- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with Icinga Web 2
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Icinga Web 2 is the associated web interface for the open source monitoring tool Icinga 2. This module helps with installing and managing configuration of Icinga Web 2 and its modules on multiple operating systems.
This module installs and configures Icinga Web 2 on your Linux host by using the official packages from packages.icinga.com. Dependend packages are installed as they are defined in the Icinga Web 2 package.
This module can manage all configurations files of Icinga Web 2 and import an initial database schema. It can install and manage all official modules as well as modules developed by the community.
- Installation of Icinga Web 2 via packages
- Configuration
- MySQL / PostgreSQL database schema import
- Install and manage official Icinga Web 2 modules
- Install community modules
This module depends on
- puppetlabs/stdlib >= 4.16.0
- puppetlabs/vcsrepo >= 1.3.0
- puppetlabs/concat >= 2.0.1
Depending on your setup following modules may also be required:
- puppetlabs/apt >= 2.0.0
- puppet/zypprepo >= 2.0.0
This module has been tested on:
Debian 7, 8, 9
CentOS/RHEL 6, 7
- Requires Software Collections Repository
Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04
PHP >= 5.6
Other operating systems or versions may work but have not been tested.
The default class icingaweb2
installs a basic installation of Icinga Web 2 by using the systems package manager. It
is recommended to use the official Icinga repository for the installation.
Use the manage_repo
parameter to configure the official packages.icinga.com repository.
class { '::icingaweb2':
manage_repo => true,
Info: If you are using the Icinga 2 Puppet module on the same server, make sure to disable the repository management for one of the modules!
If you want to manage the version of Icinga Web 2, you have to disable the package management of this module and handle packages in your own Puppet code.
package { 'icingaweb2':
ensure => latest,
class { '::icingaweb2':
manage_package => false,
Be careful with this option: Setting manage_package
to false also means that this module will not install any
dependent packages of modules.
Use the monitoring class to connect the web interface to Icinga 2.
This module does not provide functionality to install and configure any web server, see the following examples how to install Icinga Web 2 with differen web servers:
Icinga Web 2 resources are managed with the icingaweb2::config::resource
defined type. Supported resource types
are db
and ldap
. Resources are used for the internal authentication mechanism and by modules. Depending on the type
of resource you are managing, different parameters may be required.
Create a db
type => 'db',
db_type => 'mysql',
host => 'localhost',
port => '3306',
db_name => 'icingaweb2',
db_username => 'root',
db_password => 'supersecret',
Create a ldap
type => 'ldap',
host => 'localhost',
port => 389,
ldap_root_dn => 'dc=users,dc=icinga,dc=com',
ldap_bind_dn => 'cn=root,dc=users,dc=icinga,dc=com',
ldap_bind_pw => 'supersecret',
Authentication methods are created with the icingaweb2::config:authmethod
defined type. Various authentication methods
are supported: db
, ldap
, msldap
and external
. Auth methods can be chained with the order
Create a MySQL authmethod:
backend => 'db',
resource => 'my-sql',
order => '01',
Create a LDAP authmethod:
icingaweb2::config::authmethod {'ldap-auth':
backend => 'ldap',
resource => 'my-ldap',
ldap_user_class => 'myObjectClass',
ldap_filter => '(icingaaccess=true))',
ldap_user_name_attribute => 'uid',
order => '02',
You can choose to import the database schema for MySQL or PostgreSQL. If you set import_schema
to true
the module
import the corresponding schema for your db_type
. Additionally a resource, an authentication method and a role will be
The module does not support the creation of databases, we encourage you to use either the puppetlabs/mysql or the puppetlabs/puppetlabs-postgresql module.
