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v0.4.0 - it has been a long time...

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@jelhan jelhan released this 13 Aug 14:08
· 978 commits to master since this release


  • [FEATURE] Polls now have an expiration date. If exceeded they get deleted. It defaults to 3 month.
  • [FEATURE] Evaluation is presented as summarized text and bar chart.
  • [FEATURE] Uses Subresource Integrity (SRI) for stylesheet assets.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redesign of user interface (not finished yet, #76).
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Better test coverage.
  • [REQUIREMENTS] PHP >= 5.6 is needed.
  • [REQUIREMENTS] Do not tamper with assets (e.g. no further compression) since this SRI will fail therefore.
  • And many more. Just try it out by yourself.


Make sure that you are running PHP >= 5.6.

Please configure a cronjob or something similar to execute php api/cron.php on a regular basis. It's responsible for deleting polls which haven't been accessed after they expired. Once a day should be fine. It iterates over all existing polls and therefore might generate a lot of I/O. Let me know if you face any issues and need a more granular strategy.

You must protect data/ folder from public access in your web server configuration. Before this release api has only stored encrypted data. An attacker could only get usage statistics out of it. But 0.4.0 introduces an expiration date property of polls. This one is stored unencrypted since the server needs to know if a poll is expired.

Ask for help

  • Some spanish translations are missing. I would appreciate a pull request.

If you have any spare time and are willing to participate in development don't hesitate to contact me. I would appreciate any help in UX, api, frontend and translations.