This configuration allows running synthesis and floorplan to extract some basic information useful when setting up a file from scratch.
Below, instructions are given to run synthesis, floorplan, placement and global route, then examine the results in the GUI to see what a realistic floorplan and settings might be for your Verilog files.
The example below uses the designs/src/aes/*.v Verilog files, but the Verilog files do not have to be located in the OpenROAD-flow-scripts git repository, adjust the VERILOG_FILES argument to point to your Verilog files:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=designs/asap7/minimal/ DESIGN_NAME=aes_cipher_top VERILOG_FILES="$(ls designs/src/aes/*.v | xargs)" clean_synth synth gui_synth
Where, the exploratory file to be replaced by a design specific file is:
Verilog files that to be investigated are specified by:
VERILOG_FILES="$(ls designs/src/aes/*.v | xargs)"
The Verilog top module name is specified by:
Synthesis cleaned and re-run by:
clean_synth synth
The GUI is opened by the makefile target:
The module hierarchy can here be examined to give a sense of area required for the default placement density.
Next to iterate on floorplan settings:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=designs/asap7/minimal/ DESIGN_NAME=aes_cipher_top VERILOG_FILES="$(ls designs/src/aes/*.v | xargs)" clean_floorplan floorplan gui_floorplan
A few more things can be learned from looking at this minimal floorplan:
- The pins are placed randomly on the edges and at least there is enough space on the edges to fit the top level pins
- Check that the floorplan size is not completely unreasonable and at least there is a chance that this design could go through placement with this density.
Next to iterate on placement settings:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=designs/asap7/minimal/ DESIGN_NAME=aes_cipher_top VERILOG_FILES="$(ls designs/src/aes/*.v | xargs)" clean_place place gui_place
From placement more information about how to set up the file can be learned:
- Examine estimated routing congestion to get a sense if there is a chance that the design can be routed.
- Get a sense of size and location of modules
After placement, CTS (clock tree synthesis is run). However the minimal design does not have a clock, so CTS runs quickly, but does nothing.
For non-trivial designs, some more work will need to be done in floorplan and placement before there is a chance that global routing will complete:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=designs/asap7/minimal/ DESIGN_NAME=aes_cipher_top VERILOG_FILES="$(ls designs/src/aes/*.v | xargs)" clean_place place gui_place
Global routing congestion heatmap can be examined in the GUI.
Start creating a file for your design, write an .sdc file to examine timing and find reasonable values for the CORE_UTILIZATION and PLACE_DENSITY for your design considering routing congestion.