💡 Default credentials are: User: icingaadmin
Password: icinga
Use MySQL as backend for user authentication in Icinga Web 2:
include ::mysql::server
mysql::db { 'icingaweb2':
user => 'icingaweb2',
password => 'icingaweb2',
host => 'localhost',
class {'icingaweb2':
manage_repo => true,
import_schema => true,
db_type => 'mysql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_port => 3306,
db_username => 'icingaweb2',
db_password => 'icingaweb2',
require => Mysql::Db['icingaweb2'],
Use PostgreSQL as backend for user authentication in Icinga Web 2:
include ::postgresql::server
postgresql::server::db { 'icingaweb2':
user => 'icingaweb2',
password => postgresql_password('icingaweb2', 'icingaweb2'),
class {'icingaweb2':
manage_repo => true,
import_schema => true,
db_type => 'pgsql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_port => '5432',
db_username => 'icingaweb2',
db_password => 'icingaweb2',
require => Postgresql::Server::Db['icingaweb2'],
Roles are a set of permissions applied to users and groups. With filters you can limit the access to certain objects
only. Each module can add its own permissions, so it's hard to create a list of all available permissions. The following
permissions are included when the monitoring
module is enabled:
Description | Value |
Allow everything | * |
Allow to share navigation items | application/share/navigation |
Allow to adjust in the preferences whether to show stacktraces | application/stacktraces |
Allow to view the application log | application/log |
Grant admin permissions, e.g. manage announcements | admin |
Allow config access | config/* |
Allow access to module doc | module/doc |
Allow access to module monitoring | module/monitoring |
Allow all commands | monitoring/command/* |
Allow scheduling host and service checks | monitoring/command/schedule-check |
Allow acknowledging host and service problems | monitoring/command/acknowledge-problem |
Allow removing problem acknowledgements | monitoring/command/remove-acknowledgement |
Allow adding and deleting host and service comments | monitoring/command/comment/* |
Allow commenting on hosts and services | monitoring/command/comment/add |
Allow deleting host and service comments | monitoring/command/comment/delete |
Allow scheduling and deleting host and service downtimes | monitoring/command/downtime/* |
Allow scheduling host and service downtimes | monitoring/command/downtime/schedule |
Allow deleting host and service downtimes | monitoring/command/downtime/delete |
Allow processing host and service check results | monitoring/command/process-check-result |
Allow processing commands for toggling features on an instance-wide basis | monitoring/command/feature/instance |
Allow processing commands for toggling features on host and service objects | monitoring/command/feature/object/* ) |
Allow processing commands for toggling active checks on host and service objects | monitoring/command/feature/object/active-checks |
Allow processing commands for toggling passive checks on host and service objects | monitoring/command/feature/object/passive-checks |
Allow processing commands for toggling notifications on host and service objects | monitoring/command/feature/object/notifications |
Allow processing commands for toggling event handlers on host and service objects | monitoring/command/feature/object/event-handler |
Allow processing commands for toggling flap detection on host and service objects | monitoring/command/feature/object/flap-detection |
Allow sending custom notifications for hosts and services | monitoring/command/send-custom-notification |
Allow access to module setup | module/setup |
Allow access to module test | module/test |
Allow access to module translation | module/translation |
With the monitoring module, possible filters are:
Create role that allows a user to see only hosts beginning with linux-*
users => 'bob, pete',
permissions => '*',
filters => {
'monitoring/filter/objects' => 'host_name=linux-*',
Group backends store information about available groups and their members. Valid backends are db
, ldap
or msldap
Groups backends can be combined with authentication methods. For example, users can be stored in a database, but group
definitions in LDAP. If a user is member of multiple groups, he inherits permissions of all his groups.
Create an LDAP group backend:
icingaweb2::config::groupbackend {'ldap-backend':
backend => 'ldap',
resource => 'my-ldap',
ldap_group_class => 'groupofnames',
ldap_group_name_attribute => 'cn',
ldap_group_member_attribute => 'member',
ldap_base_dn => 'ou=groups,dc=icinga,dc=com'
If you have imported the database schema (parameter import_schema
), you can use this database as group backend:
icingaweb2::config::groupbackend {'mysql-backend':
backend => 'db',
resource => 'mysql-icingaweb2',
This module is mandatory for almost every setup. It connects your Icinga Web interface to the Icinga 2 core. Current and
history information are queried through the IDO database. Actions such as Check Now
, Set Downtime
or Acknowledge
are send to the Icinga 2 API.
- IDO feature in Icinga 2 (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
object in Icinga 2 with proper permissions
class {'icingaweb2::module::monitoring':
ido_host => 'localhost',
ido_db_name => 'icinga2',
ido_db_username => 'icinga2',
ido_db_password => 'supersecret',
commandtransports => {
icinga2 => {
transport => 'api',
username => 'root',
password => 'icinga',
Monitoring module documentation
The Director is used to manage Icinga 2 configuration through the web interface Icinga Web 2. The module requires its
database. The module is installed by cloning the git repository, therefore you need to set git_revision
to either a
git branch or tag, eg. master
or v1.3.2
The Director has some dependencies that you have to fulfill manually currently:
- Icinga 2 (>= 2.6.0)
- Icinga Web 2 (>= 2.4.1)
- A MySQL or PostgreSQL database
- PHP (>= 5.4)
- php-curl
class {'icingaweb2::module::director':
git_revision => 'v1.3.2',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_name => 'director',
db_username => 'director',
db_password => 'director',
import_schema => true,
kickstart => true,
endpoint => 'puppet-icingaweb2.localdomain',
api_username => 'root',
api_password => 'icinga',
require => Mysql::Db['director']
To run the kickstart mechanism, it's required to set import_schema
to true
The doc module provides an interface to the Icinga 2 and Icinga Web 2 documentation.
include ::icingaweb2::module::doc
To disable:
class {'::icingaweb2::module::doc':
ensure => absent
You can configure Director to query one or more PuppetDB servers.
