Store your tickets alongside your code under a git branch using this golang tool.
Giticket is a ticketing tool written in golang that allows you to store tickets beside your code under a branch in git, it is a spiritual successor to ticgit and ticgit-ng which were written in ruby.
go install
This will install giticket to $GOPATH/bin, make sure it is in your $PATH.
# Initialize giticket to create the ticket branch
$ giticket init
# Create a ticket
$ giticket create --title 'My first ticket' --comments '[{"Body": "First comment", "Author": "John Smith <>"}]' --description "This is an awesome description." --labels "bugfix,ux"
# List tickets
$ giticket list
ID | Title | Severity | Status
1 | My first ticket | 1 | new
# View ticket
$ giticket show --id 1
ID: 1
Title: My first ticket
Description: This is an awesome description.
Status: new
Severity: 1
Labels: bugfix, ux
Created: 2024-05-24 01:11:03 -0700 PDT
NextTicketID: 2
Comment ID: 1-1
Created: 2024-05-24 01:11:03 -0700 PDT
Author: John Smith <>
Body: First comment
# Set status to in progress
$ giticket status --id 1 --status "in progress"
# Comment in the ticket
$ giticket comment --id 1 --comment "Inverted tardis polarity"
# Close the ticket
$ giticket status --id 1 --status "closed"
## TBD
# Delete the ticket