect your Ethereum wallet on the Rinkeby network.
I made this as a learning exercise to get more familiar w web3 tech.
- A user (Campaign Manager) starts a crowdfunding campaign
- Other users (Supporters) can contribute Ethereum to support the campaign
- Campaign Manager user creates Requests for transparent funding spending requests
- Supporters approve or reject Requests
- Once approved, Requests transfer Ethereum to the party in question (think like a vendor for some service needed to purchase for the campaign to succeed)
- Next.js v12.0.7
- React v17.0.2
- web3.js v1.6.1
- semantic-ui-react v2.4.1
- solc v0.4.17
- ganache-cli v6.12.2
- @truffle/hdwallet-provider v1.7.0