Example: Set up the PuppetDB module and configure two custom SSL keys
$certificates = {'pupdb1' => {
:ssl_key => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- abc...',
:ssl_cacert => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- def...', },
'pupdb2' => {
:ssl_key => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- zyx...',
:ssl_cacert => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- wvur...', },
class {'::icingaweb2::module::puppetdb':
git_revision => 'master',
ssl => 'none',
certificates => $certificates,
Example: Set up the PuppetDB module and configure the hosts SSL key to connect to the PuppetDB host
class {'::icingaweb2::module::puppetdb':
git_revision => 'master',
ssl => 'puppet',
host => 'puppetdb.example.com',
The Business Process module allows you to visualize and monitor business processes based on hosts and services monitored
by Icinga 2. The module is installed by cloning the git repository, therefore you need to set git_revision
to either a
git branch or tag, eg. master
or v2.1.0
This module has the following dependecies:
- Icinga Web 2 (>= 2.4.1)
- PHP (>= 5.3 or 7.x)
class { 'icingaweb2::module::businessprocess':
git_revision => 'v2.1.0'
Business Process mdoule documentation
The Cube module is like a extended filtering tool. It visualizes host statistics (count and health state) grouped by
various custom variables in multiple dimensions. The module is installed by cloning the git repository, therefore you
need to set git_revision
to either a git branch or tag, eg. master
or v1.0.0
class { 'icingaweb2::module::cube':
git_revision => 'v1.0.0'
The GenericTTS module matches ticket pattern and replaces them with a link to your ticketsystem. The module is installed
by cloning the git repository, therefore you need to set git_revision
to either a git branch or tag, eg. master
or v2.0.0
class { 'icingaweb2::module::generictts':
git_revision => 'v2.0.0',
ticketsystems => {
'my-ticket-system' => {
pattern => '/#([0-9]{4,6})/',
url => 'https://my.ticket.system/tickets/id=$1',
The main purpose of this module is to extend Icinga Director using some of it's exported hooks. Based on them it offers
an Import Source
able to deal with CSV
and XML
files. It also offers the possibility to deploy
hand-crafted Icinga 2 config files through the Icinga Director.
The fileshipper module has some optional requirements:
for optional XML file supportphp-yaml
for optional YAML file support
class { 'icingaweb2::module::fileshipper':
git_revision => 'v1.0.1',
base_directories => {
temp => '/tmp'
directories => {
'test' => {
'source' => '/tmp/source',
'target' => '/tmp/target',
Fileshipper module documentation
This module extends the Director module. It allows you to have an automated import of virtual maschines and physical hosts from vSphere.
The module needs some extra PHP extensions that you need to install:
class { 'icingaweb2::module::vsphere':
git_revision => 'v1.1.0',
This module integrates an existing Graphite installation in your Icinga Web 2 frontend.
class { 'icingaweb2::module::graphite':
git_revision => 'v0.9.0',
url => 'https://localhost:8080'
The Elasticsearch module displays events from data stored in Elasticsearch.
class { 'icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch':
git_revision => 'v0.9.0',
instances => {
'elastic' => {
uri => 'http://localhost:9200',
user => 'foo',
password => 'bar',
eventtypes => {
'filebeat' => {
instance => 'elastic',
index => 'filebeat-*',
filter => 'beat.hostname={host.name}',
fields => 'input_type, source, message',
Elasticsearch module documentation
- Public classes
- Class: icingaweb2
- Class: icingaweb2::module::monitoring
- Class: icingaweb2::module::director
- Class: icingaweb2::module::doc
- Class: icingaweb2::module::businessprocess
- Class: icingaweb2::module::cube
- Class: icingaweb2::module::generictts
- Class: icingaweb2::module::puppetdb
- Class: icingaweb2::module::fileshipper
- Class: icingaweb2::module::vsphere
- Class: icingaweb2::module::graphite
- Class: icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch
- Private classes
- Public defined types
- Private defined types
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::generictts::ticketsystem
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::monitoring::commandtransport
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::puppetdb::certificate
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::fileshhipper::basedir
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::fileshipper::directory
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch::instance
- Defined type: icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch::eventtype
The default class of this module. It handles the basic installation and configuration of Icinga Web 2.
