A SPA boilerplate. Uses:
- hyperapp - For DOM manipulation and application state.
- w3-css - For styling
- babel - For ES5 compatibility
- webpack - For build configuration
- prettier - For linting
Features include:
- hot-reloading dev server
- production build with:
- uglify
- removal of unused CSS
- auto-formatting
- gh-pages deployment (example: this template)
I like no-nonsense UI libraries that are useful with as little as dropping a script tag in an HTML file. I like 'em even more when they are small. Hyperapp is right up my alley, and I think it's a ton of fun.
I chose w3-css for this because it's feature-packed but not too heavy, simple to use, and looks clean. I want enough in a CSS lib that I can almost get away with just tossing in class names.
Sometimes I want to start hacking right away. After a few too many ~500 LOC html files with bloated script tags, I took inspiration from minimal-react-webpack-babel-setup and made a build, with some tweaks.
npx degit jcpst/template-hyperapp-1 my-new-project
cd my-new-project
npm i
npm start
Then hit up port 8080 and start hacking away!
Format with: npm run format
All of the following happens in the settings window.
- Go to Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript
- Set JavaScript language version to React JSX
- Go to Editor -> Inspections...
- Go to JavaScript -> General -> Missing React import with JSX.
- Change the Namespace value from React to h
- Go to HTML -> Unknown HTML tag attribute
- Check Custom HTML tag attributes
- add