- Xcode: Toolchain(clang, vim, git…)
- Office 365: No need to explain...
- Fantastical 2: A beautifual calendar app
- Notability: Take notes
- PDF Expert: Read/Edit PDF files
- Magnet: Window management
- Spotify: Music!!!
- Forklift: File manager with a bunch of network features
- Screens: VNC client
- Alfred: Laucher to accelerate daily operation
- Flume: Instgram client for Mac (3rd party)
- AdGuard: Systemwide ad blocker
- VScode: Code editor
- MacPort / Homebrew: Package manager, prefer MacPort due to security issue
- Boom3D: EQ
- Dozer: Hide menubar icons
- Password Management (1Password or Enpass)
- Spark: Email client
- iTerm 2: Terminal Emulator
- CleanMyMac X: Clean up system
- Docker: Lightweight virtualization solution
- Typora: Markdown editor
- Haptic Key: Add feedback for TouchBar
- TG Pro: System fan manager
- MiniPlay: Shows currently playing in Spotify/Apple Music
- Keka: Zip/Unzip files
- iina: Media Player
- Google Sync & Dropbox : Backup data
- Omni Graffle: For vector graphics