Parameters of icingaweb2
Whether Icinga Web 2 should log to file
or to syslog
. Setting none
disables logging. Defaults to file
If 'logging' is set to file
, this is the target log file. Defaults to /var/log/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.log
Logging verbosity. Possible values are ERROR
. Defaults to INFO
Whether to display stacktraces in the web interface or not. Defaults to false
Path to module sources. Multiple paths must be separated by colon. Defaults to /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
The default theme setting. Users may override this settings. Defaults to icinga
Whether users can change themes or not. Defaults to false
When set to true this module will install the packages.icinga.com repository. With this official repo you can get the
latest version of Icinga Web. When set to false the operating systems default will be used. Defaults to false
NOTE: will be ignored if manage_package is set to false
If set to false packages aren't managed. Defaults to true
An array of packages to install additionally.
Import database scheme. Make sure you have an existing database if you use this option. Defaults to false
Database type, can be either mysql
or pgsql
. This parameter is only used if import_schema
is true
is db
. Defaults to mysql
Database hostname. This parameter is only used if import_schema
is true
is db
. Defaults to localhost
Port of database host. This parameter is only used if import_schema
is true
is db
. Defaults to 3306
Database name. This parameter is only used if import_schema
is true
is db
. Defaults to icingaweb2
Username for database access. This parameter is only used if import_schema
is true
is db
Password for database access. This parameter is only used if import_schema
is true
is db
The global Icinga Web 2 preferences can either be stored in a database or in ini files. This parameter can either
be set to db
or ini
. Defaults to ini
By default this module expects Apache2 on the server. You can change the owner of the config files with this parameter. Default is dependent on the platform
When using domain-aware authentication, you can set a default domain here.
Manage the monitoring module. This module is mandatory for probably every setup.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::monitoring
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Custom variables in Icinga 2 may contain sensible information. Set patterns for custom variables that should be hidden
in the web interface. Defaults to *pw*,*pass*,community
Type of your IDO database. Either mysql
or pgsql
. Defaults to mysql
Hostname of the IDO database.
Port of the IDO database. Defaults to 3306
Name of the IDO database.
Username for IDO DB connection.
Password for IDO DB connection.
The character set to use for the database connection.
A hash of command transports.
commandtransports => {
icinga2 => {
transport => 'api',
username => 'root',
password => 'icinga',
Install and configure the director module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::director
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Set a git repository URL. Defaults to github.
Set either a branch or a tag name, eg. master
or v1.3.2
Type of your database. Either mysql
or pgsql
. Defaults to mysql
Hostname of the database.
Port of the database. Defaults to 3306
Name of the database.
Username for DB connection.
Password for DB connection.
The character set to use for the database connection.
Import database schema. Defaults to false
Run kickstart command after database migration. This requires import_schema
to be true
. Defaults to false
Endpoint object name of Icinga 2 API. This setting is only valid if kickstart
is true
Icinga 2 API hostname. This setting is only valid if kickstart
is true
. Defaults to localhost
Icinga 2 API port. This setting is only valid if kickstart
is true
. Defaults to 5665
Icinga 2 API username. This setting is only valid if kickstart
is true
Icinga 2 API password. This setting is only valid if kickstart
is true
Install and configure the doc module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::doc
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Install and enable the businessprocess module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::businessprocess
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Set a git repository URL. Defaults to github.
Set either a branch or a tag name, eg. master
or v2.1.0
Install and configure the cube module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::cube
The cube module is installed by cloning the git repository. Set either a branch or a tag name, eg. master
or v1.0.0
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Set a git repository URL. Defaults to github.
Set either a branch or a tag name, eg. master
or v1.0.0
Install and enable the generictts module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::generictts
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Set a git repository URL. Defaults to github.
Set either a branch or a tag name, eg. master
or v2.0.0
A hash of ticketsystems. The hash expects a patten
and a url
for each ticketsystem. The regex pattern is to match
the ticket ID, eg. /#([0-9]{4,6})/
. Place the ticket ID in the URL, eg. https://my.ticket.system/tickets/id=$1
ticketsystems => {
system1 => {
pattern => '/#([0-9]{4,6})/',
url => 'https://my.ticket.system/tickets/id=$1'
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Install and configure the puppetdb module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::puppetdb
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Set a git repository URL. Defaults to github.
Set either a branch or a tag name, eg. master
or v1.3.2
How to set up ssl certificates. To copy certificates from the local puppet installation, use puppet
. Defaults to
Hostname of the server where PuppetDB is running. The ssl
parameter needs to be set to puppet
Hash with SSL certificates to configure. See icingaweb2::module::puppetdb::certificate
The fileshipper module extends the Director. It offers import sources to deal with CSV, JSON, YAML and XML files.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::fileshipper
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Hash of base directories. These directories can later be selected in the import source (Director).
Deploy plain Icinga 2 configuration files through the Director to your Icinga 2 master.
The vSphere module extends the Director. It provides import sources for virtual machines and physical hosts from vSphere.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::vsphere
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
The Graphite module draws graphs out of time series data stored in Graphite.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::graphite
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
URL to your Graphite Web
A user with access to your Graphite Web via HTTP basic authentication
The users password
The value of your Icinga 2 GraphiteWriter's attribute host_name_template
(if specified)
The value of your icinga 2 GraphiteWriter's attribute service_name_template
(if specified)
The Elasticsearch module displays events from data stored in Elasticsearch.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
A hash that configures one or more Elasticsearch instances that this module connects to. The defined type
is used to create the instance configuration.
A hash oft ypes of events that should be displayed. Event types are always connected to instances. The defined type
is used to create the event types.
Installs basic configuration files required to run Icinga Web 2.
Handles the installation of the Icinga Web 2 package.
Stores all default parameters for the Icinga Web 2 installation.
Installs the packages.icinga.com repository. Depending on your operating system puppetlabs/apt or puppet/zypprepo are required.
Manage settings in INI configuration files.
Parameters of icingaweb2::inisection
Absolute path to the configuration file.
Name of the target section. Settings are set under [$section_name]
A hash of settings and their settings. Single settings may be set to absent.
Ordering of the INI section within a file. Defaults to 01
Manage settings in INI configuration files.
Parameters of icingaweb2::config::resource
Name of the resources. Resources are referenced by their name in other configuration sections.
Supported resource types are db
and ldap
Connect to the database or ldap server on the given host. For using unix domain sockets, specify localhost
for MySQL
and the path to the unix domain socket directory for PostgreSQL. When using the 'ldap' type you can also provide
multiple hosts separated by a space.
Port number to use.
Supported DB types are mysql
and pgsql
. Only valid when type
is db
The database to use. Only valid if type
is db
The username to use when connecting to the server. Only valid if type
is db
The password to use when connecting to the server. Only valid if type
is db
The character set to use for the database connection. Only valid if type
is db
Root object of the tree, e.g. ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=com
. Only valid if type
is ldap
The user to use when connecting to the server. Only valid if type
is ldap
The password to use when connecting to the server. Only valid if type
is ldap
Type of encryption to use: none
(default), starttls
, ldaps
. Only valid if type
is ldap
Manage Icinga Web 2 authentication methods. Auth methods may be chained by setting proper ordering. Some backends require additional resources.
Parameters of icingaweb2::config::authmethod
Select between 'external', 'ldap', 'msldap' or 'db'. Each backend may require other settings.
The name of the resource defined in resources.ini.
LDAP user class. Only valid if backend
is ldap
LDAP attribute which contains the username. Only valid if backend
is ldap
LDAP search filter. Only valid if backend
is ldap
LDAP base DN. Only valid if backend
is ldap
Domain for domain-aware authentication.
Multiple authentication methods can be chained. The order of entries in the authentication configuration determines
the order of the authentication methods. Defaults to 01
Roles define a set of permissions that may be applied to users or groups.
Parameters of icingaweb2::config::role
Name of the role.
Comma separated list of users this role applies to.
Comma separated list of groups this role applies to.
Comma separated lsit of permissions. Each module may add it's own permissions. Examples are
- Allow everything:
- Allow config access:
- Allow access do module monitoring:
- Allow scheduling checks:
- Grant admin permissions:
Hash of filters. Modules may add new filter keys, some sample keys are:
A string value is expected for each used key. For example:
- monitoring/filter/objects =
Groups of users can be stored either in a database, LDAP or ActiveDirectory. This defined type configures backends that store groups.
Parameters of icingaweb2::config::groupbackend
Name of the resources. Resources are referenced by their name in other configuration sections.
Type of backend. Valide values are: db
, ldap
and msldap
. Each backend supports different settings, see the
parameters for detailed information.
The resource used to connect to the backend. The resource contains connection information.
A group backend can be connected with an authentication method. This parameter references the auth method. Only
valid with backend ldap
or msldap
Class used to identify group objects. Only valid with backend ldap
Use a LDAP filter to receive only certain groups. Only valid with backend ldap
or msldap
The group name attribute. Only valid with backend ldap
The group member attribute. Only valid with backend ldap
Base DN that is searched for groups. Only valid with backend ldap
with msldap
Search for groups in groups. Only valid with backend msldap
Domain for domain-aware authentication.
Download, enable and configure Icinga Web 2 modules. This is a public defined type and is meant to be used to install modules developed by the community as well.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module
Enable or disable module. Defaults to present
Name of the module.
Target directory of the module.
Install methods are git
, package
and none
is supported as installation method. Defaults to git
Git repository of the module. This setting is only valid in combination with the installation method git
Tag or branch of the git repository. This setting is only valid in combination with the installation method git
Package name of the module. This setting is only valid in combination with the installation method package
A hash with the module settings. Multiple configuration files with ini sections can be configured with this hash. The
should be used as target directory for the configuration files.
$conf_dir = $::icingaweb2::params::conf_dir
$module_conf_dir = "${conf_dir}/modules/mymodule"
$settings = {
'section1' => {
'target' => "${module_conf_dir}/config1.ini",
'settings' => {
'setting1' => 'value1',
'setting2' => 'value2',
'section2' => {
'target' => "${module_conf_dir}/config2.ini",
'settings' => {
'setting3' => 'value3',
'setting4' => 'value4',
Manage ticketsystem configuration for the generictts module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::generictts::ticketsystem
The name of the ticketsystem.
A regex pattern to match ticket numbers, eg. /#([0-9]{4,6})/
The URL to your ticketsystem. Place the ticket ID in the URL, eg. https://my.ticket.system/tickets/id=$1
Manage commandtransports for the monitoring module.
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::monitoring::commandtransport
The name of the commandtransport.
The transport type you wish to use. Either api
or local
. Defaults to api
Hostname/ip for the transport. Only needed for api transport. Defaults to localhost
Port for the transport. Only needed for api transport. Defaults to 5665
Username for the transport. Only needed for api transport.
Password for the transport. Only needed for api transport.
Path for the transport. Only needed for local transport. Defaults to /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd
Add extra certificates to the puppetdb module
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::puppetdb::certificate
Enable or disable certificate. Defaults to present
Contents of the combined SSL key.
CA certificate
Manage base directories for the fileshipper module
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::fileshipper::basedir
Identifier of the base directory
Absolute path of a direcory
Manage directories with plain Icinga 2 configuration files
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::fileshipper::directory
Identifier of the base directory
Absolute path of the source direcory
Absolute path of the target direcory
Only files with these extensions will be synced. Defaults to .conf
Manage an Elasticsearch instance
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch::instance
Name of the Elasticsearch instance
URI to the Elasticsearch instance
The user to use for authentication
The password to use for authentication
The path of the file containing one or more certificates to verify the peer with or the path to the directory that holds multiple CA certificates.
The path of the client certificates
The path of the client private key
Manage an Elasticsearch event type
Parameters of icingaweb2::module::elasticsearch::eventtype
Name of the event type.
Elasticsearch instance to connect to.
Elasticsearch index pattern, e.g. filebeat-*
Elasticsearch filter in the Icinga Web 2 URL filter format. Host macros are evaluated if you encapsulate them in
curly braces, e.g. host={host.name}&location={_host_location}
Comma-separated list of field names to display. One or more wildcard asterisk (*
) patterns are also accepted.
Note that the @timestamp
field is always respected.
A roadmap of this project is located at https://github.com/Icinga/puppet-icingaweb2/milestones. Please consider this roadmap when you start contributing to the project.
When contributing several steps such as pull requests and proper testing implementations are required. Find a detailed step by step guide in CONTRIBUTING.md.
Testing is essential in our workflow to ensure a good quality. We use RSpec as well as Serverspec to test all components of this module. For a detailed description see TESTING.md.
When releasing new versions we refer to [SemVer 1.0.0] for version numbers. All steps required when creating a new release are described in RELEASE.md
See also CHANGELOG.md
AUTHORS is generated on each release.